12 research outputs found

    Intellectual Capital and Sustainable Development on Islands: An Application to the Case of Gran Canaria

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    Sanchez Medina A. J., Melian Gonzalez A. and Garcia Falcon J. M. (2007) Intellectual capital and sustainable development on islands: an application to the case of Gran Canaria, Regional Studies 41, 473-487. Sustainable development is an objective for any territory, especially when the territory is a small island. To achieve the goal of development and conservation of natural resources, the ideal would be to base a good part of the island's economy on intangible assets, such as culture or knowledge, since they neither depreciate nor erode with use. This work proposes a model designed to enable the identification and measurement of the principal intangible assets that contribute to island territories' achievement of sustainable development. In this work, the model is applied to the island of Gran Canaria, Spain. Sanchez Medina A. J., Melian Gonzalez et Garcia Falcon J. M. (2007) Le capital intellectuel et le developpement durable des iles: etude de cas de la Gran Canaria, Regional Studies 41, 473-487. Le developpement durable constitue un objectif de tout territoire, surtout quand le territoire en question est une petite ile. Afin de realiser le developpement et la protection des ressources naturelles, on devrait focaliser en principe une part non-negligeable de l'economie de l'ile sur les immobilisations incorporelles, telles la culture ou la connaissance, parce que leur valeur ne se deprecie, ni s'erode sur le temps. Cette etude propose un modele qui facilite l'identification et la mesure des principales immobilisations incorporelles qui contribuent a la realisation du developpment durable par les territoires insulaires. Dans cette etude, le modele se voit appliquer a la Gran Canaria, en Espagne. Capital intellectuel Territoire insulaire Developpement durable Sanchez Medina A. J., Melian Gonzalez und Garcia Falcon J. M. (2007) Geistiges Kapital und nachhaltige Entwicklung auf Inseln: Anwendung auf den Fall Gran Canaria, Regional Studies 41, 473-487. Nachhaltige Entwicklung ist ein Ziel fur jedes Gebiet, insbesondere wenn es sich bei dem Gebiet um eine kleine Insel handelt. Um das Ziel der Entwicklung und des Erhalts naturlicher Ressourcen zu verwirklichen, ware es ideal, einen Grossteil der Wirtschaft der Insel auf immaterielle Guter zu stutzen, also zum Beispiel auf Kultur oder Wissen - denn diese Guter verlieren weder an Wert, noch verschleissen sie durch Gebrauch. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Modell vorgestellt, mit dem sich die wichtigsten immateriellen Guter identifizieren und messen lassen, die zur Verwirklichung nachhaltiger Entwicklung auf einem Inselgebiet beitragen konnen. Angewandt wird dieses Modell in diesem Beitrag auf die Insel Gran Canaria, Spanien. Geistiges Kapital Inselgebiet Nachhaltige Entwicklung Sanchez Medina A. J., Melian Gonzalez y Garcia Falcon J. M. (2007) Capital intelectual y desarrollo sostenible en las islas: el caso de Gran Canaria, Regional Studies 41, 473-487. El desarrollo sostenible es un objetivo para cualquier territorio, especialmente cuando se trata de una pequena isla. Para conseguir el objetivo del desarrollo y la conservacion de los recursos naturales, lo ideal seria basar una buena parte de la economia de la isla en bienes intangibles, tales como la cultura o el conocimiento, dado que estos ni se devaluan ni se erosionan con el uso. Con este trabajo proponemos un modelo disenado para permitir la identificacion y la medicion de los principales bienes intangibles que contribuyen a obtener un desarrollo sostenible en los territorios de una isla. En este trabajo, el modelo se aplica a la isla de Gran Canaria en Espana. Capital intelectual Territorio insular Desarrollo sostenibleIntellectual capital, Island territory, Sustainable development,

    Cyberloafing in IT classrooms: exploring the role of the psycho-social environment in the classroom, attitude to computers and computing courses, motivation and learning strategies

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the level of cyberloafing behaviors of the students in information technologies (IT) classrooms; and to examine the relationship between cyberloafing behaviors and the psycho-social perceptions, attitudes and motivation for the courses and learning strategies. Correlational method was utilized; and structural equation modelling is applied to analyze the data. The study was carried out with the students who take Computing I course in the IT classroom. Data were collected from 607 university students by utilizing five self-report instruments: demographic information form', cyberloafing activities scale', what is happening in this class? questionnaire', attitude to computers and computing courses questionnaire' and motivated strategies for learning questionnaire'. The results demonstrate that students' cyberloafing behaviors are influenced by their psycho-social perceptions, attitudes and learning strategies. However, the results demonstrate that students' cyberloafing behaviors aren't influenced by their motivation for the courses. Further research studies and implications are presented and discussed

    A controladoria e o capital intelectual: um estudo empírico sobre sua gestão The controllership and the intellectual capital: an empirical study on its management

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    Este estudo objetivou investigar a adequação do Sistema de Informações Contábeis Gerenciais de grandes empresas brasileiras à gestão do Capital Intelectual. Assumiu-se a Controladoria como a área na empresa mais adequada para identificar, avaliar e mensurar esses elementos e para disponibilizar as informações necessárias à gestão das empresas no atingimento de sua missão. A pesquisa do tipo exploratória está baseada em uma amostra composta por 30 gestores de grandes empresas brasileiras. A análise dos dados, tratados por meio do método qualitativo (Análise de Conteúdo), permitiu verificar que a grande maioria dos gestores realiza investimentos em elementos do Capital Intelectual e que atribuíram indicadores para avaliar esses investimentos, mas não de forma integrada que permita a quantificação correta dos valores investidos e a avaliação do retorno desses investimentos. Por outro lado, os gestores mostraram-se receptivos a aplicar um modelo de gestão para tal fim e consideraram a Controladoria como a área mais adequada para gerenciar esse modelo.<br>The purpose of this essay is to investigate through the Controlling Departments how the Management Information Systems in large Brazilian companies treat investments on Intellectual capital elements. It has been assumed that the Controlling Department is the companies' most adequate area to identify, evaluate and measure such elements, and to provide the managerial information required for the accomplishment of each company's mission. The exploratory research is based on a sample of 30 managers of large Brazilian companies. The qualitative analysis of the data collected (Contents Analysis) lead us to the conclusion that the great majority of managers invest on detecting Intellectual Capital elements and have tools to evaluate such investment, but not in an integrated manner that permits to correctly quantify the invested amounts and to evaluate the return on the investment. On the other hand, managers have been receptive to adopt a managerial model for that purpose, if available, and have considered the Controlling Department as the most adequate area to manage such model