453 research outputs found

    Correlating charge and thermoelectric transport to paracrystallinity in conducting polymers.

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    The conceptual understanding of charge transport in conducting polymers is still ambiguous due to a wide range of paracrystallinity (disorder). Here, we advance this understanding by presenting the relationship between transport, electronic density of states and scattering parameter in conducting polymers. We show that the tail of the density of states possesses a Gaussian form confirmed by two-dimensional tight-binding model supported by Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics simulations. Furthermore, by using the Boltzmann Transport Equation, we find that transport can be understood by the scattering parameter and the effective density of states. Our model aligns well with the experimental transport properties of a variety of conducting polymers; the scattering parameter affects electrical conductivity, carrier mobility, and Seebeck coefficient, while the effective density of states only affects the electrical conductivity. We hope our results advance the fundamental understanding of charge transport in conducting polymers to further enhance their performance in electronic applications

    Moving beyond European and Latin American Typologies:The Peculiarities of AKP’s Populism in Turkey

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    Despite the growing literature on Turkish populism, there is yet no consensus on how best to categorise the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi or AKP). This article argues that this lack of consensus is due to a selective focus on the attributes of AKP’s populism. Indeed, when the party’s features are examined holistically, it does not neatly conform to the dominant typologies of populism, which were conceived mostly for European and Latin American examples. For historical reasons, AKP’s populist discourse defines “the people” versus “the elite” in civilisational terms and combines this with strategies of neo-liberalism, strong party organisation and grassroots mobilisation. This blend of populism distinguishes the AKP case from the exclusionary/inclusionary and classical/neo-liberal/radical typologies previously identified by the literature. However, the Bharatiya Janata Party in India and the Thai Rak Thai Party in Thailand have similar attributes to the AKP, drawing attention to the need to move beyond the existing ideological and strategic approaches to populism and towards a more comprehensive socio-cultural approach. The article contributes to the literature on populism by highlighting possible avenues for further research based on such a comprehensive understanding of populism based also on cases from Asia

    Local and global modes of drug action in biochemical networks

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    It becomes increasingly accepted that a shift is needed from the traditional target-based approach of drug development to an integrated perspective of drug action in biochemical systems. We here present an integrative analysis of the interactions between drugs and metabolism based on the concept of drug scope. The drug scope represents the set of metabolic compounds and reactions that are potentially affected by a drug. We constructed and analyzed the scopes of all US approved drugs having metabolic targets. Our analysis shows that the distribution of drug scopes is highly uneven, and that drugs can be classified into several categories based on their scopes. Some of them have small scopes corresponding to localized action, while others have large scopes corresponding to potential large-scale systemic action. These groups are well conserved throughout different topologies of the underlying metabolic network. They can furthermore be associated to specific drug therapeutic properties

    Highly dispersive optical soliton perturbation with Kerr law for complex Ginzburg–Landau equation

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    In this paper, highly dispersive optical solitons are obtained with the perturbed complex GinzburgâLandau equation, incorporating the Kerr law of nonlinearity, by the complete discriminant classification approach. A variety of solutions emerge from this scheme that include solitons, periodic solutions and doubly periodic solutions. The numerical sketches support the analytical findings

    Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation.

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    Cold-climate geomorphological processes today in the Mediterranean region are only distributed in the highest mountain environments. However, climate condition prevailing during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene have conditioned significant spatio-temporal variations of the glacial and periglacial domain in these mountains, including permafrost. In this communication we examine permafrost condition in the Mediterranean region taking into account five periods: Last Glaciation, deglaciation, Holocene, Little Ice Age (LIA) and present-day. The distribution of currently inactive permafrost-derived landforms and sedimentary records indicates that the permafrost elevation during the Last Glaciation was ca. 1000 m lower than present. Permafrost was also widespread in non-glaciated slopes above the snowline forming rock glaciers and block streams, as well as in relatively flat summit areas where meter-sized stone circles developed. As in most areas of the Northern Hemisphere, the deglaciation in the Mediterranean region started ca. 19-20 ka. The exposed terrain by retreating glaciers was affected by paraglacial dynamics and intense periglacial processes, mostly associated with permafrost condition. Many rock glaciers, protalus lobes and block streams formed in these recently deglaciated environments, becoming gradually inactive as temperatures rose during the Bølling-Allerød. Following the Younger Dryas glacial advance, the last massive deglaciation in Mediterranean mountains took place during the Early Holocene together with a progressive shift of the periglacial belt to higher elevations. It is unlikely that widespread permafrost have existed in Mediterranean mountains during the Holocene, except in the highest massifs exceeding 2500-3000 m. The colder climate prevailing during the LIA favoured a minor glacial advance and the spatial expansion of permafrost, with the development of new protalus lobes and rock glaciers in the highest massifs. Finally, the warming started during the second half of the 19th century has led to glacial retreat and/or complete melting, increased paraglacial activity, migration of periglacial processes to the highest lands and degradation of alpine permafrost along with geoecological changes

    Measurement invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 countries

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    The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is widely used to measure emotional experiences, but not much is known about its cross-cultural utility. The present study evaluated the measurement invariance of the SPANE across adult samples (N = 12,635; age range = 18-85 years; 58.2% female) from 13 countries (China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States). Configural and partial scalar invariance of the SPANE were supported. Three items capturing specific negative emotions (sad, afraid, and angry) were found to be culturally noninvariant. Our findings suggest that the SPANE's positive emotion terms and general negative emotion terms (e.g., negative and unpleasant) might be more suitable for cross-cultural studies on emotions and well-being, whereas caution is needed when comparing countries using the SPANE's specific negative emotion item

    W-shaped chirp free and chirped bright, dark solitons for perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation in nonlinear optical fibers

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    In the present investigation, we employed the Jacobi elliptic function (JEF) method to invoke the perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation with self-steepening (SS), self-phase modulation (SPM), and group velocity dispersion (GVD), which govern the propagation of solitonic pulses in optical fibres. The proposed algorithm proves the existence of the family of solitons in optical fibers. Consequently, chirped and chirp free W-shaped bright, dark soliton solutions are obtained from dn(ξ), cn(ξ) and sn(ξ) functions. The final results are displayed in three-dimensional plots with specific physical values of GVD, SPM and SS for an optical fiber