1,276 research outputs found

    The Antighost Equation in N=1 Super-Yang-Mills Theories

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    The antighost equation valid for usual gauge theories in the Landau gauge, is generalized to the case of N=1N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in a supersymmetric version of the Landau gauge. This equation, which expresses the nonrenormalization of the Faddeev-Popov ghost field, plays an important role in the proof of the nonrenormalization theorems for the chiral anomalies.Comment: 8 pages, for the sake of clarity expressions (3.1) and (3.2) have been modified. Due to an E-mail error, the old file was empt

    Quantization of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model

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    We study the phase space structure of the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in its connection variables formulation where the gauge group of the field theory is given by local SL(2,R) (or SU(2) for the Euclidean model), i.e. the de Sitter group in two dimensions. In order to make the connection with two dimensional gravity explicit, a partial gauge fixing of the de Sitter symmetry can be introduced that reduces it to spacetime diffeomorphisms. This can be done in different ways. Having no local physical degrees of freedom, the reduced phase space of the model is finite dimensional. The simplicity of this gauge field theory allows for studying different avenues for quantization, which may use various (partial) gauge fixings. We show that reduction and quantization are noncommuting operations: the representation of basic variables as operators in a Hilbert space depend on the order chosen for the latter. Moreover, a representation that is natural in one case may not even be available in the other leading to inequivalent quantum theories.Comment: Published version, a short note (not present in the published version) on the quantization of the null sector has been adde

    N=2 Super Yang Mills Action and BRST Cohomology

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    The extended BRST cohomology of N=2 super Yang-Mills theory is discussed in the framework of Algebraic Renormalization. In particular, N=2 supersymmetric descent equations are derived from the cohomological analysis of linearized Slavnov-Taylor operator \B. It is then shown that both off- and on-shell N=2 super Yang-Mills actions are related to a lower-dimensional gauge invariant field polynomial Tr\f^2 by solving these descent equations. Moreover, it is found that these off- and on-shell solutions differ only by a \B-exact term, which can be interprated as a consequence of the fact that the cohomology of both cases are the same.Comment: Latex, 1+13 page

    On the finiteness of the BRS modulo-d cocycles

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    Ladders of field polynomial differential forms obeying systems of descent equations and corresponding to observables and anomalies of gauge theories are renormalized. They obey renormalized descent equations. Moreover they are shown to have vanishing anomalous dimensions. As an application a simple proof of the nonrenormalization theorem for the nonabelian gauge anomaly is given.Comment: 21 p., UGVA-DPT 1992/03-759, Publ. in Nucl Phys. B381 (1992) 37

    Algebraic Properties of BRST Coupled Doublets

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    We characterize the dependence on doublets of the cohomology of an arbitrary nilpotent differential s (including BRST differentials and classical linearized Slavnov-Taylor (ST) operators) in terms of the cohomology of the doublets-independent component of s. All cohomologies are computed in the space of local integrated formal power series. We drop the usual assumption that the counting operator for the doublets commutes with s (decoupled doublets) and discuss the general case where the counting operator does not commute with s (coupled doublets). The results are purely algebraic and do not rely on power-counting arguments.Comment: Some explanations enlarged, references adde

    Constructive algebraic renormalization of the abelian Higgs-Kibble model

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    We propose an algorithm, based on Algebraic Renormalization, that allows the restoration of Slavnov-Taylor invariance at every order of perturbation expansion for an anomaly-free BRS invariant gauge theory. The counterterms are explicitly constructed in terms of a set of one-particle-irreducible Feynman amplitudes evaluated at zero momentum (and derivatives of them). The approach is here discussed in the case of the abelian Higgs-Kibble model, where the zero momentum limit can be safely performed. The normalization conditions are imposed by means of the Slavnov-Taylor invariants and are chosen in order to simplify the calculation of the counterterms. In particular within this model all counterterms involving BRS external sources (anti-fields) can be put to zero with the exception of the fermion sector.Comment: Jul, 1998, 31 page