144 research outputs found

    Linear response in aging glassy systems, intermittency and the Poisson statistics of record fluctuations

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    We study the intermittent behavior of the energy decay and linear magnetic response of a glassy system during isothermal aging after a deep thermal quench using the Edward-Anderson spin glass model as a paradigmatic example. The large intermittent changes in the two observables are found to occur in a correlated fashion and through irreversible bursts, `quakes', which punctuate reversible and equilibrium-like fluctuations of zero average. The temporal distribution of the quakes it found to be a Poisson distribution with an average growing logarithmically on time, indicating that the quakes are triggered by record sized fluctuations. As the drift of an aging system is to a good approximation subordinated to the quakes, simple analytical expressions (Sibani et al. Phys Rev B 74, 224407, 2006) are available for the time and age dependence of the average response and average energy. These expressions are shown to capture the time dependencies of the EA simulation results. Finally, we argue that whenever the changes of the linear response function and of its conjugate autocorrelation function follow from the same intermittent events a fluctuation-dissipation-like relation can arise between the two in off-equilibrium aging.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures. The mproved version now includes a direct analysis of the intermittent signal. The new title is hopefully more informative. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Aging in Dense Colloids as Diffusion in the Logarithm of Time

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    The far-from-equilibrium dynamics of glassy systems share important phenomenological traits. A transition is generally observed from a time-homogeneous dynamical regime to an aging regime where physical changes occur intermittently and, on average, at a decreasing rate. It has been suggested that a global change of the independent time variable to its logarithm may render the aging dynamics homogeneous: for colloids, this entails diffusion but on a logarithmic time scale. Our novel analysis of experimental colloid data confirms that the mean square displacement grows linearly in time at low densities and shows that it grows linearly in the logarithm of time at high densities. Correspondingly, pairs of particles initially in close contact survive as pairs with a probability which decays exponentially in either time or its logarithm. The form of the Probability Density Function of the displacements shows that long-ranged spatial correlations are very long-lived in dense colloids. A phenomenological stochastic model is then introduced which relies on the growth and collapse of strongly correlated clusters ("dynamic heterogeneity"), and which reproduces the full spectrum of observed colloidal behaviors depending on the form assumed for the probability that a cluster collapses during a Monte Carlo update. In the limit where large clusters dominate, the collapse rate is ~1/t, implying a homogeneous, log-Poissonian process that qualitatively reproduces the experimental results for dense colloids. Finally an analytical toy-model is discussed to elucidate the strong dependence of the simulation results on the integrability (or lack thereof) of the cluster collapse probability function.Comment: 6 pages, extensively revised, final version; for related work, see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher/ or http://www.fysik.sdu.dk/staff/staff-vip/pas-personal.htm

    Linear response subordination to intermittent energy release in off-equilibrium aging dynamics

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    The interpretation of experimental and numerical data describing off-equilibrium aging dynamics crucially depends on the connection between spontaneous and induced fluctuations. The hypothesis that linear response fluctuations are statistically subordinated to irreversible outbursts of energy, so-called quakes, leads to predictions for averages and fluctuations spectra of physical observables in reasonable agreement with experimental results [see e.g. Sibani et al., Phys. Rev. B74:224407, 2006]. Using simulational data from a simple but representative Ising model with plaquette interactions, direct statistical evidence supporting the hypothesis is presented and discussed in this work. A strict temporal correlation between quakes and intermittent magnetization fluctuations is demonstrated. The external magnetic field is shown to bias the pre-existent intermittent tails of the magnetic fluctuation distribution, with little or no effect on the Gaussian part of the latter. Its impact on energy fluctuations is shown to be negligible. Linear response is thus controlled by the quakes and inherits their temporal statistics. These findings provide a theoretical basis for analyzing intermittent linear response data from aging system in the same way as thermal energy fluctuations, which are far more difficult to measure.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Text improve

    How a spin-glass remembers. Memory and rejuvenation from intermittency data: an analysis of temperature shifts

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    The memory and rejuvenation aspects of intermittent heat transport are explored theoretically and by numerical simulation for Ising spin glasses with short-ranged interactions. The theoretical part develops a picture of non-equilibrium glassy dynamics recently introduced by the authors. Invoking the concept of marginal stability, this theory links irreversible `intermittent' events, or `quakes' to thermal fluctuations of record magnitude. The pivotal idea is that the largest energy barrier b(tw,T)b(t_w,T) surmounted prior to twt_w by thermal fluctuations at temperature TT determines the rate rq1/twr_q \propto 1/t_w of the intermittent events occurring near twt_w. The idea leads to a rate of intermittent events after a negative temperature shift given by rq1/tweffr_q \propto 1/t_w^{eff}, where the `effective age' twefftwt_w^{eff} \geq t_w has an algebraic dependence on twt_w, whose exponent contains the temperatures before and after the shift. The analytical expression is verified by numerical simulations. Marginal stability suggests that a positive temperature shift TTT \to T' could erase the memory of the barrier b(tw,T)b(t_w,T). The simulations show that the barrier b(tw,T)b(tw,T)b(t_w,T') \geq b(t_w,T) controls the intermittent dynamics, whose rate is hence rq1/twr_q \propto 1/t_w. Additional `rejuvenation' effects are also identified in the intermittency data for shifts of both signs.Comment: Revised introduction and discussion. Final version to appear in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Intermittent quakes and record dynamics in the thermoremanent magnetization of a spin-glass

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    A novel method for analyzing the intermittent behavior of linear response data in aging systems is presented and applied to spin-glass thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) (Rodriguez et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 037203, 2003). The probability density function (PDF) of magnetic fluctuations is shown to have an asymmetric exponential tail, demonstrating that the demagnetization process is carried by intermittent, significant, spin rearrangements or \emph{quakes}. These quakes are most pronounced shortly after the field removal, t/tw1t/t_w \approx 1 and in the non-equilibrium aging regime t/tw>>1t/t_w >>1. For a broad temperature range, we study the dependence of the TRM decay rate on tt, the time since the initial quench and on twt_w, the time at which the magnetic field is cut. The tt and twt_w dependence of the rate is extracted numerically from the data and described analytically using the assumption that the linear response is subordinated to the intermittent process which spasmodically release the initial imbalances created by the quench.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. The paper has been expanded and restructured, the figures have been enlarged and improved. Final version, to appear in Phy. Rev.

    Record dynamics and the observed temperature plateau in the magnetic creep rate of type II superconductors

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations of a coarse grained three dimensional model to demonstrate that the experimentally observed approximate temperature independence of the magnetic creep rate for a broad range of temperatures may be explained in terms of record dynamics, {\it viz.} the dynamical properties of the times at which a stochastic fluctuating signal establishes records.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Replaced in order to correct the order of the Bessel function in Eq.

    Properties of the energy landscape of network models for covalent glasses

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    We investigate the energy landscape of two dimensional network models for covalent glasses by means of the lid algorithm. For three different particle densities and for a range of network sizes, we exhaustively analyse many configuration space regions enclosing deep-lying energy minima. We extract the local densities of states and of minima, and the number of states and minima accessible below a certain energy barrier, the 'lid'. These quantities show on average a close to exponential growth as a function of their respective arguments. We calculate the configurational entropy for these pockets of states and find that the excess specific heat exhibits a peak at a critical temperature associated with the exponential growth in the local density of states, a feature of the specific heat also observed in real glasses at the glass transition.Comment: RevTeX, 19 pages, 7 figure