505 research outputs found

    Steady state fluctuation relations for systems driven by an external random force

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    We experimentally study the fluctuations of the work done by an external Gaussian random force on two different stochastic systems coupled to a thermal bath: a colloidal particle in an optical trap and an atomic force microscopy cantilever. We determine the corresponding probability density functions for different random forcing amplitudes ranging from a small fraction to several times the amplitude of the thermal noise. In both systems for sufficiently weak forcing amplitudes the work fluctuations satisfy the usual steady state fluctuation theorem. As the forcing amplitude drives the system far from equilibrium, deviations of the fluctuation theorem increase monotonically. The deviations can be recasted to a single master curve which only depends on the kind of stochastic external force.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to EP

    Evaluation of Ingenol mebutate efficacy for the treatment of actinic keratosis with Antera 3D camera

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    OBJECTIVE: Cumulative exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation promotes mutation in keratinocytes and their abnormal growth led to the formation of scaly lesions, called actinic keratoses (AKs). Its incidence is growing at an emerging rate, becoming a worldwide problem especially for occupational ultraviolet (UV) rays exposure. Detectable lesions are often associated with field changes, where the surrounding skin is altered and subclinical lesions may be present. Thus, a field-directed therapy, such as topical treatment, should be preferred for the prevention of invasive cancer development. A retrospective analysis was made, evaluating the efficacy of ingenol-mebutate gel, using a novel device the 3D in vivo optical skin Imaging (Antera 3D, Miravex, Ireland). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included all patients with multiple non-hypertrophic Aks, to whom it was prescribed ingenol-mebutate gel, applied at the dosages of 0.015 for lesions in the scalp/face (for 3 consecutive days) and at the dosage of 0.05% for lesions in the trunk and/or extremities (for 2 consecutive days). RESULTS: A reduction of the lesions and of median hemoglobin levels, after a follow-up of 60 days, was observed in 100% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Ingenol mebutate gel, the last topical molecule appeared in the Italian market showed its efficacy using Antera 3D also in terms of hemoglobin reduction. Therefore, this camera could be considered an useful tool for the identification of the area to be treated and for therapeutic follow-up

    Modelling size effects for static strength of brittle materials

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    The paper proposes a new model for the assessment of size effects affecting the fracture strength of brittle materials. The proposed model permits to accurately estimate the relation between the specimen strength, the initial defect size and to take into account the strength variation with respect to the tested volume. The proposed methodology is analytically defined and thereafter validated with the literature data obtained through tests on different types of brittle materials, and on specimens with increasing volume. A simple procedure for parameter estimation is also defined in the paper. The literature validation proves the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, with the resulting fitting models in well agreement with the experimental dataset and characterized by high values of coefficients of correlation, similar or larger than those obtained in the literature with different approaches

    Frequency dependence of viscous and viscoelastic dissipation in coated micro-cantilevers from noise measurement

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    We measure the mechanical thermal noise of soft silicon atomic force microscopy cantilevers. Using an interferometric setup, we have a resolution down to 1E-14 m/rtHz on a wide spectral range (3 Hz to 1E5 Hz). The low frequency behavior depends dramatically on the presence of a reflective coating: almost flat spectrums for uncoated cantilevers versus 1/f like trend for coated ones. The addition of a viscoelastic term in models of the mechanical system can account for this observation. Use of Kramers-Kronig relations validate this approach with a complete determination of the response of the cantilever: a power law with a small coefficient is found for the frequency dependence of viscoelasticity due to the coating, whereas the viscous damping due to the surrounding atmosphere is accurately described by the Sader model

    Ictal epileptic headache: When terminology is not a moot question

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    open7noThe relationship between headache and epilepsy is complex and despite the nature of this association is not yet clear. In the last few years, it has been progressively introduced the concept of the “ictal epileptic headache” that was included in the recently revised International Classification of Headaches Disorders 3rd edition (ICHD-3-revised). The diagnostic criteria for ictal epileptic headache (IEH) suggested in 2012 were quite restrictive thus leading to the underestimation of this phenomenon. However, these criteria have not yet been included into the ICHD-3 revision published in 2018, thus creating confusion among both, physicians and experts in this field. Here, we highlight the importance to strictly apply the original IEH criteria explaining the reasons through the analysis of the clinical, historical, epidemiological and pathophysiological characteristics of the IEH itself. In addition, we discuss the issues related to the neurophysiopathological link between headache and epilepsy as well as to the classification of these epileptic events as “autonomic seizure”.openParisi P.; Paolino M.C.; Raucci U.; Vecchia N.D.; Belcastro V.; Villa M.P.; Striano P.Parisi, P.; Paolino, M. C.; Raucci, U.; Vecchia, N. D.; Belcastro, V.; Villa, M. P.; Striano, P

    Carbon nanotubes adhesion and nanomechanical behavior from peeling force spectroscopy

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    Applications based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) are good example of the great need to continuously develop metrology methods in the field of nanotechnology. Contact and interface properties are key parameters that determine the efficiency of SWNT functionalized nanomaterials and nanodevices. In this work we have taken advantage of a good control of the SWNT growth processes at an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip apex and the use of a low noise (1E-13 m/rtHz) AFM to investigate the mechanical behavior of a SWNT touching a surface. By simultaneously recording static and dynamic properties of SWNT, we show that the contact corresponds to a peeling geometry, and extract quantities such as adhesion energy per unit length, curvature and bending rigidity of the nanotube. A complete picture of the local shape of the SWNT and its mechanical behavior is provided

    Design and Characterization of Glyceryl Monooleate-Nanostructures Containing Doxorubicin Hydrochloride

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    Glyceryl monooleate (GMO) is one of the most popular amphiphilic lipids, which, in the presence of dierent amounts of water and a proper amount of stabilizer, can promote the development of well defined, thermodynamically stable nanostructures, called lyotropic liquid crystal dispersions. The aim of this study is based on the design, characterization, and evaluation of the cytotoxicity of lyotropic liquid crystal nanostructures containing a model anticancer drug such as doxorubicin hydrochloride. The drug is eciently retained by the GMO nanosystems by a remote loading approach. The nanostructures prepared with dierent non-ionic surfactants (poloxamers and polysorbates) are characterized by dierent physico-chemical features as a function of several parameters, i.e., serum stability, temperature, and dierent pH values, as well as the amount of cryoprotectants used to obtain suitable freeze-dried systems. The nanostructures prepared with poloxamer 407 used as a stabilizer show an increased toxicity of the entrapped drug on breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) due to their ability to sensitize multidrug-resistant (MDR) tumor cells through the inhibition of specific drug eux transporters. Moreover, the interaction between the nanostructures and the cells occurs after just a few hours, evidencing a huge cellular uptake of the nanosystems

    Entropy production and fluctuation theorems under feedback control: the molecular refrigerator model revisited

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    We revisit the model of a Brownian particle in a heat bath submitted to an actively controlled force proportional to the velocity that leads to thermal noise reduction (cold damping). We investigate the influence of the continuous feedback on the fluctuations of the total entropy production and show that the explicit expression of the detailed fluctuation theorem involves different dynamics and observables in the forward and backward processes. As an illustration, we study the analytically solvable case of a harmonic oscillator and calculate the characteristic function of the entropy production in a nonequilibrium steady state. We then determine the corresponding large deviation function which results from an unusual interplay between 'boundary' and 'bulk' contributions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. References 9,10,13,14,15 added. A few changes in the text. Accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec

    Management of childhood headache in the emergency department. Review of the literature

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    Headache is the third cause of visits to pediatric emergency departments (ED). According to a systematic review, headaches in children evaluated in the ED are primarily due to benign conditions that tend to be self-limiting or resolve with appropriate pharmacological treatment. The more frequent causes of non-traumatic headache in the ED include primitive headaches (21.8-66.3%) and benign secondary headaches (35.4-63.2%), whereas potentially life-threatening (LT) secondary headaches are less frequent (2-15.3%). Worrying conditions include brain tumors, central nervous system infections, dysfunction of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts, hydrocephalus, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and intracranial hemorrhage. In the emergency setting, the main goal is to intercept potentially LT conditions that require immediate medical attention. The initial assessment begins with an in-depth, appropriate history followed by a complete, oriented physical and neurological examination. The literature describes the following red flags requiring further investigation (for example neuroimaging) for recognition of LT conditions: abnormal neurological examination; atypical presentation of headaches: subjective vertigo, intractable vomiting or headaches that wake the child from sleep; recent and progressive severe headache (< 6 months); age of the child < 6 years; no family history for migraine or primary headache; occipital headache; change of headache; new headache in an immunocompromised child; first or worst headache; symptoms and signs of systemic disease; headaches associated with changes in mental status or focal neurological disorders. In evaluating a child or adolescent who is being treated for headache, physicians should consider using appropriate diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests are varied, and include routine laboratory analysis, cerebral spinal fluid examination, electroencephalography, and computerized tomography or magnetic resonance neuroimaging. The management of headache in the ED depends on the patient's general conditions and the presumable cause of the headache. There are few randomized, controlled trials on pharmacological treatment of headache in the pediatric population. Only ibuprofen and sumatriptan are significantly more effective than placebo in determining headache relief