21 research outputs found

    Survey on Data Preprocessing Method of Web Usage Mining.

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    Abstract-By Web Usage Mining from raw data it is possible to make the relevant information which is helpful in analysis. User identification in the web is possible by Web usag

    Effect of Osmotic Dehydration and Drying Air Temperatures on the Quality of Dried White Button Mushroom

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    Experiments were conducted on air drying of button mushroom osmotically dehydrated in 10, 15 and 20 per cent sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration to investigate the effect of osmotic dehydration and drying air temperatures on drying characteristics of mushroom and the quality of dried mushroom. Drying was accomplished in fluidized bed dryer at 35, 40 and 50°C temperatures. The time required for drying of osmotically dehydrated mushroom to 15 to 18 per cent moisture content was found to be 5.5 to 11 h. The rate of drying increased with the increase in drying temperature. Increase in drying temperature significantly reduced the total drying time. Osmotic dehydration in NaCI had influence on the water activity of the final product. Similarly, ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) and potassium metabisulphate (KMS) had influence on the amino acid content, colour and rehydration ratio. EDTA treated samples were recommended on the basis of amino acid content and KMS treatment improved the colour of the dried mushroom. A loss of approximately 1.4 mg of ascorbic acid was observed during drying

    Enzyme pre‐milling treatments improved milling performance of chickpeas by targeting mechanisms of seed coat and cotyledon adhesion with various effects on dhal quality

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    BACKGROUND: Dehulling and splitting are important elements of the milling process to produce dhal from pulses. However, grain that is difficult-to-mill because of tightly adhered seed coats or cotyledons that resist separation makes it difficult to achieve high quality dhal. Milling yields are reduced, energy inputs into the milling process are increased, and the resulting dhal can be of poorer quality, chipped or abraded. RESULTS: Eight enzyme pre-treatments were chosen based on the hypothesised mechanisms of seed coat and cotyledon adhe-sion established previously. Using a difficult-to-mill chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotype, we examined the effects of these pre-treatments, over time, on laboratory-scale milling performance and dhal quality. We pioneered a texture analyser method to measure the flex of the cotyledons and the force required to cleave the cotyledons. The enzyme-induced changes ranged from negative (tough seed coat, weight loss, deleterious colour and texture, increased visual damage to cotyledons and increased kibble loss, concave cotyledons, increased flex, and changes in taste) to positive (brittle seed coat, increased seed vol ume, improved dehulling efficiency and splitting yield, reduced cotyledon cleavage force, and acceptable dhal quality and taste). CONCLUSION: All pre-treatments improved milling performance compared to milling the raw seed, although there was consid-erable variation between them. Two pre-treatments showed no improvement in milling yields compared to the water control, and several pre-treatments resulted in unacceptable qualities. Three pre-treatments, endo-polygalacturonanase, α-galactosidase and cellulase, show potential for commercial milling applications and could assist pulse millers globally to achieve high quality dhal at the same time as minimising milling effort