742 research outputs found

    Efficacy of a self-help manual in increasing resilience in carers of adults with depression in Thailand

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    Caring for a person with a mental illness can have adverse effects on caregivers; however, little is known about how best to help such caregivers. The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a cognitive behaviour therapy-guided self-help manual in increasing resilience in caregivers of individuals with depression, in comparison to caregivers who receive routine support only. A randomized, controlled trial was conducted, following CONSORT guidelines, with 54 caregivers allocated to parallel intervention (self-help manual) (n = 27) or control (standard support) (n = 27) groups. Resilience was assessed at baseline, post-test (week 8), and follow up (week 12). Intention-to-treat analyses were undertaken. Repeated-measures ANOVA indicated a significant difference in resilience scores between the three time points, showing a large effect. Pairwise comparisons between intervention and control groups indicated resilience to be significantly different between baseline and post-test, and between baseline and follow up, but not between post-test and follow up. Overall, the intervention group showed a slightly greater increase in resilience over time than the control group; however, the time–group interaction was not significant. Guided self-help is helpful in improving caregivers’ resilience and could be used as an adjunct to the limited support provided to carers by mental health nurses and other clinicians

    Thermoregulation and Rate of Body Warming During Warm Water (40℃) Immersion in Female Children and Adults

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    Resort operators often do not allow children to use hot tubs/whirlpools because of the general belief that children cannot tolerate even a short exposure to warm water (40℃). This belief is based on body size characteristics and under developed thermoregulatory responses of children. Therefore, we measured anthropometric, thermoregulatory, and immersion time required to increase core temperature at 38.5℃, on 14 female subjects (7-23 years). All subjects tolerated 10 minutes of immersion safely, but indicated they would have voluntarily exited the water earlier. Warming rates were somewhat related to body type, but did not depend on age. Healthy female children (\u3e7 years) could therefore safely tolerate 5 to 10 minutes of warm water immersion with adult supervision

    Single-trial classification of neural responses evoked in rapid serial visual presentation: Effects of stimulus onset asynchrony and stimulus repetition

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    Abstract-Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) tasks, in which participants are presented with a continuous sequence of images in one location, have been used in combination with electroencephalography (EEG) in a variety of Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) applications. The RSVP task is advantageous because it can be performed at a high temporal rate. The rate of the RSVP sequence is controlled by the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between subsequent stimuli. When used within the context of a BMI, an RSVP task with short SOA could increase the information throughput of the system while also allowing for stimulus repetitions. However, reducing the SOA also increases the perceptual degradation caused by presenting two stimuli in close succession, and it decreases the target-to-target interval (TTI), which can increase the cognitive demands of the task. These negative consequences of decreasing the SOA could affect on the EEG signal measured in the task and degrade the performance of the BMI. Here we systematically investigate the effects of SOA and stimulus repetition (r) on single-trial target detection in an RSVP task. Ten healthy volunteers participated in an RSVP task in four conditions that varied in SOA and repetitions (SOA=500 ms, r=1; SOA=250 ms, r=2; SOA=166 ms, r=3; and SOA=100 ms, r=5) while processing time across conditions was controlled. There were two key results: First, when controlling for the number of repetitions, single-trial performance increases when the SOA decreases. Second, when the repetitions were combined, the best performance (AUC=0.967) was obtained with the shortest SOA (100 ms). These results suggest that shortening the SOA in an RSVP task has the benefit of increasing the performance relative to longer SOAs, and it also allows a higher number of repetitions of the stimuli in a limited amount of time

    A closer look into two-step perovskite conversion with X-ray scattering

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    Recently, hybrid perovskites have gathered much interest as alternative materials for the fabrication of highly efficient and cost-competitive solar cells; however, many questions regarding perovskite crystal formation and deposition methods remain. Here we have applied a two-step protocol where a crystalline PbI2 precursor film is converted to MAPbI3–xClx perovskite upon immersion in a mixed solution of methylammonium iodide and methylammonium chloride. We have investigated both films with grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering to probe the inner film morphology. Our results demonstrate a strong link between lateral crystal sizes in the films before and after conversion, which we attribute to laterally confined crystal growth. Additionally, we observe an accumulation of smaller grains within the bulk in contrast with the surface. Thus, our results help to elucidate the crystallization process of perovskite films deposited via a two-step technique that is crucial for controlled film formation, improved reproducibility, and high photovoltaic performance

    Beam power scale-up in MEMS based multi-beam ion accelerators

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    We report on the development of multi-beam RF linear ion accelerators that are formed from stacks of low cost wafers and describe the status of beam power scale-up using an array of 120 beams. The total argon ion current extracted from the 120-beamlet extraction column was 0.5 mA. The measured energy gain in each RF gap reached as high as 7.25 keV. We present a path of using this technology to achieve ion currents >1 mA and ion energies >100 keV for applications in materials processing

    Thermoregulatory, metabolic, and cardiovascular responses during 88 min of full-body ice immersion - A case study.

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    Exposure to extreme cold environments is potentially life-threatening. However, the world record holder of full-body ice immersion has repeatedly demonstrated an extraordinary tolerance to extreme cold. We aimed to explore thermoregulatory, metabolic, and cardiovascular responses during 88 min of full-body ice immersion. We continuously measured gastrointestinal temperature (Tgi ), skin temperature (Tskin), blood pressure, and heart rate (HR). Oxygen consumption (VO2 ) was measured at rest, and after 45 and 88 min of ice immersion, in order to calculate the metabolic heat production. Tskin dropped significantly (28-34°C to 4-15°C) and VO2 doubled (5.7-11.3 ml kg-1  min-1 ), whereas Tgi (37.6°C), HR (72 bpm), and mean arterial pressure (106 mmHg) remained stable during the first 30 min of cold exposure. During the remaining of the trial, Tskin and VO2 remained stable, while Tgi gradually declined to 37.0°C and HR and mean arterial blood pressure increased to maximum values of 101 bpm and 115 mmHg, respectively. Metabolic heat production in rest was 169 W and increased to 321 W and 314 W after 45 and 80 min of ice immersion. Eighty-eight minutes of full-body ice immersion resulted in minor changes of Tgi and cardiovascular responses, while Tskin and VO2 changed markedly. These findings may suggest that our participant can optimize his thermoregulatory, metabolic, and cardiovascular responses to challenge extreme cold exposure

    Understanding charge transport in lead iodide perovskite thin-film field-effect transistors

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    Fundamental understanding of the charge transport physics of hybrid lead halide perovskite semiconductors is important for advancing their use in high-performance optoelectronics. We use field-effect transistors (FETs) to probe the charge transport mechanism in thin films of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3_{3}). We show that through optimization of thin-film microstructure and source-drain contact modifications, it is possible to significantly minimize instability and hysteresis in FET characteristics and demonstrate an electron field-effect mobility (μFET_{FET}) of 0.5 cm2^{2}/Vs at room temperature. Temperature-dependent transport studies revealed a negative coefficient of mobility with three different temperature regimes. On the basis of electrical and spectroscopic studies, we attribute the three different regimes to transport limited by ion migration due to point defects associated with grain boundaries, polarization disorder of the MA+^{+} cations, and thermal vibrations of the lead halide inorganic cages.S.P.S. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society London for a Newton Fellowship. B.Y. acknowledges support from China Council Scholarship and Cambridge Overseas Trust. A.S. and R.H.F. acknowledge funding and support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the India-U.K. APEX project. P.D. acknowledges support from the European Union through the award of a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship. X.M. is grateful for the support from the Royal Society. B.N. is grateful for the support from Gates Cambridge and the Winton Program for the Physics of Sustainability. We acknowledge funding from the EPSRC through a program grant (EP/M005143/1). We acknowledge funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under agreement number 01162525/1. This work was performed in part on the SAXS/WAXS beamline of the Australian Synchrotron, Victoria, Australia (55, 56). C.R.M. acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council (DP13012616)

    Portable prehospital methods to treat near-hypothermic shivering cold casualties

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    Objectives To compare the effectiveness of a single-layered polyethylene survival bag (P), a single-layered polyethylene survival bag with a hot drink (P+HD), a multi-layered metalized plastic sheeting survival bag (MPS: Blizzard Survival), and a multi-layered MPS survival bag with four large chemical-heat pads (MPS+HP: Blizzard Heat) to treat cold casualties. Methods Portable cold casualty treatment methods were compared by examining core and skin temperature, metabolic heat production and thermal comfort during a 3-h, 0°C cold-air exposure in seven shivering, near-hypothermic men (35.4°C). The hot drink (70°C, ~400ml, ~28kJ) was consumed at 0, 1 and 2 h during the cold-air exposure. Results During the cold-air exposure, core-rewarming and thermal comfort were similar on all trials (P = 0.45 and P = 0.36, respectively). However, skin temperature was higher (10-13%, P 2.7) and metabolic heat production lower (15-39%, P 0.9) on MPS and MPS+HP than P and P+HD. The addition of heat pads further lowered metabolic heat production by 15% (MPS+HP vs. MPS, P = 0.05, large effect size d = 0.9). The addition of the hot drink to polyethylene survival bag did not increase skin temperature or lower metabolic heat production. Conclusions Near-hypothermic cold casualties are rewarmed with less peripheral cold stress and shivering thermogenesis using a multi-layered MPS survival bag compared with a polyethylene survival bag. Prehospital rewarming is further aided by large chemical heat pads but not by hot drinks

    A Change in the Dark Room: The Effects of Human Factors and Cognitive Loading Issues for NextGen TRACON Air Traffic Controllers

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    By 2020 all aircraft in United States airspace must use ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) Out. This is a key component of the Next Generation (NextGen) Air Transportation System, which marks the first time all aircraft will be tracked continuously using satellites instead of ground-based radar. Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) in the Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) is a primary NextGen upgrade where digitized automation/information surrounds STARS controllers while controlling aircraft. Applying the SHELL model, the authors analyze human factors changes affecting TRACON controllers from pre-STARS technology through NextGen technologies on performance. Results of an informal survey of STARS controllers assessed cognitive processing issues and indicates the greatest concern is with movements to view other displays and added time to re-engage STARS