7,193 research outputs found

    Single contact tailored gain phased array of semiconductor lasers

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    We demonstrate a single contact tailored gain-guided array in which the gain profile across the array is made strongly asymmetric by varying the width of the contact stripes. A proton isolated array of six (GaAl)As lasers with 5-µm separations and widths varying linearly between 3 and 8 µm had a single lobed far field 2° wide, close to the diffraction limit for a single supermode. Fabrication of this device is simple, and suited to large-scale processing techniques. We also show that in such an asymmetric gain-guided array the fundamental mode is favored over higher order modes, and that higher order modes can have single lobed far-field patterns differing only slightly from that of the fundamental

    Structural and Dynamical Anomalies of a Gaussian Core Fluid: a Mode Coupling Theory Study

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    We present a theoretical study of transport properties of a liquid comprised of particles uist1:/home/sokrates/egorov/oldhome/Pap41/Submit > m abs.tex We present a theoretical study of transport properties of a liquid comprised of particles interacting via Gaussian Core pair potential. Shear viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient are computed on the basis of the mode-coupling theory, with required structural input obtained from integral equation theory. Both self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity display anomalous density dependence, with diffusivity increasing and viscosity decreasing with density within a particular density range along several isotherms below a certain temperature. Our theoretical results for both transport coefficients are in good agreement with the simulation data

    The Intersections of Race, Gender, Age, and Socioeconomic Status: Implications for Reporting Discrimination and Attributions to Discrimination.

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    This study employed an intersectional approach (operationalized as the combination of more than one social identity) to examine the relationship between aspects of social identity (i.e., race, gender, age, SES), self-reported level of mistreatment, and attributions for discrimination. Self-reported discrimination has been researched extensively and there is substantial evidence of its association with adverse physical and psychological health outcomes. Few studies, however, have examined the relationship of multiple demographic variables (including social identities) to overall levels self-reported mistreatment as well the selection of attributions for discrimination. A diverse community sample (N = 292; 42.12% Black; 47.26% male) reported on experiences of discrimination using the Everyday Discrimination Scale. General linear models were used to test the effect of sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., race, gender, age, SES) on total discrimination score and on attributions for discrimination. To test for intersectional relationships, we tested the effect of two-way interactions of sociodemographic characteristics on total discrimination score and attributions for discrimination. We found preliminary support for intersectional effects, as indicated by a significant race by age interaction on the selection of the race attribution for discrimination; gender by SES on the age attribution; age by gender on the education attribution; and race by SES on the economic situation attribution. Our study extends prior work by highlighting the importance of testing more than one factor as contributing to discrimination, particularly when examining to what sources individuals attribute discrimination

    Measurement of mutual inductance from frequency dependence of impedance of AC coupled circuit using digital dual-phase lock-in amplifier

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    We present a simple method to determine the mutual inductance MM between two coils in a coupled AC circuit by using a digital dual-phase lock-in amplifier. The frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts is measured as the coupling constant is changed. The mutual inductance MM decreases as the distance dd between the centers of coils is increased. We show that the coupling constant is proportional to dnd^{-n} with an exponent nn (\approx 3). This coupling is similar to that of two magnetic moments coupled through a dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, Fig.1 is corrected, figures in png files, short version is published in Am. J. Phys. 76, (2008) 12

    A simplified protocol for detecting two systemic bait markers (Rhodamine B and iophenoxic acid) in small mammals

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    We developed a method of quantifying levels of fluorescence in the whiskers of wild stoats (Mustela erminea) using fluorescence microscopy and Axiovision software. The method allows for discrimination between natural fluorescence present in or on a whisker, and the fluorescence resulting from the ingestion of the systemic marker Rhodamine B (RB), although some visual judgement is still required. We also developed a new high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) protocol for detecting the systemic marker iophenoxic acid (IPA) in the blood of laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) and wild stoats. With this method, the blood of an animal that has consumed IPA can be tested for the presence of the foreign IPA compound itself. This is a more reliable test than the previous method, which measured the raised level of natural blood protein-bound iodine correlated with IPA absorption. The quantity of blood required from animal subjects is very small (10 μl), so the testing is less intrusive and the method can be extended to smaller species. The extraction technique uses methanol, rather than acids and heavy metal salts, thereby simplifying the procedure. Recovery of IPA is quantitative, giving a highly reliable reading. In experiments on captive rats the IPA method proved successful. Of 12 positively marked carcasses, two that had not been frozen for the 24 h before blood samples were taken showed relatively lower IPA levels. The same IPA detection method, as well as the whisker analysis for RB, was applied successfully to a population of wild stoats to which both Rhodamine B and IPA were made available at bait stations. The presence of both bait markers was detectable in rats for at least 21 days and in stoats for at least 27 days

    Measuring galaxy cluster masses with CMB lensing using a Maximum Likelihood estimator: Statistical and systematic error budgets for future experiments

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    We develop a Maximum Likelihood estimator (MLE) to measure the masses of galaxy clusters through the impact of gravitational lensing on the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We show that, at low noise levels in temperature, this optimal estimator outperforms the standard quadratic estimator by a factor of two. For polarization, we show that the Stokes Q/U maps can be used instead of the traditional E- and B-mode maps without losing information. We test and quantify the bias in the recovered lensing mass for a comprehensive list of potential systematic errors. Using realistic simulations, we examine the cluster mass uncertainties from CMB-cluster lensing as a function of an experiment's beam size and noise level. We predict the cluster mass uncertainties will be 3 - 6% for SPT-3G, AdvACT, and Simons Array experiments with 10,000 clusters and less than 1% for the CMB-S4 experiment with a sample containing 100,000 clusters. The mass constraints from CMB polarization are very sensitive to the experimental beam size and map noise level: for a factor of three reduction in either the beam size or noise level, the lensing signal-to-noise improves by roughly a factor of two.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures: figs 2, 3 updated, references added: accepted for publication in JCA

    An ultrastructural investigation of the surface microbiota present on the leaves and reproductive structures of the resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia

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    The leaves, flower and stems of the southern African angiosperm resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia were investigated at the ultrastructural level to determine the source of previously reported fungal contamination. Fungal mycelia and hyphae of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium were found localized to the hydathodes of the leaves and stigmatic surfaces of the female flowers in both desiccated and hydrated specimens. A waxy bacterium of the genus Bacillus was found to colonise the waxy epidermal surfaces of the leaves and flowers which was also where fungal cells were found to be absent. It is suggested that the wax like deposits within the leaves and stems as well as over the epidermal surface prevent the growth of the fungal organisms. These fungi opportunistically invade moist surfaces, such as the floral stigmas, during periods of moisture availability and may thus negatively impact plant development

    Inhomogeneous Nucleation of Quark-Gluon Plasma in High Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    We estimate the probability that a hard nucleon-nucleon collision is able to nucleate a seed of quark--gluon plasma in the surrounding hot and dense hadronic matter formed during a central collision of two large nuclei at AGS energies. The probability of producing at least one such seed is on the order of 1-100\%. We investigate the influence of quark--gluon plasma formation on the observed multiplicity distribution and find that it may lead to noticable structure in the form of a bump or shoulder.Comment: 16 pages, latex and 12 ps figures available on reques

    Development and evaluation of an interactive multimedia clinical skills teaching program designed for the pediatric clerkship.

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    Background and Purpose: The physical examination section of a multimedia program developed to teach infant history and physical examination skills was evaluated. Methods: 71 students participated: one group viewed only the physical examination section (PX), one the history section (HX), one none of the program (CX). Physical examination skills were assessed by direct observation of medical students performing an abdominal exam and scored using a checklist at baseline, immediately after intervention and at the end of the pediatric clerkship. Results were analyzed using ANOVA with repeated measures. Results: Baseline scores were: PX 2.5; HX 2.8. The PX group scored significantly higher immediately post intervention at 6.8 compared to the HX group 3.1. At the end of the clerkship significant differences between the groups remained. Final group mean scores were: PX 5.5, HX 4.4 and CX 2.7. Conclusion: The program improved examination skills with attenuation over 6 weeks