1,617 research outputs found

    Shift in the LHC Higgs diphoton mass peak from interference with background

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    The Higgs diphoton amplitude from gluon fusion at the LHC interferes with the continuum background induced by quark loops. I investigate the effect of this interference on the position of the diphoton invariant mass peak used to help determine the Higgs mass. At leading order, the interference shifts the peak towards lower mass by an amount of order 150 MeV or more, with the precise value dependent on the methods used to analyze and fit the data.Comment: 10 pages. v2: comments on scale variation added, reference adde

    Studying Critical String Emerging from Non-Abelian Vortex in Four Dimensions

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    Recently a special vortex string was found [5] in a class of soliton vortices supported in four-dimensional Yang-Mills theories that under certain conditions can become infinitely thin and can be interpreted as a critical ten-dimensional string. The appropriate bulk Yang-Mills theory has the U(2) gauge group and the Fayet-Iliopoulos term. It supports semilocal non-Abelian vortices with the world-sheet theory for orientational and size moduli described by the weighted CP(2,2) model. The full target space is R_4\times Y_6 where Y_6 is a non-compact Calabi-Yau space. We study the above vortex string from the standpoint of string theory, focusing on the massless states in four dimensions. In the generic case all massless modes are non-normalizable, hence, no massless gravitons or vector fields are predicted in the physical spectrum. However, at the selfdual point (at strong coupling) weighted CP(2,2) admits deformation of the complex structure, resulting in a single massless hypermultiplet in the bulk. We interpret it as a composite "baryon."Comment: 15 pages, no figures, minor correction

    Exact Superpotentials, Quantum Vacua and Duality in Supersymmetric SP(N_c) Gauge Theories

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    We study N=1N=1 supersymmetric SP(Nc)SP(N_c) gauge theories with NfN_f flavors of quarks in the fundamental representation. Depending on NfN_f and NcN_c, we find exact, dynamically generated superpotentials, smooth quantum moduli spaces of vacua, quantum moduli spaces of vacua with additional massless composites at strong coupling, confinement without chiral symmetry breaking, non-trivial fixed points of the renormalization group, and massless magnetic quarks and gluons.Comment: 10 pages, harvma

    On Quark-Hadron Duality in the Heavy Quark Sector

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    I discuss the issue of quark-hadron duality in the system of heavy-light quark mesons. As an example, I consider a correlator of two currents comprising heavy quark operators, and I compare the OPE expression with the result obtained by a complete insertion of hadronic states. After a smearing procedure, OPE and hadronic spectral functions agree with each other. However, the local behaviour of the two functions is different, and the difference manifests itself in a term which is absent in the OPE.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 1 postscript figure, uses espcrc2.sty. To appear in the Proceedings of the High Energy Physics Euroconference QCD'97, Montpellier, France, 3-9 July 199

    N=(0,2) Deformation of the N=(2,2) Wess-Zumino Model in Two Dimensions

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    We construct a simple N=(0,2) deformation of the two-dimensional Wess-Zumino model. In addition to superpotential, it includes a "twisted" superpotential. Supersymmetry may or may not be spontaneously broken at the classical level. In the latter case an extra right-handed fermion field \zeta_R involved in the N=(0,2) deformation plays the role of Goldstino.Comment: 6 pages; v2: 3 references added; final version accepted for publication in PR

    Resonance-continuum interference in the di-photon Higgs signal at the LHC

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    A low mass Standard Model Higgs boson should be visible at the Large Hadron Collider through its production via gluon-gluon fusion and its decay to two photons. We compute the interference of this resonant process, gg -> H -> gamma gamma, with the continuum QCD background, gg -> gamma gamma induced by quark loops. Helicity selection rules suppress the effect, which is dominantly due to the imaginary part of the two-loop gg -> gamma gamma scattering amplitude. The interference is destructive, but only of order 5% in the Standard Model, which is still below the 10-20% present accuracy of the total cross section prediction. We comment on the potential size of such effects in other Higgs models.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The Isgur-Wise Function to O(αs)O(\alpha_s) from Sum Rules in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    Radiative corrections to both perturbative and non-perturbative contributions are added to existing calculations of the Isgur-Wise function ξIW\xi_{IW}. To this end, we develop a method for calculating two-loop integrals in the heavy quark effective theory involving two different scales. The inclusion of O(αs)O(\alpha_s) terms causes ξIW\xi_{IW} to decrease as compared to the lowest order result and shows the importance of quantum effects. The slope parameter ρ2\rho^2 violates the bound given by de Rafael and Taron.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures (not included), (LaTeX), HD-THEP-92-4

    On the Inconsistency of Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms in Supergravity Theories

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    Motivated by recent discussions, we revisit the issue of whether globally supersymmetric theories with non-zero Fayet-Iliopoulos terms may be consistently coupled to supergravity. In particular, we examine claims that a fundamental inconsistency arises due to the conflicting requirements which are imposed on the RR-symmetry properties of the theory by the supergravity framework. We also prove that certain kinds of Fayet-Iliopoulos contributions to the supercurrent supermultiplets of theories with non-zero Fayet-Iliopoulos terms fail to exist. A key feature of our discussion is an explicit comparison between results from the chiral (or ``old minimal'') and linear (or ``new minimal'') formulations of supergravity, and the effects within each of these formalisms that are induced by the presence of non-zero Fayet-Iliopoulos terms.Comment: Comments: 69 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, 7 tables. Significant new material on conformal-compensator formalisms added, previous results clarified and extended, references adde

    Analytic calculation of Witten index in D=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics

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    We propose a method for the evaluation of Witten index in D=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics. We rederive a known result for the SU(2) gauge group and generalize it to any SU(N) gauge group.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure