10,171 research outputs found

    Displaying desire and distinction in housing

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    The article discusses the significance of cultural capital for the understanding of the field of housing in contemporary Britain. It explores the relationship between housing and the position of individuals in social space mapped out by means of a multiple correspondence analysis. It considers the material aspects of housing and the changing contexts that are linked to the creation and display of desire for social position and distinction expressed in talk about home decoration as personal expression and individuals' ideas of a `dream house'. It is based on an empirical investigation of taste and lifestyle using nationally representative survey data and qualitative interviews. The article shows both that personal resources and the imagination of home are linked to levels of cultural capital, and that rich methods of investigation are required to grasp the significance of these normally invisible assets to broaden the academic understanding of the field of housing in contemporary culture

    Reply: Expression of oestrogen receptor beta proteins in human breast cancer biopsies

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    British Journal of Cancer (2002) 87, 688–689. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6600535 www.bjcancer.co

    The development of absorptive capacity-based innovation in a construction SME

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    Traditionally, construction has been a transaction-oriented industry. However, it is changing from the design-bid-build process into a business based on innovation capability and performance management, in which contracts are awarded on the basis of factors such as knowledge, intellectual capital and skills. This change presents a challenge to construction-sector SMEs with scarce resources, which must find ways to innovate based on those attributes to ensure their future competitiveness. This paper explores how dynamic capability, using an absorptive capacity framework in response to these challenges, has been developed in a construction-based SME. The paper also contributes to the literature on absorptive capacity and innovation by showing how the construct can be operationalized within an organization. The company studied formed a Knowledge Transfer Partnership using action research over a two-year period with a local university. The aim was to increase its absorptive capacity and hence its ability to meet the changing market challenges. The findings show that absorptive capacity can be operationalized into a change management approach for improving capability-based competitiveness. Moreover, it is important for absorptive capacity constructs and language to be contextualized within a given organizational setting (as in the case of the construction-based SME in the present study)

    Relationship between expression of sex steroid receptors and structure of the seminal vesicles after neonatal treatment of rats with potent or weak estrogens.

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    In this study we evaluated the effect of manipulating the estrogen and androgen environment of the neonatal male rat on subsequent immunoexpression of sex steroid receptors in the seminal vesicles (SVs) at age 18 days. The aim was to establish to what extent such changes were associated with and predictive of changes in SV structure/composition. Treatments were either diethylstilbestrol (DES; 10, 1, or 0.1 microg/injection), ethinyl estradiol (EE; 10 microg/injection), tamoxifen (2 mg/kg/day), flutamide (50 mg/kg), a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (GnRHa; 10 mg/kg), genistein (4 mg/kg/day), octylphenol (2 mg/injection), or bisphenol A (0.5 mg/injection). Compared with controls, treatment with DES (10 microg) induced loss of epithelial and stromal androgen receptor (AR) immunoexpression coincident with induction of stromal progesterone receptor (PR) immunoexpression and upregulation of stromal immunoexpression of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha). These changes were associated with gross distortion (increase) of the normal stromal:epithelial tissue proportions in the SVs. DES (1 microg) and EE induced similar but less pronounced changes, and DES (0.1 microg) had no noticeable effect. Tamoxifen and flutamide induced PR and slightly upregulated ERalpha immunoexpression but had only a minor or no effect on AR expression and the stromal:epithelial ratio, though flutamide retarded normal development of the SVs. The latter was also evident in GnRHa-treated males, but otherwise this treatment had no effect on AR and PR immunoexpression. None of the foregoing treatments had any detectable effect on the immunoexpression of ERss in stromal or epithelial cells. The major treatment-induced changes in immunoexpression of AR, PR, and ERalpha and lack of change in ERss were confirmed by Western blots of SV protein extracts. None of the three weak (environmental) estrogens tested caused any detectable change in sex steroid receptor immunoexpression or SV tissue composition. We conclude that treatment-induced loss of AR is a prerequisite for altered stromal:epithelial proportions in the SVs and that such loss is always associated with induction of PR and upregulation of ERalpha; the latter two changes are insufficient on their own to bring about such a change. Nevertheless, induction of PR expression was always associated with altered SV development and is a potentially useful marker because it is not normally expressed in male reproductive tissues

    Interfacing GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons with a room-temperature Raman quantum memory

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    Photonics is a promising platform for quantum technologies. However, photon sources and two-photon gates currently only operate probabilistically. Large-scale photonic processing will therefore be impossible without a multiplexing strategy to actively select successful events. High time-bandwidth-product quantum memories - devices that store and retrieve single photons on-demand - provide an efficient remedy via active synchronisation. Here we interface a GHz-bandwidth heralded single-photon source and a room-temperature Raman memory with a time-bandwidth product exceeding 1000. We store heralded single photons and observe a clear influence of the input photon statistics on the retrieved light, which agrees with our theoretical model. The preservation of the stored field's statistics is limited by four-wave-mixing noise, which we identify as the key remaining challenge in the development of practical memories for scalable photonic information processing

    Anisotropic domain walls

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    We find an anisotropic, non-supersymmetric generalization of the extreme supersymmetric domain walls of simple non-dilatonic supergravity theory. As opposed to the isotropic non- and ultra-extreme domain walls, the anisotropic non-extreme wall has the \emph{same} spatial topology as the extreme wall. The solution has naked singularities which vanish in the extreme limit. Since the Hawking temperature on the two sides is different, the generic solution is unstable to Hawking decay.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 3 PostScript figures, uses amstex and epsfi

    Histopathological evidence for pulmonary emboli in experimental decompression sickness diagnosed by radioisotopic lung scanning

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    Histopathological evidence for pulmonary emboli in experimental decompression sickness diagnosed by radioisotopic lung scannin

    The male of the species: a profile of men in nursing

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    Aim: To establish a profile of men in nursing in Western Australia and explore the perception of men in nursing from the perspective of male and female nurses. Background: A project team, including some of the current authors, produced a YouTube video and DVD about men in nursing which led to further inquiry on this topic. Design: The study employed a non-experimental, comparative, descriptive research design focused on a quantitative methodology, using an online survey in early 2014. Method: A convenience sample incorporated registered and enrolled nurses and midwives in Western Australia. Findings: The range of data included demographic information and the respondents’ perceptions of men in nursing were collected. Findings indicated that the main reasons for choosing a career in nursing or midwifery were similar for both genders. Common mis-perceptions of men in nursing included: most male nurses are gay; men are not suited to nursing and men are less caring and compassionate than women. Suggestions to promote nursing to men included: nurses are highly skilled professionals; there is the potential to make a difference for patients; nursing offers stable employment, professional diversity and opportunities for team work. There is a diminished awareness of opportunities for men in nursing and negative stereotypes related to men in nursing persist. Conclusion: The study produced recommendations which included: using the right message to target the recruitment for men and promoting a more realistic understanding of the profile and perception of men in nursing

    Performance of the Los Alamos National Laboratory spallation-driven solid-deuterium ultra-cold neutron source

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    In this paper, we describe the performance of the Los Alamos spallation-driven solid-deuterium ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source. Measurements of the cold neutron flux, the very low energy neutron production rate, and the UCN rates and density at the exit from the biological shield are presented and compared to Monte Carlo predictions. The cold neutron rates compare well with predictions from the Monte Carlo code MCNPX and the UCN rates agree with our custom UCN Monte Carlo code. The source is shown to perform as modeled. The maximum delivered UCN density at the exit from the biological shield is 52(9) UCN/cc with a solid deuterium volume of ∼1500 cm^3