9,912 research outputs found

    Gender Politics and Secure Services For Women: Reflections on a study of staff understandings of challenging behaviour.

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    This paper discusses the findings of a Q methodological study that investigated the complexity of professional understandings of (attitudes towards) residents in a secure unit for women with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. Particular attention is afforded to the critical debate regarding women in psychiatric and secure care, including the significant contribution made to this literature by feminist perspectives. A multiprofessional group of staff (n = 38) participated in the study and nine distinct accounts of women's challenging behaviour are described. Despite a considerable amount of recent policy concern with the position of women in psychiatric services, the findings of this research suggest that many front line staff are reluctant to highlight gender in their explanations of women's behaviour. This supports the assertion by Williams et al. (2001), who were involved in the National Gender Training Initiative (NGTI), that most critical theorizing about women's mental health has had minimal impact at the level of individuals’ understandings of these important issues. This state of affairs suggests a powerful case for the expansion of staff training as provided in the NGTI, which makes gender central to understanding and emphasizes feminist perspectives

    Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency during inhaled corticosteroid treatment

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    Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency, presenting as hypoglycaemia or poor weight gain, may occur on withdrawal of corticosteroid treatment but has not previously been reported during inhaled corticosteroid treatment. This case series illustrates the occurence of clinically significant adrenal insufficiency in asthmatic children while patients were on inhaled corticosteroid treatment and the unexpected modes of presentation. General practitioners and paediatricians need to be aware that this unusual but acute serious complication may occur in patients treated

    The new controls infrastructure for the SPS

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    A completely new control infrastructure has been installed in the SPS machine and experimental areas, replacing the old control system based on NORD computers that dated back to the 1970s. The new system uses Unix workstations and X terminals to replace the old console computers, and PC and VME chassis running LynxOS to replace the low-level interface computers. This paper will present the old equipment access, then describe the transitional phase when the two systems were run in parallel followed by the final complete transition to the new system and the removal of the NORD computers. A great effort was made to recreate the old programming environment in the new system in order to preserve the enormous investment in application programs. The equipment access and the NORD console simulator are two examples of this effort. Finally the paper will present the results of the first few months of operation of the SPS and its experimental areas with this new control infrastructure

    Unstable Hadrons in Hot Hadron Gas in Laboratory and in the Early Universe

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    We study kinetic master equations for chemical reactions involving the formation and the natural decay of unstable particles in a thermal bath. We consider the decay channel of one into two particles, and the inverse process, fusion of two thermal particles into one. We present the master equations the evolution of the density of the unstable particles in the early Universe. We obtain the thermal invariant reaction rate using as an input the free space (vacuum) decay time and show the medium quantum effects on π+πρ\pi+\pi \leftrightarrow \rho reaction relaxation time. As another laboratory example we describe the K+KϕK+K \leftrightarrow \phi process in thermal hadronic gas in heavy-ion collisions. A particularly interesting application of our formalism is the π0γ+γ\pi^{0}\leftrightarrow \gamma +\gamma process in the early Universe. We also explore the physics of π±\pi^{\pm} and μ±\mu^{\pm} freeze-out in the Universe.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, published in Physical Review

    DNET: A communications facility for distributed heterogeneous computing

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    This document describes DNET, a heterogeneous data communications networking facility. DNET allows programs operating on hosts on dissimilar networks to communicate with one another without concern for computer hardware, network protocol, or operating system differences. The overall DNET network is defined as the collection of host machines/networks on which the DNET software is operating. Each underlying network is considered a DNET 'domain'. Data communications service is provided between any two processes on any two hosts on any of the networks (domains) that may be reached via DNET. DNET provides protocol transparent, reliable, streaming data transmission between hosts (restricted, initially to DECnet and TCP/IP networks). DNET also provides variable length datagram service with optional return receipts

    Spin-1 Particles with Light-Front Approach

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    For the vector sector, i.e, mesons with spin-1, the electromagnetic form factors and anothers observables are calculated with the light-front approach. However, the light-front quantum field theory have some problems, for example, the rotational symmetry breaking. We solve that problem added the zero modes contribuition to the matrix elements of the electromagnetic current, besides the valence contribuition. We found that among the four independent matrix elements of the plus component in the light-front helicity basis only the 000\to 0 one carries zero mode contributions.Comment: 5 pages. 3 Figures, use latex and EPJ styl

    Variable-Speed-of-Light Cosmology and Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    We examine whether the cosmologies with varying speed of light (VSL) are compatible with the second law of thermodynamics. We find that the VSL cosmology with varying fundamental constant is severely constrained by the second law of thermodynamics, whereas the bimetric cosmological models are less constrained.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, Revised version with minor corrections to appear in Phys. Rev.