43 research outputs found

    An X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the SMC X-1/Sk 160 System

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    We have investigated the composition and distribution of the wind of Sk 160, the supergiant companion of the X-ray star SMC X-1, by comparing an X-ray spectrum of the source, obtained with the ASCA observatory, during an eclipse with the computed spectra of reprocessed radiation from circumstellar matter with various density distributions. We show that the metal abundance in the wind of Sk 160 is no greater than a few tenths of solar, as has been determined for other objects in the Magellanic Clouds. We also show that the observed X-ray spectrum is not consistent with the density distributions of circumstellar matter of the spherically symmetric form derived for line-driven winds, nor with the density distribution derived from a hydrodynamic simulation of the X-ray perturbed and line-driven wind by Blondin & Woo (1995).Comment: 35 pages including 16 figures, uses AASTeX v5.0.2, accepted to Ap

    The X-Ray Photoionized Wind in Cen X-3/V779 Cen

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    We analyze the ASCA spectrum of the Cen X-3 X-ray binary system in eclipse using atomic models appropriate to recombination-dominated level population kinetics in an overionized plasma. In order to estimate the wind characteristics, we first fit the eclipse spectrum to a single-zone photoionized plasma model. We then fit spectra from a range of orbital phases using global models of photoionized winds from the companion star and the accretion disk that account for the continuous distribution of density and ionization state. We find that the spectrum can be reproduced by a density distribution of the form derived by Castor, Abbot, & Klein (1975) for radiation-driven winds with with the value of the mass-loss rate divided by the terminal velocity consistent with values for isolated stars of the same stellar type. This is surprising because the neutron star is very luminous (~10^38 erg/s) and the X-rays from the neutron star should ionize the wind and destroy the ions that provide the opacity for the radiation-driven wind. Using the same functional form for the density profile, we also fit the spectrum to a spherically symmetric wind centered on the neutron star, a configuration chosen to represent a disk wind. We argue that the relatively modest orbital variation of the discrete spectrum rules out a disk wind hypothesis.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Resolving the Composite Fe K-alpha Emission Line in the Galactic Black Hole Cygnus X-1 with Chandra

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    We observed the Galactic black hole Cygnus X-1 with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for 30 kiloseconds on 4 January, 2001. The source was in an intermediate state, with a flux that was approximately twice that commonly observed in its persistent low/hard state. Our best-fit model for the X-ray spectrum includes narrow Gaussian emission line (E = 6.415 +/- 0.007 keV, FWHM = 80 (+28, -19) eV, W = 16 (+3, -2) eV) and broad line (E = 5.82 (+0.06, -0.07) keV, FWHM = 1.9 (+0.5, -0.3) keV, W = 140 (+70, -40) eV) components, and a smeared edge at 7.3 +/- 0.2 keV (tau ~ 1.0). The broad line profile is not as strongly skewed as those observed in some Seyfert galaxies. We interpret these features in terms of an accretion disk with irradiation of the inner disk producing a broad Fe K-alpha emission line and edge, and irradiation of the outer disk producing a narrow Fe K-alpha emission line. The broad line is likely shaped predominantly by Doppler shifts and gravitational effects, and to a lesser degree by Compton scattering due to reflection. We discuss the underlying continuum X-ray spectrum and these line features in the context of diagnosing the accretion flow geometry in Cygnus X-1 and other Galactic black holes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Quasi-Periodic Occultation by a Precessing Accretion Disk and Other Variabilities of SMC X-1

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    We have investigated the variability of the binary X-ray pulsar, SMC X-1, in data from several X-ray observatories. We confirm the ~60-day cyclic variation of the X-ray flux in the long-term monitoring data from the RXTE and CGRO observatories. X-ray light curves and spectra from the ROSAT, Ginga, and ASCA observatories show that the uneclipsed flux varies by as much as a factor of twenty between a high-flux state when 0.71 second pulses are present and a low-flux state when pulses are absent. In contrast, during eclipses when the X-rays consist of radiation scattered from circumsource matter, the fluxes and spectra in the high and low states are approximately the same. These observations prove that the low state of SMC X-1 is not caused by a reduction in the intrinsic luminosity of the source, or a spectral redistribution thereof, but rather by a quasi-periodic blockage of the line of sight, most likely by a precessing tilted accretion disk. In each of two observations in the midst of low states a brief increase in the X-ray flux and reappearance of 0.71 second pulses occurred near orbital phase 0.2. These brief increases result from an opening of the line of sight to the pulsar that may be caused by wobble in the precessing accretion disk. The records of spin up of the neutron star and decay of the binary orbit are extended during 1991-1996 by pulse-timing analysis of ROSAT, ASCA, and RXTE PCA data. The pulse profiles in various energy ranges from 0.1 to >21 keV are well represented as a combination of a pencil beam and a fan beam. Finally, there is a marked difference between the power spectra of random fluctuations in the high-state data from the RXTE PCA below and above 3.4 keV. Deviation from the fitted power law around 0.06 Hz may be QPO.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 33 pages including 11 figure

    Anomalous Low States and Long Term Variability in the Black Hole Binary LMC X-3

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    Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the black hole binary LMC X-3 reveal an extended very low X-ray state lasting from 2003 December 13 until 2004 March 18, unprecedented both in terms of its low luminosity (>15 times fainter than ever before seen in this source) and long duration (~3 times longer than a typical low/hard state excursion). During this event little to no source variability is observed on timescales of ~hours-weeks, and the X-ray spectrum implies an upper limit of 1.2x10^35 erg s^-1. Five years later another extended low state occurs, lasting from 2008 December 11 until 2009 June 17. This event lasts nearly twice as long as the first, and while significant variability is observed, the source remains reliably in the low/hard spectral state for the ~188 day duration. These episodes share some characteristics with the "anomalous low states" in the neutron star binary Her X-1. The average period and amplitude of the variability of LMC X-3 have different values between these episodes. We characterize the long-term variability of LMC X-3 before and after the two events using conventional and nonlinear time series analysis methods, and show that, as is the case in Her X-1, the characteristic amplitude of the variability is related to its characteristic timescale. Furthermore, the relation is in the same direction in both systems. This suggests that a similar mechanism gives rise to the long-term variability, which in the case of Her X-1 is reliably modeled with a tilted, warped precessing accretion disk.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy of the high-mass X-ray binary 4U1700-37 at low flux

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    We present results of a monitoring campaign of the high-mass X-ray binary system 4U 1700-37/HD 153919, carried out with XMM-Newton in February 2001. The system was observed at four orbital phase intervals, covering 37% of one 3.41-day orbit. The lightcurve includes strong flares, commonly observed in this source. We focus on three epochs in which the data are not affected by photon pile up: the eclipse, the eclipse egress and a low-flux interval in the lightcurve around orbital phase phi ~0.25. The high-energy part of the continuum is modelled as a direct plus a scattered component, each represented by a power law with identical photon index (alpha ~1.4), but with different absorption columns. We show that during the low-flux interval the continuum is strongly reduced, probably due to a reduction of the accretion rate onto the compact object. A soft excess is detected in all spectra, consistent with either another continuum component originating in the outskirts of the system or a blend of emission lines. Many fluorescence emission lines from near-neutral species and discrete recombination lines from He- and H-like species are detected during eclipse and egress. The detection of recombination lines during eclipse indicates the presence of an extended ionised region surrounding the compact object. The observed increase in strength of some emission lines corresponding to higher values of the ionisation parameter xi further substantiates this conclusion.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Determination of the mass of the neutron star in SMC X-1, LMC X-4 and Cen X-3 with VLT/UVES

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic monitoring campaign of the OB-star companions to the eclipsing X-ray pulsars SMC X-1, LMC X-4 and Cen X-3. High-resolution optical spectra obtained with UVES on the ESO Very Large Telescope are used to determine the radial-velocity orbit of the OB (super)giants with high precision. The excellent quality of the spectra provides the opportunity to measure the radial-velocity curve based on individual lines, and to study the effect of possible distortions of the line profiles due to e.g. X-ray heating on the derived radial-velocity amplitude. Several spectral lines show intrinsic variations with orbital phase. The magnitude of these variations depends on line strength, and thus provides a criterion to select lines that do not suffer from distortions. The undistorted lines show a larger radial-velocity amplitude than the distorted lines, consistent with model predictions. Application of our line-selection criteria results in a mean radial-velocity amplitude K(Opt) of 20.2 +/- 1.1, 35.1 +/- 1.5, and 27.5 +/- 2.3 km/s (1 sigma errors), for the OB companion to SMC X-1, LMC X-4 and Cen X-3, respectively. Adding information on the projected rotational velocity of the OB companion (derived from our spectra), the duration of X-ray eclipse and orbital parameters of the X-ray pulsar (obtained from literature), we arrive at a neutron star mass of 1.06^{+0.11}_{-0.10}, 1.25^{+0.11}_{-0.10} and 1.34^{+0.16}_{-0.14} M{sun} for SMC X-1, LMC X-4 and Cen X-3, respectively. The mass of SMC X-1 is near the minimum mass (~1 M{sun}) expected for a neutron star produced in a supernova. We discuss the implications of the measured mass distribution on the neutron-star formation mechanism, in relation to the evolutionary history of the massive binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    BeppoSAX spectroscopy of the luminous X-ray sources in M33

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    The nearby galaxy M33 was observed by the imaging X-ray instruments on-board BeppoSAX. Two observations at different phases of the 105.9 day intensity cycle of the luminous central source X-8 failed to reveal the expected modulation, suggesting that it is probably transitory. Similar behavior has been observed from several X-ray binary sources. This strengthens somewhat the idea that M33 X-8 is a black hole accreting from a binary companion. The 0.2-10 keV spectrum of M33 X-8 can best be modeled by an absorbed power-law with a photon index of 1.89 +0.40 -0.79 and a disk-blackbody with a temperature, kT, of 1.10 +/0 0.05 keV and a projected inner-disk radius of 55.4 +6.0 -7.7 km. This spectral shape is in good agreement with earlier ASCA results. The 2-10 keV spectra of M33 X-4, X-5, X-7, X-9 and X-10 are all consistent with power-law or bremsstrahlung models, whilst that of X-6 appears to be significantly more complex and may be reasonably well modeled with a disk-blackbody with kT = 1.7 +/- 0.2 keV and a projected inner-disk radius of 7 +/- 2 km. The spectrum of M33 X-9 is rather hard with a photon index of 1.3. Compared to earlier Einstein and ROSAT observations, M33 X-7 and X-9 varied in intensity, M33 X-4, X-6, and X-10 may have varied and M33 X-5 remained constant.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in A&