9,209 research outputs found

    A simple model for the kinetics of packaging of DNA in to a capsid against an external force

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    We propose a simple model for the kinetics of packaging of viral DNA in to a capsid against an external force trying to prevent it. The model leads to a Butler-Volmer type dependence of the rate of packaging on the pulling force F

    On the Consensus Threshold for the Opinion Dynamics of Krause-Hegselmann

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    In the consensus model of Krause-Hegselmann, opinions are real numbers between 0 and 1 and two agents are compatible if the difference of their opinions is smaller than the confidence bound parameter \epsilon. A randomly chosen agent takes the average of the opinions of all neighbouring agents which are compatible with it. We propose a conjecture, based on numerical evidence, on the value of the consensus threshold \epsilon_c of this model. We claim that \epsilon_c can take only two possible values, depending on the behaviour of the average degree d of the graph representing the social relationships, when the population N goes to infinity: if d diverges when N goes to infinity, \epsilon_c equals the consensus threshold \epsilon_i ~ 0.2 on the complete graph; if instead d stays finite when N goes to infinity, \epsilon_c=1/2 as for the model of Deffuant et al.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics C 16, issue 2 (2005

    Tinjauan Tentang Subjek Hukum Korporasi dan Formulasi Pertanggungjawaban dalam Tindak Pidana

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    Article clarified corporate application as a law subject that had not been fully applied in Indonesia. Corporate status as a subject for criminal law only could be found in Criminal Law Legislation, out of KUHP that had been categorized as special criminal law, or administrative regulation having crime sanction. The research applied yuridis –normatif and yuridis comparative methods with the following results. There is incompleteness for the status of a corporate, when the corporate will be considered as a liable institution, how to show the liability, etc. The corporate liability in Indonesia in the special criminal law ( outside KUHP), started with UU no. 7/Drt/1955 concerning Economy Criminal Act that later was continued by other special criminal law up to the affects that the corporate responsibility did not work in general, but it was only limited and applied to some special regulations out of those KUHP. Therefore, the design of Criminal Law Regulations that will be authorizeed into Law is supposed to be able to be guidance in overcoming corporate ‘s criminal

    Universality of the Threshold for Complete Consensus for the Opinion Dynamics of Deffuant et al

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    In the compromise model of Deffuant et al., opinions are real numbers between 0 and 1 and two agents are compatible if the difference of their opinions is smaller than the confidence bound parameter \epsilon. The opinions of a randomly chosen pair of compatible agents get closer to each other. We provide strong numerical evidence that the threshold value of \epsilon above which all agents share the same opinion in the final configuration is 1/2, independently of the underlying social topology.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 15, issue

    The dynamics of loop formation in a semiflexible polymer

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    The dynamics of loop formation by linear polymer chains has been a topic of several theoretical/experimental studies. Formation of loops and their opening are key processes in many important biological processes. Loop formation in flexible chains has been extensively studied by many groups. However, in the more realistic case of semiflexible polymers, not much results are available. In a recent study (K. P. Santo and K. L. Sebastian, Phys. Rev. E, \textbf{73}, 031293 (2006)), we investigated opening dynamics of semiflexible loops in the short chain limit and presented results for opening rates as a function of the length of the chain. We presented an approximate model for a semiflexible polymer in the rod limit, based on a semiclassical expansion of the bending energy of the chain. The model provided an easy way to describe the dynamics. In this paper, using this model, we investigate the reverse process, i.e., the loop formation dynamics of a semiflexible polymer chain by describing the process as a diffusion-controlled reaction. We perform a detailed multidimensional analysis of the problem and calculate closing times for a semiflexible chain which leads to results that are physically expected. Such a multidimensional analysis leading to these results does not seem to exist in the literature so far.Comment: 37 pages 4 figure

    Scattering lengths and universality in superdiffusive L\'evy materials

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    We study the effects of scattering lengths on L\'evy walks in quenched one-dimensional random and fractal quasi-lattices, with scatterers spaced according to a long-tailed distribution. By analyzing the scaling properties of the random-walk probability distribution, we show that the effect of the varying scattering length can be reabsorbed in the multiplicative coefficient of the scaling length. This leads to a superscaling behavior, where the dynamical exponents and also the scaling functions do not depend on the value of the scattering length. Within the scaling framework, we obtain an exact expression for the multiplicative coefficient as a function of the scattering length both in the annealed and in the quenched random and fractal cases. Our analytic results are compared with numerical simulations, with excellent agreement, and are supposed to hold also in higher dimensionsComment: 6 pages, 8 figure