5,254 research outputs found

    Streaming H.264 scalable video over data distribution service in a wireless environment

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    The Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware is enjoying a rapid adoption in high-performance, mission-critical networks. At the same time, the H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC) has been recently standardized and it is deemed to be an effective solution for video streaming over a channel with time-varying bandwidth, like the wireless one. In these conditions, it is critical to adapt the video bit-rate to the actual wireless capacity, and bit-rate adaptation is extremely simple for a H.264 SVC video. In this paper we devise, evaluate and demonstrate a technique for streaming H.264 SVC video over a DDS middleware. The contribution is threefold: i) we design a structure of the DDS data-unit able to carry H.264 SVC video-units; ii) we devise a receiver-driven rate-control mechanism based on our DDS data-unit and exploiting specific DDS functionality; iii) we implement and show the effectiveness of our mechanism in an 802.11 wireless scenario, comparing our proposal with other solution

    Biosensors to Monitor Cell Activity in 3D Hydrogel-Based Tissue Models

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    Three-dimensional (3D) culture models have gained relevant interest in tissue engineering and drug discovery owing to their suitability to reproduce in vitro some key aspects of human tissues and to provide predictive information for in vivo tests. In this context, the use of hydrogels as artificial extracellular matrices is of paramount relevance, since they allow closer recapitulation of (patho)physiological features of human tissues. However, most of the analyses aimed at characterizing these models are based on time-consuming and endpoint assays, which can provide only static and limited data on cellular behavior. On the other hand, biosensing systems could be adopted to measure on-line cellular activity, as currently performed in bi-dimensional, i.e., monolayer, cell culture systems; however, their translation and integration within 3D hydrogel-based systems is not straight forward, due to the geometry and materials properties of these advanced cell culturing approaches. Therefore, researchers have adopted different strategies, through the development of biochemical, electrochemical and optical sensors, but challenges still remain in employing these devices. In this review, after examining recent advances in adapting existing biosensors from traditional cell monolayers to polymeric 3D cells cultures, we will focus on novel designs and outcomes of a range of biosensors specifically developed to provide real-time analysis of hydrogel-based cultures

    Multiparametric data analysis for seismic sources identification in the Campania re-gion: merge of seismological, structural and gravimetric data.

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    The Campania region is one of the Italian most active areas from a geodynamic point of view since it is characterized by occurrence of intense and widely spread seismic activity. The seismicity of the area is concentrated mainly along the Southern Apennines chain, as well as beneath the Campanian volcanic areas (Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei, Ischia) and is also originated by seismic sources buried in the Campanian Plain and offshore the Thyrrenian sea. The aim of this paper is an attempt to better constrain the main active, outcropping and buried fault systems of the Campanian area through the correlation between seismicity, tectonic structures (from geological data and image analysis) and gravimetric data. The main seismogenetic sources of the Campanian Apennines, responsible for the destructive historical events of 1456, 1688, 1694, 1702, 1732, 1930, 1962 and 1980 (Io = X-XI MCS), activated mainly along NW–SE faults (CPTI, 2004; DISS, 2010) with hypocenters concentrated within the upper 20 km of the crust. The available focal mechanisms of the larger events show normal solutions consistent with NE–SW extension (Pondrelli et al., 2007). The Plio-Pleistocene Campanian Plain is a structural depression located between the eastern side of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Southern Apennines chain. The stress field acting in the Campanian Plain is strongly debated. Structural observations on the faults of the Plain suggest prevalent normal motion for the NW–SE and the NE–SW trending faults, and minor oblique motion, consistent with deformation style of the Southern Apennines. The Plain is characterized by seismicity of energy lower than the seismic activity of the Southern Apennines chain mainly occurring along its margins. Minor seismicity spreads out inside the Plain. In this paper, seismic, geologic and gravimetric data have been analysed in GIS environment. In particular, the seismological data used in this study are relative both to the historical and recent seismic activity, collected by the following Catalogues: CPTI04 Catalogue of Parametric Italian Earthquakes, 2004 (217 b.C to 2002); CSI Catalogue of Instrumental Italian Earthquakes (1981-2002); CNT Seismic Bulletin of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (2003-2008); Data Base of Seismic Laboratory of Osservatorio Vesuviano (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) (2000-2009); SisCam Catalogue (Seismotectonic Information System of the Campanian Region) (1980-2000). Seismic data have been merged in a new seismic database. Moreover, new precise locations of a set of seismic events relative to the Campanian Plain have been processed. Some clusters of epicentres have been identified confirming the existence of active buried fault systems inside the Plain. The Geological Dataset has been implemented by merging all outcropping and buried faults extracted from the available geological and geophysical papers and maps (Bigi et al., 1983; Ambrosetti et al. 1986; Bonardi et al.,1988; Orsi et al. 1996; Milia A. e Torrente M.M.,1999; Cinque et al. 2000; Bruno et al. 2003). A multiscale analysis of the gravity and magnetic fields of the Southern Italy has been performed by Fedi et al, 2005. Multiscale Derivative Analysis (MDA) provided an almost complete representation of the structural framework of Southern Italy at three different scales. Most of the known geological elements of the Apennine system are clearly shown at intermediate and short scales, together with several trends indicating the location of buried structures. The main results of the combined analysis of seismic epicentres, faults and gravity data, indicate a strong correlation between seismicity and MDA lineaments from gravity data. Moreover, tectonic structures without correlated seismic activity and spread seismicity, apparently not linked with already known faults (buried faults?) have been identified

    Crustal structures under the active volcanic areas of central and eastern Mediterranean (M-44)

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    Programs are being adapted to the UNIVAC 1000 computer and others are being developed for immediate utilization in processing MAGSAT data. stability intermediate for lower continental crust and to upper manele conditions. Attempts to residuate crustal anomalies from one selected profile passing through western mediterranean using procedures commonly used at NASA yielded dubious results because of uncertainties in the adoption of coefficients in the expression accounting for the effect of equatorial ring currents and the empirical approach used for other corrections. Instead, filtering techniques are to be applied to each profile once investigator B tapes relative to the whole planet are received

    Insight into phenotypic and genotypic differences between vaginal lactobacillus crispatus bc5 and lactobacillus gasseri bc12 to unravel nutritional and stress factors influencing their metabolic activity

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    The vaginal microbiota, normally characterized by lactobacilli presence, is crucial for vaginal health. Members belonging to L. crispatus and L. gasseri species exert crucial protective functions against pathogens, although a total comprehension of factors that influence their dominance in healthy women is still lacking. Here we investigated the complete genome sequence and comprehensive phenotypic profile of L. crispatus strain BC5 and L. gasseri strain BC12, two vaginal strains featured by anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities. Phenotype microarray (PM) results revealed an improved capacity of BC5 to utilize different carbon sources as compared to BC12, although some specific carbon sources that can be associated to the human diet were only metabolized by BC12, i.e. uridine, amygdalin, tagatose. Additionally, the two strains were mostly distinct in the capacity to utilize the nitrogen sources under analysis. On the other hand, BC12 showed tolerance/resistance towards twice the number of stressors (i.e. antibiotics, toxic metals etc.) with respect to BC5. The divergent phenotypes observed in PM were supported by the identification in either BC5 or BC12 of specific genetic determinants that were found to be part of the core genome of each species. The PM results in combination with comparative genome data provide insights into the possible environmental factors and genetic traits supporting the predominance of either L. crispatus BC5 or L. gasseri BC12 in the vaginal niche, giving also indications for metabolic predictions at the species level

    The Artemidorus Papyrus: Solving An Ancient Puzzle with Radiocarbon and Ion Beam Analysis Measurements

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    Ancient papyrus manuscripts are one of the most fascinating sources for reconstructing not only ancient life habits but also past literature. Recently, an amazing document has come to the fore due to the heated debates it raised: the so-called Artemidorus papyrus. It is a very long scroll (about 2.5 m) composed of several fragments of different sizes, with inscriptions and drawings on both sides. On the recto of the document, a text about geography and some drawings of heads, feet, and hands are present, while on the verso there are many sketches of animals, both real and fantastic. Its importance in classical studies comes from the fact that some scholars claim that it is the first known transcription of a relatively large fragment by the Greek geographer Artemidorus. However, other scholars think that the papyrus is a fake, drawn in the 19th century AD by a well-known forger. In order to overcome all possible ambiguities, the papyrus has been studied not only on the basis of historical and paleographic criteria but also by scientific techniques. We have contributed to the knowledge about the papyrus by radiocarbon dating the document and by analyzing the composition of the ink using ion beam analysis (IBA). Results are compatible with the scroll being an ancient manuscript: accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C measurements have dated the papyrus to a period between the 1st century BC and 1st century AD, while IBA measurements have pointed out the use of an organic (carbon-based) ink, which was typical of ancient Roman and Greek times. Details of the measurements are presented to emphasize the importance of combining AMS and IBA results

    Psychosocial empowerment-based interventions for smoking reduction: concepts, measures and outcomes. A systematic review

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    Although empowerment is a widely used concept in health-related areas, its definition remains unclear. While there is evidence for the effectiveness of empowerment interventions in improving some psychosocial factors linked to health (e.g. patient self-care strategy, coping skills, access and effective use of health services) and some health outcomes like mental health and HIV/AIDS-related behaviour, other data appear to contradict this. Moreover, concepts, measures, and outcomes related to empowerment are operationalized in different ways. Using the case of tobacco control programmes, we wanted to explore: (a) how research on smoking reduction/prevention has conceptualized empowerment; (b) which measures and instruments have been used to assess behaviour outcomes and the empowerment process. We hypothesized that the transformative potential that characterizes empowerment is marginally considered. A total of 18 studies reporting on the effect of prevention interventions on smoking and/or empowerment outcomes were reviewed. Two kinds of study were distinguished: (a) studies reporting behaviour outcomes without data about the impact on empowerment; (b) studies analysing the empowerment process. Among this latter type, some studies did not provide information about the specific behaviour (smoking), while others examined the impact of intervention on both smoking and empowerment. In about half of all studies, empowerment strategies were found to be effective in improving smoking outcomes, while no differences were found between intervention and control groups in the remaining studies. The present review suggests that pragmatic definitions of empowerment need to be developed in order to promote its transferability and evaluation


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    Pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan baronang di Kepulauan Seribu menjadi salah satu potensi perikanan tangkap yang cukup besar. Penangkapan baronang di Kepulauan Seribu mengalami peningkatan, hal ini dipengaruhi harga baronang yang meningkat akibat dari permintaan pasar akan baronang meningkat. Kegiatan eksplorasi penangkapan baronang secara terus-menerus mengakibatkan kerusakan habitat penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian inventarisasi jenis alat tangkap baronang serta menentukan tingkat keramahan lingkungan unit penangkapan ikan baronang. Metode penelitian yaitu survey. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2015 dan November-Desember 2015. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif untuk menginventarisasi jenil alat tangkap ikan baronang di Kepulauan Seribu; Analisis tingkat keramahan lingkungan berdasarkan sembilan kriteria FAO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Jenis alat tangkap ikan yang menangkap baronang di Kepulauan Seribu adalah alat tangkap muroami, bubu tambun, bubu kawat, bubu jaring, jaring lingkar, dan speargun. Dari tingkat keramah lingkungan jenis alat tangkap bubu tambun merupakan alat tangkap yang paling ramah lingkungan dengan nilai skor 25,75.</p
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