103 research outputs found


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    In this article author considers genesis of a concept of communication, and also the modern domestic theories describing this phenomenon of communication. Besides, the author tells us about types of communications, such as informative, convincing and expressional types. Also the author tell us about different types of barriers in communication with the practical examples concerning ethnocultural distinctions in a business sphere


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    In this article author considers genesis of a concept of communication, and also the modern domestic theories describing this phenomenon of communication. Besides, the author tells us about types of communications, such as informative, convincing and expressional types. Also the author tell us about different types of barriers in communication with the practical examples concerning ethnocultural distinctions in a business sphere


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    The main practical recommendations intended to overcome the ethnocultural barriers that arise between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos in the process of communication are presented. The recommendations are based on the results of the dissertation research, which identified the main ethno -cultural barriers in business communication between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos, as well as the statements of the group of experts on the issue of intercultural business communication. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the use of the derived recommendations


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    The main practical recommendations intended to overcome the ethnocultural barriers that arise between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos in the process of communication are presented. The recommendations are based on the results of the dissertation research, which identified the main ethno -cultural barriers in business communication between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos, as well as the statements of the group of experts on the issue of intercultural business communication. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the use of the derived recommendations

    Vacuum spacetimes of embedding class two

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    Doubt is cast on the much quoted results of Yakupov that the torsion vector in embedding class two vacuum space-times is necessarily a gradient vector and that class 2 vacua of Petrov type III do not exist. The rst result is equivalent to the fact that the two second fundamental forms associated with the embedding necessarily commute and has been assumed in most later investigations of class 2 vacuum space-times. Yakupov stated the result without proof, but hinted that it followed purely algebraically from his identity: Rijkl Ckl = 0 where Cij is the commutator of the two second fundamental forms of the embedding.From Yakupov's identity, it is shown that the only class two vacua with non-zero commutator Cij must necessarily be of Petrov type III or N. Several examples are presented of non-commuting second fundamental forms that satisfy Yakupovs identity and the vacuum condition following from the Gauss equation; both Petrov type N and type III examples occur. Thus it appears unlikely that his results could follow purely algebraically. The results obtained so far do not constitute denite counter-examples to Yakupov's results as the non-commuting examples could turn out to be incompatible with the Codazzi and Ricci embedding equations. This question is currently being investigated

    Surgical treatment of unstable fractures of the clavicle

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    Clavicle fractures are one of the most common types of injuries and range from 2.6 to 4% of all skeletal injuries. The aim of the study was to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with fractures of the clavicle in the middle third. Material and methods. The study included 104 patients with fractures of the clavicle in the middle third. In the main group (48 patients) for osteosynthesis of the clavicle, a lockable rod of the original design was used, in the comparison group (56 patients) bone osteosynthesis was performed. Evaluation of the results was carried out on the DASH scale 3,6 and 12 months after osteosynthesis. Results: the proposed technology of operative treatment of clavicle fractures in the middle third with the use of an original compression blocking rod to improve the results of treatment of this group of patients. The developed algorithm for diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating victims with fractures of the collarbone allows to improve the results of treatment, provides for household and social reintegration of patients. Analysis of the results of the clinical trial revealed a significant advantage of the results on the DASH scale and a lower incidence of complications in the main group (p <0.05).Переломы ключицы относятся к одному из наиболее часто встречающихся видов травм и составляют от 2,6 до 4% среди всех повреждений скелета. Цель исследования: улучшение результатов хирургического лечения пациентов с переломами ключицы в средней трети. Материал и методы. В исследование вошли 104 пациента с переломами ключицы в средней трети. В основной группе (48 пациентов) для остеосинтеза ключицы использовался блокируемый стержень оригинальной конструкции, в группе сравнения (56 пациентов) проводился накостный остеосинтез. Оценка результатов проводилась по шкале DASH через 3,6 и 12 месяцев после остеосинтеза. Результаты: предложенная технология оперативного лечения переломов ключицы в средней трети с использованием оригинального компрессирующего блокируемого стержня улучшить результаты лечения данной группы пациентов. Разработанный алгоритм диагностики, лечения и еабилитации пострадавших с переломами ключицы позволяет улучшить результаты лечения, обеспечивает бытовую и социальную реинтгеграцию пациентов. Анализ результатов клинического исследования выявил достоверное преимущество результатов по шкале DASH и меньшую частоту осложнений в основной группе (р<0,05)

    Ion-Pair Chromatography for the Determination of Capreomycin Sulfate Components and Related Substances

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    Chromatographic methods for the analysis of antibiotic degradation products are widely used to evaluate the quality of medicines. Natural multicomponent antibiotics, such as capreomycin, are the most challenging compounds in terms of developing analytical procedures for related substances. Capreomycin sulfate monographs of the leading pharmacopoeias do not contain specifications for related substances. The key requirement concerns the sum of the main components of capreomycin calculated by normalising the peak areas in the test solution chromatogram. Therefore, it is important to develop an analytical procedure for determining not only the main components but also related substances of capreomycin.The aim of the study was to develop an analytical procedure for determining both the main components (IA, IB, IIA, and IIB) and related substances of capreomycin by ion-pair ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC).Materials and methods. This study examined capreomycin sulfate powder, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Capreomycin sulfate solutions were analysed after artificial degradation (alkaline or acid hydrolysis) to demonstrate the resolution, selectivity, and efficiency of the experimental chromatographic system. The authors used an Agilent 1100 liquid chromatography instrument (Agilent Technologies) and chromatographic columns: Kinetex C18, YMC-Triart С18, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C8, ACQUITY UPLC BEH Phenyl, and ACQUITY UPLC CSH C18 (experimental procedure) or Acclaim C18, Zorbax SB-C18, and XBridge BEH130 C18 (The International Pharmacopoeia procedure).Results. In contrast to pharmacopoeial procedures, which evaluate only the component composition, the experimental procedure under the selected chromatography conditions can determine both the component composition and related substances of capreomycin. This advantage results from substituting a column packed with 1.7 µm particles for a 5 µm column required for pharmacopoeial procedures. The experimental procedure remains suitable for liquid chromatography instruments with a pressure limit of no more than 400 bar in the gradient elution mode with two mobile phases. According to the efficiency and selectivity evaluation, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 columns (150 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) provide optimal peak resolution for capreomycin isoforms and related substances after artificial degradation of capreomycin.Conclusions. This experimental procedure based on ion-pair UHPLC may be used in the production and stability testing of capreomycin medicines to evaluate the API quality by the content of its main components and related substances

    Perceived and mentally rotated contents are differentially represented in cortical depth of V1

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    Primary visual cortex (V1) in humans is known to represent both veridically perceived external input and internally-generated contents underlying imagery and mental rotation. However, it is unknown how the brain keeps these contents separate thus avoiding a mixture of the perceived and the imagined which could lead to potentially detrimental consequences. Inspired by neuroanatomical studies showing that feedforward and feedback connections in V1 terminate in different cortical layers, we hypothesized that this anatomical compartmentalization underlies functional segregation of external and internally-generated visual contents, respectively. We used high-resolution layer-specific fMRI to test this hypothesis in a mental rotation task. We found that rotated contents were predominant at outer cortical depth bins (i.e. superficial and deep). At the same time perceived contents were represented stronger at the middle cortical bin. These results identify how through cortical depth compartmentalization V1 functionally segregates rather than confuses external from internally-generated visual contents. These results indicate that feedforward and feedback manifest in distinct subdivisions of the early visual cortex, thereby reflecting a general strategy for implementing multiple cognitive functions within a single brain region

    Assessment of the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the contralateral joint

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    Presents the results of a prospective study of the effectiveness of Diacerein in osteoarthritis (OA) of the contralateral hip in 68 patients (age 52-70 years) who underwent hip arthroplasty of the hip joint. The results showed that 3-month course of diacerein reduces inflammation in the contralateral hip joint, stabilizing the parameters of the biomechanics of the segment of the lower limb and that further enhances the quality of life. Thus, there is a direct link between the presence of the operated limb and function of the contralateral TBS in the balance of the musculoskeletal system. The mechanism of action of diacerein is associated with a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process in the joint in the formation of a new kinematic node. Further study the influence of prosthetic limbs on the contralateral hip and prospects preoperative medication correction of degenerative-dystrophic changes.Представлены результаты проспективного исследования эффективности Диацереина при остеоартрозе (ОА) контралатерального тазобедренного сустава у 68 больных (возраст 52-70 лет), перенесших артропластику тазобедренного сустава. Результаты исследования показали, что 3-х месячный курс диацереина снижает воспалительный процесс в контралатеральном тазобедренном суставе, стабилизируя параметры биомеханики сегмента нижней конечности и что последующим повышает качество жизни. Таким образом, имеется прямая связь между наличием оперированной конечности и функцией контралатерального ТБС в балансе опорно-двигательной системы. Механизм действия диацереина связан со снижением интенсивности воспалительного процесса в суставе в условиях формирования нового кинематического узла. Требуются дальнейшие изучения влияния протезированной конечности на контралатеральный тазобедренный сустав и перспективы дооперационной медикаментозной коррекции деструктивно-дистрофических изменений в суставах