19 research outputs found

    The bacterial skin microbiome in psoriatic arthritis, an unexplored link in pathogenesis: challenges and opportunities offered by recent technological advances.

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    The resident microbial community, harboured by humans in sites such as the skin and gastrointestinal tract, is enormous, representing a candidate environmental factor affecting susceptibility to complex diseases, where both genetic and environmental risk factors are important. The potential of microorganisms to influence the human immune system is considerable, given their ubiquity. The impact of the host-gene-microbe interaction on the maintenance of health and the development of disease has not yet been assessed robustly in chronic inflammatory conditions. PsA represents a model inflammatory disease to explore the role of the microbiome because skin involvement and overlap with IBD implicates both the skin and gastrointestinal tract as sources of microbial triggers for PsA. In parallel with genetic studies, characterization of the host microbiota may benefit our understanding of the microbial contribution to disease pathogenesis-knowledge that may eventually inform the development of novel therapeutics

    Hepatitis C virus infection: prevalence in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in 2 groups of patients, one group with psoriasis and the other with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). METHODS: We detected anti-HCV antibodies by ELISA and by a recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) in the sera of 50 patients with psoriasis and 50 with PsA. As controls we used a group of 76 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and referred to data on the prevalence of HCV in the general Italian population. RESULTS: By ELISA, anti-HCV antibodies were detected in 6/50 (12%) patients with PsA, in 5/50 (10%) patients with psoriasis, and in 4/76 (5.2%) patients with RA. All the reactive PsA and RA sera also tested positive on RIBA, while only 3 of the 5 positive results for sera of patients with psoriasis were confirmed by RIBA. The prevalence of HCV infection in patients with psoriasis was not significantly higher than in controls. In contrast, the rate of HCV infection observed in the 50 patients with PsA was higher than that in the other groups, the difference being statistically significant between patients with PsA and the general population. CONCLUSION: Our data do not support the hypothesis that HCV infection may play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. On the other hand they show a statistically significant difference between the prevalence of HCV infection in patients with PsA and the general population

    Efficacy of wrist robot-aided orthopedic rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: In recent years, many studies focused on the use of robotic devices for both the assessment and the neuro-motor reeducation of upper limb in subjects after stroke, spinal cord injuries or affected by neurological disorders. Contrarily, it is still hard to find examples of robot-aided assessment and rehabilitation after traumatic injuries in the orthopedic field. However, those benefits related to the use of robotic devices are expected also in orthopedic functional reeducation. Methods: After a wrist injury occurred at their workplace, wrist functionality of twenty-three subjects was evaluated through a robot-based assessment and clinical measures (Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation, Jebsen-Taylor and Jamar Test), before and after a 3-week long rehabilitative treatment. Subjects were randomized in two groups: while the control group (n = 13) underwent a traditional rehabilitative protocol, the experimental group (n = 10) was treated replacing traditional exercises with robot-aided ones. Results: Functionality, assessed through the function subscale of PRWE scale, improved in both groups (experimental p = 0.016; control p < 0.001) and was comparable between groups, both pre (U = 45.5, p = 0.355) and post (U = 47, p = 0.597) treatment. Additionally, even though groups\u2019 performance during the robotic assessment was comparable before the treatment (U = 36, p = 0.077), after rehabilitation the experimental group presented better results than the control one (U = 26, p = 0.015). Conclusions: This work can be considered a starting point for introducing the use of robotic devices in the orthopedic field. The robot-aided rehabilitative treatment was effective and comparable to the traditional one. Preserving efficacy and safety conditions, a systematic use of these devices could lead to decrease human therapists\u2019 effort, increase repeatability and accuracy of assessments, and promote subject\u2019s engagement and voluntary participation. Trial Registration ClinicalTrial.gov ID: NCT04739644. Registered on February 4, 2021\u2014Retrospectively registered, https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT04739644

    Identification of movement phenotypes from occupational gesture kinematics: Advancing individual ergonomic exposure classification and personalized training

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    The identification of personalized preventive strategies plays a major role in contrasting the occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. This requires the identification of distinct movement patterns within large samples and the attribution of a proper risk level to each identified movement phenotype. We assessed the feasibility of this approach by exploiting wearable inertial measurement units to estimate the whole-body kinematics of 43 healthy participants performing 18 reach-to-manipulate movements, which differed based on the object's position in the space and the type of manipulation required. Through unsupervised clustering, we identified multiple movement phenotypes graded by ergonomic performance. Furthermore, we determined which joints mostly contributed to instantiating the ergonomic differences across clusters, emphasizing the importance of monitoring this aspect during occupational gestures. Overall, our analysis suggests that movement phenotypes can be identified within occupational motor repertoires. Assigning individual performance to specific phenotypes has the potential to inform the development of more effective and tailored interventions

    Assessment of human wrist rigidity and pain in post-traumatic patients

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    The aim of this work is to present a novel robot-based method to assess the sources of a lack of functionality in patients with recent traumatic wrist injuries. Post-traumatic patients experience limited range of motion as well as strength and proprioceptive deficits. These dysfunctions are related to different complications that usually follow the injuries: pain, increased rigidity, lack of movement fluency and loss of stability could arise differently, according to the severity, site and kind of lesion. Their quantitative evaluation could be essential to target rehabilitation treatments to the specific problem and to optimize and speed up the functional recovery. The use of robotic devices for assessment not only ensures objectivity and repeatability, but could also help to estimate the goodness of the evaluation itself, in terms of reliability and patient's engagement. Ten subjects with different types of wrist injuries were enrolled in this study and required to perform passive robot-guided reaching movements. Forces and angular positions were used to evaluate subject's range of motion, rigidity and pain that, considered together, allowed a comprehensive characterization of the level of healing and functionality achieved by each subject

    Observation of others' actions during limb immobilization prevents the subsequent decay of motor performance

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    There is rich clinical evidence that observing normally executed actions promotes the recovery of the corresponding action execution in patients with motor deficits. In this study, we assessed the ability of action observation to prevent the decay of healthy individuals' motor abilities following upper-limb immobilization. To this end, upper-limb kinematics was recorded in healthy participants while they performed three reach-to-grasp movements before immobilization and the same movements after 16 h of immobilization. The participants were subdivided into two groups; the experimental group observed, during the immobilization, the same reach-to-grasp movements they had performed before immobilization, whereas the control group observed natural scenarios. After bandage removal, motor impairment in performing reach-to-grasp movements was milder in the experimental group. These findings support the hypothesis that action observation, via the mirror mechanism, plays a protective role against the decline of motor performance induced by limb nonuse. From this perspective, action observation therapy is a promising tool for anticipating rehabilitation onset in clinical conditions involving limb nonuse, thus reducing the burden of further rehabilitation

    A Repertoire of Virtual-Reality, Occupational Therapy Exercises for Motor Rehabilitation Based on Action Observation

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    There is a growing interest in action observation treatment (AOT), i.e., a rehabilitative procedure combining action observation, motor imagery, and action execution to promote the recovery, maintenance, and acquisition of motor abilities. AOT studies employed basic upper limb gestures as stimuli, but—in principle—the AOT approach can be effectively extended to more complex actions like occupational gestures. Here, we present a repertoire of virtual-reality (VR) stimuli depicting occupational therapy exercises intended for AOT, potentially suitable for occupational safety and injury prevention. We animated a humanoid avatar by fitting the kinematics recorded by a healthy subject performing the exercises. All the stimuli are available via a custom-made graphical user interface, which allows the user to adjust several visualization parameters like the viewpoint, the number of repetitions, and the observed movement’s speed. Beyond providing clinicians with a set of VR stimuli promoting via AOT the recovery of goal-oriented, occupational gestures, such a repertoire could extend the use of AOT to the field of occupational safety and injury prevention. Dataset: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5592131. Dataset License: CC-BY 4.0