166 research outputs found
Use of linear radiofrequency device in liver resection
Background/Aim. Linear radiofrequency device (LRFD) is disposable tool designed for liver parenchyma transection using controlled radiofrequency to 'seal' blood vessels and bile ducts, making liver resection easier and safer compared to classical resectional techniques. The aim of this study was to determine real value of the LRFD compared to the standard 'keliclasia' technique. Methods. This prospective study analyzed the significant intraoperative parameters and postoperative results of the 200 patients who underwent surgery at the Surgery Clinic of Clinical Centre in NiÅ”, between January 1, 2001, and January 1, 2009. The patients were divided into two groups: the control Keli group (144 patients) with the 'keliclasia' resection technique and the control RF group (with resection performed using LRFD - Tissue Link / Dissection Sealer (DS - 3.0) (56 patients). The following parameters were analyzed: duration of liver ischemia, liver parenchyma transection time, intraoperative blood loss, significant intraoperative and postoperative complication rate, duration of hospitalization and mortality. Results. LRFD was used in 56 liver resections. The average duration of liver ischemia in the RF group was shorter than in the Keli group (7 versus 22 minutes). Parenchymal liver transection was significantly slower in the RF group than in the Keli group (2.05 versus 4.34 cm2/minutes, respectively). There was less intraoperative bleeding using LRFD 'Keliclasia' tehniquethan in the control group (390 mL compared to 420 mL, respectively). After the use of LRFD two cases of biliary leak and 4 pleural effusions were registered. Conclusion. LRFD is simple device for safe liver transection with decreased need for liver ischemia and singificant reducing of the intraoperative blood loss. High price for disposable device and slow parenchyma transection are disadvantages of this device
Characterization of alkali-modified soy protein concentrate
To study the influence of the preparation mode, including mild alkali modification, of soy protein concentrate on soluble protein content and composition, some of its nutritive and functional properties were investigated. Soy protein concentrate prepared by aqueous alcohol leaching was modified in mild alkaline solutions (pH 8.0) at 40, 50 and 60Ā° C for 60 minutes and compared with two principal types of commercial soy protein concentrate. Soluble protein content, composition and properties of soy protein concentrate, as well as their potential use are essentially determined by the preparation mode. Limited mild alkali hydrolysis increased protein solubility by 40-71%, while emulsion stability was increased by 18-56%. Major storage soybean proteins exhibited different stability to alcohol denaturation and mild alkali modification. The most susceptible were acidic -A3 - and -A5- subunits of glycinin
Soy protein modification: A review
Soy protein products such as flour, concentrates and isolates are used in food formulation because of their functionality, nutritional value and low cost. To obtain their optimal nutritive and functional properties as well as desirable flavor different treatments are used. Soybean proteins can be modified by physical, chemical and enzymatic treatments. Different thermal treatments are most commonly used, while the most appropriate way of modifying soy proteins from the standpoint of safety is their limited proteolysis. These treatments cause physical and chemical changes that affect their functional properties. This review discusses three principal methods used for modification of soy protein products, their effects on dominant soy protein properties and some biologically active compounds
Uzroci izluÄenja prvotelki na farmama sa razliÄitim nivoom proizvodnje
It is general knowledge that management influences results in cattle production to the highest extent, and that the culling of cows is a very good indicator of the success of farm management. A comparison of results of culling for first calving cows on farms with various levels of production in 2011 established differences both for the number of culled animals and the reasons for culling. On farms with higher levels of production, the share of first calving cows in overall culling was 25.9% or 4.5% less than on farms with a lower level of production, i.e. 4.8% less died, and 0.7% first calving cows had to be slaughtered, while 5.6% more first calving cows were culled for economic reasons. At both levels of production, dominant reasons for culling were diseases of the legs and hoofs, which can be linked to the tie stall system (more pronounced on farms with higher production) and metabolic disorders (more dominant on farms with lower production). Reproduction was a more considerable problem on farms with higher milk production, while culling due to selection was more pronounced on farms with lower production. In early lactation of first calving cows, regardless of the level of production, dominant reasons for culling on farms are leg and hoof problems and metabolic disorders (total: 55% i.e. 55.9%). When reasons for culling of first calving cows after 100 days of lactation are investigated, on farms with high production the significance of diseases of legs and hoofs remains almost unchanged, but culling due to reproduction grows to 28%. On farms with lower production, culling due to leg and hoof diseases is considerably reduced after 100 days of lactation, however culling due to selection is tripled (62%).OpÅ”te je poznato da menadžment u najveÄoj meri utiÄe na rezultate u govedarskoj proizvodnji, a izluÄenja krava su vrlo kvalitetan pokazatelj uspeÅ”nosti upravljanja farmama. PoredeÄi rezultate izluÄenja prvotelki na farmama sa razliÄitim nivoom proizvodnje u toku 2011. god. ustanovljene su razlike i u broju izluÄenih grla, ali i u razlozima izluÄenja. Na farmama sa viÅ”im nivoom proizvodnje uÄeÅ”Äe prvotelki u ukupnim izluÄenjima bilo je 25.9% Å”to je za 4.5% manje nego na farmama sa nižim nivoom proizvodnje, odnosno uginulo je za 4,8% manje i prinudno je zaklano za 0,7% manje prvotelki, a iz ekonomskih razloga izluÄeno za 5.6% prvotelki viÅ”e. Na oba nivoa proizvodnje dominantni razlozi izluÄenja su bili oboljenja nogu i papaka Å”to se može dovesti u vezu sa vezanim sistemom držanja (izraženije na farmama sa veÄom proizvodnjom) i metaboliÄki poremeÄaji (dominantnije izraženi na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom). Reprodukcija je bila znatniji problem na farmama sa veÄom proizvodnjom mleka, odnosno selekcijska izluÄenja na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom. U ranoj laktaciji prvotelki, bez obzira na nivo proizvodnje, na farmama kao razlozi izluÄenja dominiraju problemi sa nogama i papcima i metaboliÄki poremeÄaji (ukupno 55% tj. 55.9%). Kada se posmatraju razlozi izluÄenja prvotelki nakon 100 dana laktacije, na farmama sa visokom proizvodnjom znaÄaj obolenja nogu i papaka je gotovo nepromenjen, ali izluÄenja usled reprodukcije rastu na 28%. Na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom, izluÄenja usled oboljenja nogu i papaka su znatno smanjena nakon 100 dana laktacije, ali je zato utrostruÄen broj izluÄenih iz selekcijskih razloga (62%)
Synthesis of BaTiO3 from a mechanically activated BaCO3-TiO2 system
In this article the solid state reaction of BaTiO3 formation from a mechanically activated BaCO3-TiO2 system has been investigated. An equimolar mixture of BaCO3 and TiO2 powders was activated in a planetary ball mill in a continual regime for 0, 30 and 90 min, pressed and thermally treated up to 1200Ā°C. The effect of the milling and firing regime on the phase formation was investigated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Deconvolution of the experimental DTA curve corresponding to the BaTiO3 synthesis process has been performed. The influence of the activation time on the change of characteristic temperature for each elementary step in the complete solid-state reaction of BaTiO3 formation, was analyzed. These results were correlated with the ones obtained by SEM characterization and by XRD analysis.U ovome radu je analiziran uticaj mehaniÄke aktivacije sistema BaCO3- TiO2 na formiranje BaTiO3. Ekvimolarne smeÅ”e praha BaCO3 i TiO2 su aktivirane u planetarnom mlinu u kontinualnom režimu tokom 0, 30 i 90 min. Uzorci su zatim presovani i termiÄki tretirani do 1200oC. Efekat mlevenja i zagrevanja na promene faza je analiziran primenom rendgenske fazne analize i diferencijalne termijske analize. IzvrÅ”ena je dekonvolucija eksperimentalno dobijene DTA krive koja odgovara procesu sinteze BaTiO3, kao i analiza uticaja vremena aktivacije na promene karakteristiÄne temperature za svaki pojedinaÄni elementarni proces tokom sinteze barijum titanata. Ovi rezultati su korelisani sa rezultatima dobijenim SEM i XRD analizom
Nutritional behavior and motives of college students for the choice of traditional food in the Republic of Serbia
The aim of this study was to investigate the eating behavior of college students and the reasons for consuming traditional food and to compare the motives for choosing traditional food with the research conducted in 6 European countries. This research was conducted using anonymous online questionnaires. The majority of surveyed students are physically active (75%) and live with their families (57.0%), which can have a positive impact on their diet and a lower level of consumption of "fast-food" (17.5%). Respondents have bad habits in terms of consuming cigarettes (65.0%), alcohol (73.0%) and energy drinks (75.0%). Most students consume all regular meals (73.0%). Based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) of respondents, they belong to the categories: underweight (12%), normal weight (34%), pre-weight (17%), obese (37%); however, 55.0% believed to have "ideal weight". The reasons for choose particular food are: it is not genetically modified, it tastes good, it is nutritious, it makes them happy, it was produced/packaged in an environmentally friendly and ethical way, while the price of food is not important. Connection with family (81%) and food being tasty (54%) are the main reasons for consuming traditional food. When buying traditional food, respondents (59%) generally do not check the declaration on the product. These results indicate the need to educate students about the harmfulness of cigarettes, alcoholic and energy drinks, the importance of BMI and declaration on the product. Comparing obtained results with the results in 6 European countries it can be noticed that the answers of the respondents in Serbia were the most similar to those obtained in Poland
Contamination of the Å ar Mountains Aquatorium ā Kosovo with Depleted Uranium
The main objective of this study was to estimate the environmental and health risk of the Å ar Mountains (Kosovo) for depleted uranium contamination. The risk assessment of the contamination is needed since, in the spring of 1999, conflict with bombarding took place in the territory of the Western Balkans, during which depleted uranium ammunition was used. In Serbia and Montenegro, such tests were performed; based on them, some territories were decontaminated. Å ar Mountains is particularly important as it is one of the few water-rich areas in Kosovo. Therefore, soil and water samples were taken from characteristic places in the Å ar Mountains aquatorium. Tests of the samples were performed under well-controlled conditions. The measurement uncertainty was less than 5%. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that there was no contamination of the Å ar Mountains with depleted uranium. This conclusion can be extended to the broader area around the Å ar Mountains, as it is a safe area surrounded by high mountains
The influence of a project-based learning model in science and social studies on adoption of students' procedural knowledge
Training students to independently explore and analyze natural and social phenomena and processes is one of the more important and demanding tasks of science and social studies teaching. In order to successfully accomplish this formulated task, it is necessary for students to acquire the appropriate level of procedural knowledge, i.e. to know how to plan and conduct a research. Starting from the fact that the project work in the current reform of education in Serbia has become a mandatory teaching activity, the paper presents the results of an experimental research aimed at determining the efficiency of the project-based learning model in science and social studies in the process of acquiring procedural knowledge of students. The research was carried out on a sample of 72 students of the experimental group (three classes where the contents of the science and social studies was delivered according to the project-based learning model) and 70 students of the control group (three classes where the same contents was delivered through the usual group tasks) of the fourth grade of primary school. It turned out that, after the implementation of the experimental program, the achievements of the students of the experimental group improved in all three categories of procedural knowledge - the knowledge of different ways of collecting data, the knowledge of how to sort the research data, and the knowledge of how to present the research results
Promene polipeptidne strukture sojinog proteinskog izolata pri termiÄkoj inaktivaciji antinutritivnih komponenti
The change of polypeptide composition of soybean isolates, prepared from samples treated by autoclaving in the aim of trypsin inhibitors inactivation (0.5 bar; 5,10 and 15 min.) was investigated. By densitometric analysis of SDS-PAGE-gels, the composition of soybean isolated protein was determined. According to our results, glycinin showed the highest content among proteins of soybean isolates. Depending on duration of soybeans heating, the percentage of glycinin in resulting isolate was 47.14-53.08%. High content of acidic (30.02-30.98%) and basic (15.12-18.24%) polypeptides of glycinin was registered. High content of a-subunit of P-conlycinin was determined (11.49-8.99%). The presence of Bowman-Birk TI as well as lypoxigenase, was not registered in any of protein isolates.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj nadpritiska 0,5 bara, radne temperature 96Ā°C u trajanju od 5,10 i 15 minuta u autoklavu na promene polipeptidne strukture dobijenih proteinskih Izolata iz lomljenog sojinog zrna. PotvrÄena je termostabilnost molekulaglicinina (47,14-53,08%), i manja stabilnost B-konglicinina (15,31-25,45%). Denzitomelrijska analiza SDS-elektroforegrama ukazuje na izraženu termostabilnost kiselih A1,2,4(27,50-26,31%) i baznih B1,2,3,4(18,24-15,12%) polipeptlda glicinina. Sadržaj a-polipeptida fikonglicinina pokazuje linearnu zavisnost od trajanja primenjenih tretmana (10,92-8,99%). Nakon ovih tretmana zapažena je smanjena tripsininhibitorska aktivnost (TIA), pri Äemu je nosilac TIA Kunitz-ov TI (5,00-8,80%), dok je Bowman-Birk-ov inhibitor registrovan samo kod izolata iz netretiranog lomljenog sojinog zrna (3,92%)
Influence of the human factor on risks in an open-pit mine
Today's turbulent business conditions are characterized by rapid technological development of the 'post-industrial' society. New technologies have caused the creation of new risks in complex techno-socio-ecological systems and up to today a lot of work is done in the aim to answer to safety demand of technology and technical equipment. After all this, human factor with its limitations and possibilities is becoming the central topic in research studies about risk and safety. This study presents study about risk of human factor, conducted in the real, high risk industrial system
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