618 research outputs found

    Phase differences in reaction-diffusion-advection systems and applications to morphogenesis

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    The authors study the effect of advection on reaction-diffusion patterns. It is shown that the addition of advection to a two-variable reaction–diffusion system with periodic boundary conditions results in the appearance of a phase difference between the patterns of the two variables which depends on the difference between the advection coefficients. The spatial patterns move like a travelling wave with a fixed velocity which depends on the sum of the advection coefficients. By a suitable choice of advection coefficients, the solution can be made stationary in time. In the presence of advection a continuous change in the diffusion coefficients can result in two Turing-type bifurcations as the diffusion ratio is varied, and such a bifurcation can occur even when the inhibitor species does not diffuse. It is also shown that the initial mode of bifurcation for a given domain size depends on both the advection and diffusion coefficients. These phenomena are demonstrated in the numerical solution of a particular reaction–diffusion system, and finally a possible application of the results to pattern formation in Drosophila larvae is discussed

    Modelling the effects of Transforming Growth Factor-β on extracellular matrix alignment in dermal wound repair

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    We present a novel mathematical model for collagen deposition and alignment during dermal wound healing, focusing on the regulatory effects of transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ.) Our work extends a previously developed model which considers the interactions between fibroblasts and an extracellular matrix composed of collagen and a fibrin based blood clot, by allowing fibroblasts to orient the collagen matrix, and produce and degrade the extracellular matrix, while the matrix directs the fibroblasts and control their speed. Here we extend the model by allowing a time varying concentration of TGFβ to alter the properties of the fibroblasts. Thus we are able to simulate experiments which alter the TGFβ profile. Within this model framework we find that most of the known effects of TGFβ, i.e., changes in cell motility, cell proliferation and collagen production, are of minor importance to matrix alignment and cannot explain the anti-scarring properties of TGFβ. However, we find that by changing fibroblast reorientation rates, consistent with experimental evidence, the alignment of the regenerated tissue can be significantly altered. These data provide an explanation for the experimentally observed influence of TGFβ on scarring

    Mathematical models for cell-matrix interactions during dermal wound healing

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    This paper contains a review of our recent work on the mathematical modeling of cell interaction with extracellular matrix components during the process of dermal wound healing. The models are of partial differential equation type and allow us to investigate in detail how various mechanochemical effects may be responsible for certain wound healing disorders such as fibrocontractive and fibroproliferative diseases. We also present a model for wound healing angiogenesis. The latter has several features in common with angiogenesis during cancer tumour growth and spread so a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in the context of wound healing may also help in the treatment of certain cancers

    A multiscale model for collagen alignment in wound healing

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    It is thought that collagen alignment plays a significant part in scar tissue formation during dermal wound healing. We present a multiscale model for collagen deposition and alignment during this process. We consider fibroblasts as discrete units moving within an extracellular matrix of collagen and fibrin modelled as continua. Our model includes flux induced alignment of collagen by fibroblasts, and contact guidance of fibroblasts by collagen fibres. We can use the model to predict the effects of certain manipulations, such as varying fibroblast speed, or placing an aligned piece of tissue in the wound. We also simulate experiments which alter the TGF-β concentrations in a healing dermal wound and use the model to offer an explanation of the observed influence of this growth factor on scarring

    Cellular pattern formation during Dictyostelium aggregation

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    The development of multicellularity in the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum provides a paradigm model system for biological pattern formation. Previously, mathematical models have shown how a collective pattern of cell communication by waves of the messenger molecule cyclic adenosine 3′5′-monophosphate (cAMP) arises from excitable local cAMP kinetics and cAMP diffusion. Here we derive a model of the actual cell aggregation process by considering the chemotactic cell response to cAMP and its interplay with the cAMP dynamics. Cell density, which previously has been treated as a spatially homogeneous parameter, is a crucial variable of the aggregation model. We find that the coupled dynamics of cell chemotaxis and cAMP reaction-diffusion lead to the break-up of the initially uniform cell layer and to the formation of the striking cell stream morphology which characterizes the aggregation process in situ. By a combination of stability analysis and two-dimensional simulations of the model equations, we show cell streaming to be the consequence of the growth of a small-amplitude pattern in cell density forced by the large-amplitude cAMP waves, thus representing a novel scenario of spatial patterning in a cell chemotaxis system. The instability mechanism is further analysed by means of an analytic caricature of the model, and the condition for chemotaxis-driven instability is found to be very similar to the one obtained for the standard (non-oscillatory) Keller-Segel system. The growing cell stream pattern feeds back into the cAMP dynamics, which can explain in some detail experimental observations on the time evolution of the cAMP wave pattern, and suggests the characterization of the Dictyostelium aggregation field as a self-organized excitable medium

    Pattern formation in reaction diffusion models with spatially inhomogeneous diffusion coefficients

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    Reaction-diffusion models for biological pattern formation have been studied extensively in a variety of embryonic and ecological contexts. However, despite experimental evidence pointing to the existence of spatial inhomogeneities in various biological systems, most models have only been considered in a spatially homogeneous environment. The authors consider a two-chemical reaction-diffusion mechanism in one space dimension in which one of the diffusion coefficients depends explicitly on the spatial variable. The model is analysed in the case of a step function diffusion coefficient and the insight gained for this special case is used to discuss pattern generation for smoothly varying diffusion coefficients. The results show that spatial inhomogeneity may be an important biological pattern regulator, and possible applications of the model to chondrogenesis in the vertebrate limb are suggested

    Unravelling the Turing bifurcation using spatially varying diffusion coefficients

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    The Turing bifurcation is the basic bifurcation generating spatial pattern, and lies at the heart of almost all mathematical models for patterning in biology and chemistry. In this paper the authors determine the structure of this bifurcation for two coupled reaction diffusion equations on a two-dimensional square spatial domain when the diffusion coefficients have a small explicit variation in space across the domain. In the case of homogeneous diffusivities, the Turing bifurcation is highly degenerate. Using a two variable perturbation method, the authors show that the small explicit spatial inhomogeneity splits the bifurcation into two separate primary and two separate secondary bifurcations, with all solution branches distinct. This splitting of the bifurcation is more effective than that given by making the domain slightly rectangular, and shows clearly the structure of the Turing bifurcation and the way in which the! var ious solution branches collapse together as the spatial variation is reduced. The authors determine the stability of the solution branches, which indicates that several new phenomena are introduced by the spatial variation, including stable subcritical striped patterns, and the possibility that stable stripes lose stability supercritically to give stable spotted patterns

    Travelling waves in wound healing

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    We illustrate the role of travelling waves in wound healing by considering three different cases. Firstly, we review a model for surface wound healing in the cornea and focus on the speed of healing as a function of the application of growth factors. Secondly, we present a model for scar tissue formation in deep wounds and focus on the role of key chemicals in determining the quality of healing. Thirdly, we propose a model for excessive healing disorders and investigate how abnormal healing may be controlled

    Biological implications of a discrete mathematical model for collagen deposition and alignment in dermal wound repair

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    We deveiop a novel mathematical model for collagen deposition and alignment during dermal wound healing. We focus on the interactions between fibroblasts, modelled as discrete entities, and a continuous extracellular matrix composed of collagen and a fibrin based blood clot. There are four basic interactions assumed in the model: fibroblasts orient the collagen matrix, fibroblasts produce and degrade collagen and fibrin and the matrix directs the fibroblasts and determines the speed of the cells. Several factors which influence the alignment of collagen are examined and related to current anti-scarring therapies using transforming growth factor ß. The most influential of these factors are cell speed and, more importantly for wound healing, the influx of fibroblasts from surrounding tissue

    A mathematical model for the capillary endothelial cell-extracellular matrix interactions in wound-healing angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis, the process by which new blood capillaries grow into a tissue from surrounding parent vessels, is a key event in dermal wound healing, malignant-tumour growth, and other pathologic conditions. In wound healing, new capillaries deliver vital metabolites such as amino acids and oxygen to the cells in the wound which are involved in a complex sequence of repair processes. The key cellular constituents of these new capillaries are endothelial cells: their interactions with soluble biochemical and insoluble extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins have been well documented recently, although the biological mechanisms underlying wound-healing angiogenesis are incompletely understood. Considerable recent research, including some continuum mathematical models, have focused on the interactions between endothelial cells and soluble regulators (such as growth factors). In this work, a similar modelling framework is used to investigate the roles of the insoluble ECM substrate, of which collagen is the predominant macromolecular protein. Our model consists of a partial differential equation for the endothelial-cell density (as a function of position and time) coupled to an ordinary differential equation for the ECM density. The ECM is assumed to regulate cell movement (both random and directed) and proliferation, whereas the cells synthesize and degrade the ECM. Analysis and numerical solutions of these equations highlights the roles of these processes in wound-healing angiogenesis. A nonstandard approximation analysis yields insight into the travel ling-wave structure of the system. The model is extended to two spatial dimensions (parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the skin), for which numerical simulations are presented. The model predicts that ECM-mediated random motility and cell proliferation are key processes which drive angiogenesis and that the details of the functional dependence of these processes on the ECM density, together with the rate of ECM remodelling, determine the qualitative nature of the angiogenic response. These predictions are experimentally testable, and they may lead towards a greater understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in wound-healing angiogenesis
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