1,701 research outputs found

    Optimal Banking Sector Recapitalization

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    Government-financed bank restructuring programs, occasionally costing up to 50% of GDP, are commonly used to resolve banking crises. We analyze the Ramsey-optimal paths of bank recapitalization programs that weigh recapitalization benefits and costs under different financing options. In our model bank credit is essential, due to a working capital constraint on firms, and banks are financial intermediaries that borrow from households and lend to firms. A banking crisis produces a disruption of credit and a fall in output equivalent to those in developing countries affected by banking crises. Full recapitalization of the banking system immediately after the crisis is optimal only if international credit is available. One-shot recapitalization is not optimal with domestically-financed programs, even if the government has access to non-distortionary taxes. The welfare cost of a crisis is substantial: the equivalent permanent decline in the no-crisis steady state consumption ranges between 0.51% and 0.65%, depending on the source of financing the recapitalization program.financial intermediation; bank recapitalization; banking crises; banking capital

    Unified Mechanical Erosion Model for Multi-phase Mass Flows

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    Erosion poses a great challenge in multi-phase mass flows as it drastically changes flow behavior and deposition pattern by dramatically increasing their masses, adversely affecting population and civil structures. There exists no mechanically-explained, unified multi-phase erosion model. We constitute a novel, unified and comprehensive mechanical erosion rates for solid and fluid phases and demonstrate their richness and urgency. This is achieved by seminally introducing interacting stresses across erosion-interface. Shear resistances from the bed against shear stresses from the landslide are based on consistent physical principles. Proposed multi-phase interactive shear structures are mechanically superior and dynamically flexible. Total erosion rate is the sum of solid and fluid erosion rates which are mechanically extensive and compact. Erosion rates consistently take solid and fluid fractions from the bed and customarily supply to solid and fluid components in the flow. This overcomes severe limitations inherited by existing models. For the first time, we physically correctly construct composite, intricate erosion velocities of particle and fluid from the bed and architect the complete net momentum productions that include all interactions between solids and fluids in the landslide and bed. We invent stress correction, erosive-shear-velocity, super-erosion-drift and erosion-matrix characterizing complex erosion processes. By embedding well constrained extensive erosion velocities, unified erosion rates and net momentum productions including erosion-induced inertia into mass and momentum balances, we develop a novel, mechanically-explained, comprehensive multi-phase model for erosive mass flows. As new model covers a broad spectrum of natural processes it offers great opportunities for practitioners in solving technical, engineering problems related to erosive multi-phase mass flows

    Extended landslide velocity and analytical drag

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    The landslide velocity plays a dominant role in estimating impact force and devastated area. Here, based on Pudasaini and Krautblatter (2022), I develop a novel extended landslide velocity model that includes the force induced by the hydraulic pressure gradient which was neglected by all the existing analytical landslide velocity models. By a rigorous conversion between this force and inertia, I develop two peer systems expecting to produce the same results. However, this contradicts with our conventional wisdom. This raises a question of whether we should develop some new balance equations. I compare the two velocity models that neglects and includes the force induced by the hydraulic pressure gradient. Analytical solutions produced by the two systems are different. The new model is comprehensive, elegant, and yet an extraordinary development as it reveals serendipitous circumstances resulting in a pressure-inertia-paradox. Surprisingly, the mass first moves upstream, then it winds back and accelerates downslope. The difference between the extended and simple solution widens strongly as the force associated with the hydraulic pressure gradient increases, demonstrating its importance. Viscous drag plays an important role in controlling the landslide dynamics. However, no explicit mechanical and analytical model exists for this. The careful sagacity of the graceful form of new velocity equation results in a mechanically extensive, dynamically evolving analytical model for viscous drag, the first of this kind. A dimensionless drag number is constructed. Contrary to the prevailing practices, I have proven that drags are essentially different for the expanding and contracting motions, an entirely novel perception. Drag coefficients are close to the often used empirical or numerical values. But, now, I offer an innovative, physically-founded analytical model for drag in mass flow simulation

    Superconductivity at 5K in NdO0.5F0.5BiS2

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    We report appearance of superconductivity at 5K in NdO0.5F0.5BiS2 and supplement the discovery [1] of the same in layered sulfide based ZrCuSiAs type compounds. The bulk polycrystalline compound is synthesized by conventional solid state route via vacuum encapsulation technique. Detailed structural analysis showed that the studied compound is crystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space group with lattice parameters a = 3.9911(3) {\AA}, c = 13.3830(2) {\AA}. Bulk superconductivity is established in NdO0.5F0.5BiS2 at 5K by both transport and magnetic measurements. Electrical transport measurements showed superconducting Tc onset at 5.2K and Tc ({\rho}=0) at 4.7K. Under applied magnetic field both Tc onset and Tc ({\rho} =0) decrease to lower temperatures and an upper critical field [Hc2(0)] of above 23kOe is estimated. Both AC and DC magnetic susceptibility measurements showed bulk superconductivity below 5K. Isothermal magnetization (MH) exhibited typical type II behavior with lower critical field (Hc1) of around 15Oe. Isothermal magnetization (MH) exhibited typical type-II behavior with lower critical field (Hc1) of around 15Oe. Specific heat [Cp(T)] is investigated in the temperature range of 1.9-50K in zero external magnetic field. A Schottky-type anomaly is observed at low temperature below 7K. This low temperature Schottky can be attributed to the change in the entropy of the system.Comment: 10 pages text + Figs (New Version):comments/suggestion welcome ([email protected]

    Synthesis and superconductivity of new BiS2 based superconductor PrO0.5F0.5BiS2

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    We report synthesis and superconductivity at 3.7K in PrO0.5F0.5BiS2. The newly discovered material belongs to the layered sulfide based REO0.5F0.5BiS2 compounds having ZrCuSiAs type structure. The bulk polycrystalline compound is synthesized by vacuum encapsulation technique at 7800C in single step. Detailed structural analysis has shown that the as synthesized PrO0.5F0.5BiS2 is crystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space group with lattice parameters a = 4.015(5) {\AA}, c = 13.362(4) {\AA}. Bulk superconductivity is observed in PrO0.5F0.5BiS2 below 4K from magnetic and transport measurements. Electrical transport measurements showed superconducting transition temperature (Tc) onset at 3.7K and Tc ({\rho}=0) at 3.1K. Hump at Tc related to superconducting transition is not observed in heat capacity measurement and rather a Schottky-type anomaly is observed at below ~6K. The compound is slightly semiconducting in normal state. Isothermal magnetization (MH) exhibited typical type II behavior with lower critical field (Hc1) of around 8Oe.Comment: Short note 10 pages text+figs. First report on PrO.5F.5BiS2 Su

    Superconducting Mechanism through direct and redox layer doping in Pnictides

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    The mechanism of superconductivity in pnictides is discussed through direct doping in superconducting FeAs and also in charge reservoir REO layers. The un-doped SmFeAsO is charge neutral SDW (Spin Density Wave) compound with magnetic ordering below 150 K. The Superconducting FeAs layers are doped with Co and Ni at Fe site, whereas REO layers are doped with F at O site. The electron doping in SmFeAsO through Co results in superconductivity with transition temperature (Tc) maximum up to 15 K, whereas F doping results in Tc upto 47 K in SmFeAsO. All these REFe/Co/NiAsO/F compounds are iso-structural to ZrCuSiAs structure. The samples are crystallized in a tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm. Variation of Tc with different doping routes shows the versatility of the structure and mechanism of occurrence of superconductivity. It seems doping in redox layer is more effective than direct doping in superconducting FeAs layer.Comment: 4 Pages text + Figs: ([email protected]

    Geometry of Streamlines in Fluid Flow Theory

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    Intrinsic properties of lines of flow has been studied by employing anholonomic co ordinate system consisting of s-lines which are streamlines, n-lines the involutes of s-lines and b- lines the locus of centre of spherical curvature of s-lines. This gives rise to only two geometric parameters and interesting have been obtained. It was also shown that velocity can be expressed in terms of geometric parameters. Constancy of velocity along binormal line implies existence of Lump surface for the motion. It is found is not irrotational unless it is plane motion. In generalised screw motion it is found that wn/v=constant along the stream line
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