1,153 research outputs found

    The Quiescent Spectrum of the AM CVn star CP Eri

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    We used the 6.5m MMT to obtain a spectrum of the AM CVn star CP Eri in quiescence. The spectrum is dominated by He I emission lines, which are clearly double peaked with a peak-to-peak separation of ~1900 km/s. The spectrum is similar to that of the longer period AM CVn systems GP Com and CE 315, linking the short and the long period AM CVn systems. In contrast with GP Com and CE 315, the spectrum of CP Eri does not show a central 'spike' in the line profiles, but it does show lines of SiII in emission. The presence of these lines indicates that the material being transferred is of higher metallicity than in GP Com and CE 315, which, combined with the low proper motion of the system, probably excludes a halo origin of the progenitor of CP Eri. We constrain the primary mass to M_1>0.27 M_sun and the orbital inclination to 33 degr < i < 80 degr. The presence of the He I lines in emission opens up the possibility for phase resolved spectroscopic studies which allows a determination of the system parameters and a detailed study of helium accretion disks under highly varying circumstances.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Can mHealth Improve Risk Assessment in Underserved Populations? Acceptability of a Breast Health Questionnaire App in Ethnically Diverse, Older, Low-Income Women.

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    Background: Use of mobile health (mHealth) tools has expanded rapidly but little research has been done on its acceptability by low-income, diverse, older patient populations. Objective: To assess the attitudes of a diverse group of underserved women on the acceptability and usability of mHealth tools in a clinical setting using a breast health questionnaire application (app) at a public hospital mammography clinic. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in a breast-imaging center of an urban safety net institution from July-August 2012. Interviews included pre- and post-questions. Women completed the Athena breast health questionnaire app on an iPad and were asked about their experience and ways to improve the tool. Results: Fifteen women age 45-75 years from diverse ethnic and educational backgrounds were interviewed. The majority of women, 11 of 15, preferred the Athena app over a paper version and all the women thought the app was easy to use. Two Spanish-speaking Latinas preferred paper; and two women, with limited mobile phone use, did not have a preference. Many women indicated that it would be necessary to have staff available for instruction and assistance if the app were to be implemented. Conclusions: mHealth tools are an acceptable, if not preferred, method of collecting health information for diverse, older, low-income women. Further studies are required to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of data collection using mHealth tools in underserved populations. mHealth tools should be explored as a novel way to engage diverse populations to improve clinical care and bridge gaps in health disparities

    An automatic visual analysis system for tennis

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    This article presents a novel video analysis system for coaching tennis players of all levels, which uses computer vision algorithms to automatically edit and index tennis videos into meaningful annotations. Existing tennis coaching software lacks the ability to automatically index a tennis match into key events, and therefore, a coach who uses existing software is burdened with time-consuming manual video editing. This work aims to explore the effectiveness of a system to automatically detect tennis events. A secondary aim of this work is to explore the bene- fits coaches experience in using an event retrieval system to retrieve the automatically indexed events. It was found that automatic event detection can significantly improve the experience of using video feedback as part of an instructional coaching session. In addition to the automatic detection of key tennis events, player and ball movements are automati- cally tracked throughout an entire match and this wealth of data allows users to find interesting patterns in play. Player and ball movement information are integrated with the automatically detected tennis events, and coaches can query the data to retrieve relevant key points during a match or analyse player patterns that need attention. This coaching software system allows coaches to build advanced queries, which cannot be facilitated with existing video coaching solutions, without tedious manual indexing. This article proves that the event detection algorithms in this work can detect the main events in tennis with an average precision and recall of 0.84 and 0.86, respectively, and can typically eliminate man- ual indexing of key tennis events

    Supported Membranes Embedded with Fixed Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles

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    10.1021/nl202847tNano Letters11114912-491

    EC 11481-2303 - A Peculiar Subdwarf OB Star Revisited

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    EC 11481-2303 is a peculiar, hot, high-gravity pre-white dwarf. Previous optical spectroscopy revealed that it is a sdOB star with an effective temperature (Teff) of 41790 K, a surface gravity log(g)= 5.84, and He/H = 0.014 by number. We present an on-going spectral analysis by means of non-LTE model-atmosphere techniques based on high-resolution, high-S/N optical (VLT-UVES) and ultraviolet (FUSE, IUE) observations. We are able to reproduce the optical and UV observations simultaneously with a chemically homogeneous NLTE model atmosphere with a significantly higher effective temperature and lower He abundance (Teff = 55000 K, log (g) = 5.8, and He / H = 0.0025 by number). While C, N, and O appear less than 0.15 times solar, the iron-group abundance is strongly enhanced by at least a factor of ten.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    MMT Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1118+480 near and in Quiescence

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    We report on the analysis of new and previously published MMT optical spectra of the black hole binary XTE J1118+480 during the decline from the 2000 outburst to true quiescence. From cross-correlation with template stars, we measure the radial velocity of the secondary to derive a new spectroscopic ephemeris. The observations acquired during approach to quiescence confirm the earlier reported modulation in the centroid of the double-peaked Halpha emission line. Additionally, our data combined with the results presented by Zurita et al. (2002) provide support for a modulation with a periodicity in agreement with the expected precession period of the accretion disk of ~52 day. Doppler images during the decline phase of the Halpha emission line show evidence for a hotspot and emission from the gas stream: the hotspot is observed to vary its position, which may be due to the precession of the disk. The data available during quiescence show that the centroid of the Halpha emission line is offset by about -100 km/s from the systemic velocity which suggests that the disk continues to precess. A Halpha tomogram reveals emission from near the donor star after subtraction of the ring-like contribution from the accretion disk which we attribute to chromospheric emission. No hotspot is present suggesting that accretion from the secondary has stopped (or decreased significantly) during quiescence. Finally, a comparison is made with the black hole XRN GRO J0422+32: we show that the Halpha profile of this system also exhibits a behaviour consistent with a precessing disk.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    Persistence in Cluster--Cluster Aggregation

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    Persistence is considered in diffusion--limited cluster--cluster aggregation, in one dimension and when the diffusion coefficient of a cluster depends on its size ss as D(s)sγD(s) \sim s^\gamma. The empty and filled site persistences are defined as the probabilities, that a site has been either empty or covered by a cluster all the time whereas the cluster persistence gives the probability of a cluster to remain intact. The filled site one is nonuniversal. The empty site and cluster persistences are found to be universal, as supported by analytical arguments and simulations. The empty site case decays algebraically with the exponent θE=2/(2γ)\theta_E = 2/(2 - \gamma). The cluster persistence is related to the small ss behavior of the cluster size distribution and behaves also algebraically for 0γ<20 \le \gamma < 2 while for γ<0\gamma < 0 the behavior is stretched exponential. In the scaling limit tt \to \infty and K(t)K(t) \to \infty with t/K(t)t/K(t) fixed the distribution of intervals of size kk between persistent regions scales as n(k;t)=K2f(k/K)n(k;t) = K^{-2} f(k/K), where K(t)tθK(t) \sim t^\theta is the average interval size and f(y)=eyf(y) = e^{-y}. For finite tt the scaling is poor for ktzk \ll t^z, due to the insufficient separation of the two length scales: the distances between clusters, tzt^z, and that between persistent regions, tθt^\theta. For the size distribution of persistent regions the time and size dependences separate, the latter being independent of the diffusion exponent γ\gamma but depending on the initial cluster size distribution.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    X-ray and optical observations of the unique binary system HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418

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    We report the results of XMM-Newton observations of HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418, the only known X-ray binary consisting of a hot sub-dwarf and a white dwarf. The white dwarf rotates very rapidly (P=13.2 s) and has a dynamically measured mass of 1.28+/-0.05 M_sun. Its X-ray emission consists of a strongly pulsed, soft component, well fit by a blackbody with kT~40 eV, accounting for most of the luminosity, and a fainter hard power-law component (photon index ~1.6). A luminosity of ~10^{32} erg/s is produced by accretion onto the white dwarf of the helium-rich matter from the wind of the companion, which is one of the few hot sub-dwarfs showing evidence of mass-loss. A search for optical pulsations at the South African Astronomical Observatory 1.9-m telescope gave negative results. X-rays were detected also during the white dwarf eclipse. This emission, with luminosity 2x10^{30} erg/s, can be attributed to HD 49798 and represents the first detection of a hot sub-dwarf star in the X-ray band. HD49798/RXJ0648.0-4418 is a post-common envelope binary which most likely originated from a pair of stars with masses ~8-10 M_sun. After the current He-burning phase, HD 49798 will expand and reach the Roche-lobe, causing a higher accretion rate onto the white dwarf which can reach the Chandrasekhar limit. Considering the fast spin of the white dwarf, this could lead to the formation of a millisecond pulsar. Alternatively, this system could be a Type Ia supernova progenitor with the appealing characteristic of a short time delay, being the descendent of relatively massive stars.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    Functional land management: A framework for managing soil-based ecosystem services for the sustainable intensification of agriculture

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    peer-reviewedSustainable food production has re-emerged at the top of the global policy agenda, driven by two challenges: (1) the challenge to produce enough food to feed a growing world population and (2) the challenge to make more efficient and prudent use of the world's natural resources. These challenges have led to a societal expectation that the agricultural sector increase productivity, and at the same time provide environmental ‘ecosystem services’ such as the provision of clean water, air, habitats for biodiversity, recycling of nutrients and mitigation against climate change. Whilst the degree to which agriculture can provide individual ecosystem services has been well researched, it is unclear how and to what extent agriculture can meet all expectations relating to environmental sustainability simultaneously, whilst increasing the quantity of food outputs. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework for the quantification of the ‘supply of’ and ‘demand for’ agricultural, soil-based ecosystem services or ‘soil functions’. We use Irish agriculture as a case-study for this framework, using proxy-indicators to determine the demand for individual soil functions, as set by agri-environmental policies, as well as the supply of soil functions, as defined by land use and soil type. We subsequently discuss how this functionality of soils can be managed or incentivised through policy measures, with a view to minimising the divergence between agronomic policies designed to promote increased agricultural production and environmental policy objectives. Finally, we discuss the applicability of this conceptual framework to agriculture and agri-environmental policies at EU level, and the implications for policy makers