10,756 research outputs found

    Chaos, Determinacy and Fractals in Active-Sterile Neutrino Oscillations in the Early Universe

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    The possibility of light sterile neutrinos allows for the resonant production of lepton number in the early universe through matter-affected neutrino mixing. For a given a mixing of the active and sterile neutrino states it has been found that the lepton number generation process is chaotic and strongly oscillatory. We undertake a new study of this process' sensitivity to initial conditions through the quantum rate equations. We confirm the chaoticity of the process in this solution, and moreover find that the resultant lepton number and the sign of the asymmetry produces a fractal in the parameter space of mass, mixing angle and initial baryon number. This has implications for future searches for sterile neutrinos, where arbitrary high sensitivity could not be determinate in forecasting the lepton number of the universe.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bright gap solitons of atoms with repulsive interaction

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    We report on the first experimental observation of bright matter-wave solitons for 87Rb atoms with repulsive atom-atom interaction. This counter intuitive situation arises inside a weak periodic potential, where anomalous dispersion can be realized at the Brillouin zone boundary. If the coherent atomic wavepacket is prepared at the corresponding band edge a bright soliton is formed inside the gap. The strength of our system is the precise control of preparation and real time manipulation, allowing the systematic investigation of gap solitons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Variational approach for walking solitons in birefringent fibres

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    We use the variational method to obtain approximate analytical expressions for the stationary pulselike solutions in birefringent fibers when differences in both phase velocities and group velocities between the two components and rapidly oscillating terms are taken into account. After checking the validity of the approximation we study how the soliton pulse shape depends on its velocity and nonlinear propagation constant. By numerically solving the propagation equation we have found that most of these stationary solutions are stable.Comment: LaTeX2e, uses graphicx package, 23 pages with 8 figure

    Study of Co-seismic Planetary Conditions for Earthquake Prediction

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    The periodicities in the occurrence of earthquakes, as indicated by the cosmic conditions, have been traced by analysing the planetary data at the time of occurrence of more than 1100 earthquakes of magnitude, M 27.0, which occurred during the period 1896 to 1965. Correlation between the transits of planets in the sensitive areas and at sensitive longitudes in the zodiac and the seismicity of California and adjoining area has been shown. Based on the analysis, a method for forecasting earthquakes is also proposed

    Achievable Qubit Rates for Quantum Information Wires

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    Suppose Alice and Bob have access to two separated regions, respectively, of a system of electrons moving in the presence of a regular one-dimensional lattice of binding atoms. We consider the problem of communicating as much quantum information, as measured by the qubit rate, through this quantum information wire as possible. We describe a protocol whereby Alice and Bob can achieve a qubit rate for these systems which is proportional to N^(-1/3) qubits per unit time, where N is the number of lattice sites. Our protocol also functions equally in the presence of interactions modelled via the t-J and Hubbard models

    Information content of the weak-charge form factor

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    Parity-violating electron scattering provides a model-independent determination of the nuclear weak-charge form factor that has widespread implications across such diverse areas as fundamental symmetries, nuclear structure, heavy-ion collisions, and neutron-star structure. We assess the impact of precise measurements of the weak-charge form factor of 48{}^{48}Ca and 208{}^{208}Pb on a variety of nuclear observables, such as the neutron skin and the electric-dipole polarizability. We use the nuclear Density Functional Theory with several accurately calibrated non-relativistic and relativistic energy density functionals. To assess the degree of correlation between nuclear observables and to explore systematic and statistical uncertainties on theoretical predictions, we employ the chi-square statistical covariance technique. We find a strong correlation between the weak-charge form factor and the neutron radius, that allows for an accurate determination of the neutron skin of neutron-rich nuclei. We determine the optimal range of the momentum transfer qq that maximizes the information content of the measured weak-charge form factor and quantify the uncertainties associated with the strange quark contribution. Moreover, we confirm the role of the electric-dipole polarizability as a strong isovector indicator. Accurate measurements of the weak-charge form factor of 48{}^{48}Ca and 208{}^{208}Pb will have a profound impact on many aspects of nuclear theory and hadronic measurements of neutron skins of exotic nuclei at radioactive-beam facilities.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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