226 research outputs found

    Rigorous envelope approximation for interface wave-packets in Maxwell’s equations in 2D localization

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    We study transverse magnetic (vector valued) wave-packets in the time dependent Kerr nonlinear Maxwell’s equations at the interface of two inhomogeneous dielectrics with an instantaneous material response. The resulting model is quasilinear. The problem is solved on each side of the interface and the fields are coupled via natural interface conditions. The wave-packet is localized at the interface and propagates in the tangential direction. For a slowly modulated envelope approximation the nonlinear Schrödinger equation is formally derived as an amplitude equation for the envelope. We rigorously justify the approximation in a Sobolev space norm on the corresponding asymptotically large time intervals. The well-posedness result for the quasilinear Maxwell problem builds on the local theory of [R. Schnaubelt und M. Spitz, Local wellposedness of quasilinear Maxwell equations with conservative interface conditions, Commun. Math. Sci., accepted, 2022] and extends this to asymptotically large time intervals for small data using an involved bootstrapping argument

    A quasilinear transmission problem with application to Maxwell equations with a divergence-free D-field

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    Maxwell equations in the absence of free charges require initial data with a divergence-free displacement field D. In materials in which the dependence D=D(E) is nonlinear the quasilinear problem 07 c5D(E)=0 is hence to be solved. In many applications, e.g. in the modelling of wave packets, an approximative asymptotic ansatz of the electric field E is used, which satisfies this divergence condition at t=0 only up to a small residual. We search then for a small correction of the ansatz to enforce 07 c5D(E)=0 at t=0 and choose this correction in the form of a gradient field. In the usual case of a power type nonlinearity in D(E) this leads to the sum of the Laplace and p-Laplace operators. We also allow for the medium to consist of two different materials so that a transmission problem across an interface is produced. We prove the existence of the correction term for a general class of nonlinearities and provide regularity estimates for its derivatives, independent of the L2-norm of the original ansatz. In this way, when applied to the wave packet setting, the correction term is indeed asymptotically smaller than the original ansatz. We also provide numerical experiments to support our analysis

    Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of H3+ ions with electron

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    We study binary and the recently discovered process of ternary He-assisted recombination of H3+ ions with electrons in a low temperature afterglow plasma. The experiments are carried out over a broad range of pressures and temperatures of an afterglow plasma in a helium buffer gas. Binary and He-assisted ternary recombination are observed and the corresponding recombination rate coefficients are extracted for temperatures from 77 K to 330 K. We describe the observed ternary recombination as a two-step mechanism: First, a rotationally-excited long-lived neutral molecule H3* is formed in electron-H3+ collisions. Second, the H3* molecule collides with a helium atom that leads to the formation of a very long-lived Rydberg state with high orbital momentum. We present calculations of the lifetimes of H3* and of the ternary recombination rate coefficients for para and ortho-H3+. The calculations show a large difference between the ternary recombination rate coefficients of ortho- and para-H3+ at temperatures below 300 K. The measured binary and ternary rate coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the calculated values.Comment: 15 page

    Coupled-mode equations and gap solitons in a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a separable periodic potential

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    We address a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a finite-amplitude periodic potential. For a class of separable symmetric potentials, we study the bifurcation of the first band gap in the spectrum of the linear Schr\"{o}dinger operator and the relevant coupled-mode equations to describe this bifurcation. The coupled-mode equations are derived by the rigorous analysis based on the Fourier--Bloch decomposition and the Implicit Function Theorem in the space of bounded continuous functions vanishing at infinity. Persistence of reversible localized solutions, called gap solitons, beyond the coupled-mode equations is proved under a non-degeneracy assumption on the kernel of the linearization operator. Various branches of reversible localized solutions are classified numerically in the framework of the coupled-mode equations and convergence of the approximation error is verified. Error estimates on the time-dependent solutions of the Gross--Pitaevskii equation and the coupled-mode equations are obtained for a finite-time interval.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of D-3(+) ions with electrons

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    Flowing and stationary afterglow experiments were performed to study the recombination of D-3(+) ions with electrons at temperatures from 77 to 300 K. A linear dependence of apparent (effective) binary recombination rate coefficients on the pressure of the helium buffer gas was observed. Binary (D-3(+)+e(-)) and ternary (D-3(+)+e(-)+He) recombination rate coefficients were derived. The obtained binary rate coefficient agrees with recent theoretical values for dissociative recombination of D-3(+). We describe the observed ternary process by a mechanism with two rate determining steps. In the first step, a rotationally excited long-lived neutral D-3* is formed in D-3(+)-e(-) collisions. As the second step, the D-3* collides with a helium atom that prevents autoionization of D-3*. We calculate lifetimes of D-3* formed from ortho-, para-, or metastates of D-3(+) and use the lifetimes to calculate ternary recombination rate coefficients

    Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of H3+ ions with electron

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    We study binary and the recently discovered process of ternary He-assisted recombination of H3+ ions with electrons in a low temperature afterglow plasma. The experiments are carried out over a broad range of pressures and temperatures of an afterglow plasma in a helium buffer gas. Binary and He-assisted ternary recombination are observed and the corresponding recombination rate coefficients are extracted for temperatures from 77 K to 330 K. We describe the observed ternary recombination as a two-step mechanism: First, a rotationally-excited long-lived neutral molecule H3* is formed in electron-H3+ collisions. Second, the H3* molecule collides with a helium atom that leads to the formation of a very long-lived Rydberg state with high orbital momentum. We present calculations of the lifetimes of H3* and of the ternary recombination rate coefficients for para and ortho-H3+. The calculations show a large difference between the ternary recombination rate coefficients of ortho- and para-H3+ at temperatures below 300 K. The measured binary and ternary rate coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the calculated values.Comment: 15 page

    Continuation for thin film hydrodynamics and related scalar problems

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    This chapter illustrates how to apply continuation techniques in the analysis of a particular class of nonlinear kinetic equations that describe the time evolution through transport equations for a single scalar field like a densities or interface profiles of various types. We first systematically introduce these equations as gradient dynamics combining mass-conserving and nonmass-conserving fluxes followed by a discussion of nonvariational amendmends and a brief introduction to their analysis by numerical continuation. The approach is first applied to a number of common examples of variational equations, namely, Allen-Cahn- and Cahn-Hilliard-type equations including certain thin-film equations for partially wetting liquids on homogeneous and heterogeneous substrates as well as Swift-Hohenberg and Phase-Field-Crystal equations. Second we consider nonvariational examples as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, convective Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations and thin-film equations describing stationary sliding drops and a transversal front instability in a dip-coating. Through the different examples we illustrate how to employ the numerical tools provided by the packages auto07p and pde2path to determine steady, stationary and time-periodic solutions in one and two dimensions and the resulting bifurcation diagrams. The incorporation of boundary conditions and integral side conditions is also discussed as well as problem-specific implementation issues

    Molecular excitation in the Interstellar Medium: recent advances in collisional, radiative and chemical processes

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    We review the different excitation processes in the interstellar mediumComment: Accepted in Chem. Re