4,464 research outputs found

    Photodeposition of amorphous polydiacetylene films from monomer solutions onto transparent substrates

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    Polydiacetylenes are a very promising class of polymers for both photonic and electronic applications because of their highly conjugated structures. For these applications, high-quality thin polydiacetylene films are required. We have discovered a novel technique for obtaining such films of a polydiacetylene derivative of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline using photodeposition from monomer solutions onto UV transparent substrates. This heretofore unreported process yields amorphous polydiacetylene films with thicknesses on the order of I micron that have optical quality superior to that of films grown by standard crystal growth techniques. Furthermore, these films exhibit good third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities; degenerate four-wave mixing experiments give x(3) values on the order of 10(exp -8) - 10(exp -7) esu. We have conducted masking experiments which demonstrate that photodeposition occurs only where the substrate is directly irradiated, clearly indicating that the reaction occurs at the surface. Additionally, we have also been able to carry out photodeposition using lasers to form thin polymer circuits. In this work, we discuss the photodeposition of polydiacetylene thin films from solution, perform chemical characterization of these films, investigate the role of the substrate, speculate on the mechanism of the reaction, and make a preliminary determination of the third-order optical nonlinearity of the films. This simple, straightforward technique may ultimately make feasible the production of polydiacetylene thin films for technological applications

    Preparation of polymeric diacetylene thin films for nonlinear optical applications

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    A method for producing polymeric diacetylene thin films having desirable nonlinear optical characteristics has been achieved by producing amorphous diacetylene polymeric films by simultaneous polymerization of diacetylene monomers in solution and deposition of polymerized diacetylenes on to the surface of a transparent substrate through which ultraviolet light has been transmitted. These amorphous polydiacetylene films produced by photo-deposition from solution possess very high optical quality and exhibit large third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, such properties being suitable for nonlinear optical devices such as waveguides and integrated optics

    Apollo Lightcraft project

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    The detailed design of a beam-powered transatmospheric vehicle, the Apollo Lightcraft, was selected as the project for the design course. The principal goal is to reduce the LEO payload delivery cost by at least three orders of magnitude below the Space Shuttle Orbiter in the post 2020 era. The completely reusable, single-stage-to-orbit shuttlecraft will take off and land vertically, and have a reentry heat shield integrated with its lower surface. At appropriate points along the launch trajectory, the combined cycle propulsion system will transition through three or four airbreathing modes, and finally use a pure rocket mode for orbital insertion. The objective for the Spring semester propulsion source was to design and perform a detailed theoretical analysis on an advanced combined-cycle engine suitable for the Apollo Lightcraft. The preliminary theoretical analysis of this combined-cycle engine is now completed, and the acceleration performance along representative orbital trajectories was simulated. The total round trip cost is 3430or3430 or 686 per person. This represents a payload delivery cost of $3.11/lb, which is a factor of 1000 below the STS. The Apollo Lightcraft concept is now ready for a more detailed investigation during the Fall semester Transatmosphere Vehicle Design course

    Continuous Wavelets on Compact Manifolds

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    Let M\bf M be a smooth compact oriented Riemannian manifold, and let ΔM\Delta_{\bf M} be the Laplace-Beltrami operator on M{\bf M}. Say 0 \neq f \in \mathcal{S}(\RR^+), and that f(0)=0f(0) = 0. For t>0t > 0, let Kt(x,y)K_t(x,y) denote the kernel of f(t2ΔM)f(t^2 \Delta_{\bf M}). We show that KtK_t is well-localized near the diagonal, in the sense that it satisfies estimates akin to those satisfied by the kernel of the convolution operator f(t2Δ)f(t^2\Delta) on \RR^n. We define continuous S{\cal S}-wavelets on M{\bf M}, in such a manner that Kt(x,y)K_t(x,y) satisfies this definition, because of its localization near the diagonal. Continuous S{\cal S}-wavelets on M{\bf M} are analogous to continuous wavelets on \RR^n in \mathcal{S}(\RR^n). In particular, we are able to characterize the Ho¨\ddot{o}lder continuous functions on M{\bf M} by the size of their continuous S−{\mathcal{S}}-wavelet transforms, for Ho¨\ddot{o}lder exponents strictly between 0 and 1. If M\bf M is the torus \TT^2 or the sphere S2S^2, and f(s)=se−sf(s)=se^{-s} (the ``Mexican hat'' situation), we obtain two explicit approximate formulas for KtK_t, one to be used when tt is large, and one to be used when tt is small

    Apollo Lightcraft Project

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    This second year of the NASA/USRA-sponsored Advanced Aeronautical Design effort focused on systems integration and analysis of the Apollo Lightcraft. This beam-powered, single-stage-to-orbit vehicle is envisioned as the shuttlecraft of the 21st century. The five person vehicle was inspired largely by the Apollo Command Module, then reconfigured to include a new front seat with dual cockpit controls for the pilot and co-pilot, while still retaining the 3-abreast crew accommodations in the rear seat. The gross liftoff mass is 5550 kg, of which 500 kg is the payload and 300 kg is the LH2 propellant. The round trip cost to orbit is projected to be three orders of magnitude lower than the current space shuttle orbiter. The advanced laser-driven 5-speed combined-cycle engine has shiftpoints at Mach 1, 5, 11 and 25+. The Apollo Lightcraft can climb into low Earth orbit in three minutes, or fly to any spot on the globe in less than 45 minutes. Detailed investigations of the Apollo Lightcraft Project this second year further evolved the propulsion system design, while focusing on the following areas: (1) man/machine interface; (2) flight control systems; (3) power beaming system architecture; (4) re-entry aerodynamics; (5) shroud structural dynamics; and (6) optimal trajectory analysis. The principal new findings are documented. Advanced design efforts for the next academic year (1988/1989) will center on a one meter+ diameter spacecraft: the Lightcraft Technology Demonstrator (LTD). Detailed engineering design and analyses, as well as critical proof-of-concept experiments, will be carried out on this small, near-term machine. As presently conceived, the LTD could be constructed using state of the art components derived from existing liquid chemical rocket engine technology, advanced composite materials, and high power laser optics

    Ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under different scenarios of future climate and land use change

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    The State of Hawai\u27i passed legislation to be carbon neutral by 2045, a goal that will partly depend on carbon sequestration by terrestrial ecosystems. However, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the future direction and magnitude of the land carbon sink in the Hawaiian Islands. We used the Land Use and Carbon Scenario Simulator (LUCAS), a spatially explicit stochastic simulation model that integrates landscape change and carbon gain-loss, to assess how projected future changes in climate and land use will influence ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under all combinations of two radiative forcing scenarios (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5) and two land use scenarios (low and high) over a 90 year timespan from 2010 to 2100. Collectively, terrestrial ecosystems of the Hawaiian Islands acted as a net carbon sink under low radiative forcing (RCP 4.5) for the entire 90 year simulation period, with low land use change further enhancing carbon sink strength. In contrast, Hawaiian terrestrial ecosystems transitioned from a net sink to a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere under high radiative forcing (RCP 8.5), with high land use accelerating this transition and exacerbating net carbon loss. A sensitivity test of the CO2 fertilization effect on plant productivity revealed it to be a major source of uncertainty in projections of ecosystem carbon balance, highlighting the need for greater mechanistic understanding of plant productivity responses to rising atmospheric CO2. Long-term model projections such as ours that incorporate the interactive effects of land use and climate change on regional ecosystem carbon balance will be critical to evaluating the potential of ecosystem-based climate mitigation strategies

    Outcomes of Adult Patients with Small Body Size Supported with a Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device

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    There is insufficient data on patients with small body size to determine if this should be considered a risk factor for continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (CF-LVAD) support. We sought to evaluate survival outcomes, adverse events, and functional status of CF-LVAD patients with body surface area (BSA) <1.5 m2 in a large national registry. Adults with BSA < 1.5 m2 (n = 128) implanted with a HeartMate II (HMII)-LVAD from the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support registry from April 2008 to December 2012 formed this cohort. Outcomes were compared with HMII bridge to transplant (BTT) and destination therapy (DT) post approval studies. The majority of patients were female (n = 106, 83%). A total of 64% (n = 82) were implanted for BTT and 36% (n = 46) for DT. The median BSA (range) was 1.44 (1.19–1.49) and 1.45 (1.25–1.49) m2 for BTT and DT, respectively. Overall survival 1 year post implant was 81% ± 5% for BTT and 84% ± 6% for DT. The most common adverse events for BTT and DT patients were bleeding (0.91, 0.88 events/patient year) and driveline infection (16%, 0.28 events/patient year). Six months post implantation, 87% of BTT and 77% of DT patients were New York Heart Association functional class I or II. Post implant survival, functional status improvement, and adverse event profile for adult BTT and DT HMII patients with BSA < 1.5 m2 are favorable and comparable with outcomes published in the overall patient population
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