16 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for σ\sigma Ori E - II. Magnetic Doppler imaging, arbitrary field RRM, and light variability

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    The initial success of the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere (RRM) model application to the B2Vp star sigma OriE by Townsend, Owocki & Groote (2005) triggered a renewed era of observational monitoring of this archetypal object. We utilize high-resolution spectropolarimetry and the magnetic Doppler imaging (MDI) technique to simultaneously determine the magnetic configuration, which is predominately dipolar, with a polar strength Bd = 7.3-7.8 kG and a smaller non-axisymmetric quadrupolar contribution, as well as the surface distribution of abundance of He, Fe, C, and Si. We describe a revised RRM model that now accepts an arbitrary surface magnetic field configuration, with the field topology from the MDI models used as input. The resulting synthetic Ha emission and broadband photometric observations generally agree with observations, however, several features are poorly fit. To explore the possibility of a photospheric contribution to the observed photometric variability, the MDI abundance maps were used to compute a synthetic photospheric light curve to determine the effect of the surface inhomogeneities. Including the computed photospheric brightness modulation fails to improve the agreement between the observed and computed photometry. We conclude that the discrepancies cannot be explained as an effect of inhomogeneous surface abundance. Analysis of the UV light variability shows good agreement between observed variability and computed light curves, supporting the accuracy of the photospheric light variation calculation. We thus conclude that significant additional physics is necessary for the RRM model to acceptably reproduce observations of not only sigma Ori E, but also other similar stars with significant stellar wind-magnetic field interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Nuclear inclusions of pathogenic ataxin-1 induce oxidative stress and perturb the protein synthesis machinery

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type-1 (SCA1) is caused by an abnormally expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in ataxin-1. These expansions are responsible for protein misfolding and self-assembly into intranuclear inclusion bodies (IIBs) that are somehow linked to neuronal death. However, owing to lack of a suitable cellular model, the downstream consequences of IIB formation are yet to be resolved. Here, we describe a nuclear protein aggregation model of pathogenic human ataxin-1 and characterize IIB effects. Using an inducible Sleeping Beauty transposon system, we overexpressed the ATXN1(Q82) gene in human mesenchymal stem cells that are resistant to the early cytotoxic effects caused by the expression of the mutant protein. We characterized the structure and the protein composition of insoluble polyQ IIBs which gradually occupy the nuclei and are responsible for the generation of reactive oxygen species. In response to their formation, our transcriptome analysis reveals a cerebellum-specific perturbed protein interaction network, primarily affecting protein synthesis. We propose that insoluble polyQ IIBs cause oxidative and nucleolar stress and affect the assembly of the ribosome by capturing or down-regulating essential components. The inducible cell system can be utilized to decipher the cellular consequences of polyQ protein aggregation. Our strategy provides a broadly applicable methodology for studying polyQ diseases

    Antenna Arrays for Tactical Communication Systems: A Comparative Study

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    In this paper, we give a comparative study of several planar antenna concepts for reliable long range links in a tactical environment. The antenna elements are studied in terms of their electrical properties (bandwidth, reflection coefficient and radiation characteristics) and construction (robustness and material consumption). First, we model single antenna elements to investigate if they meet the requirements. Second, we arrange the elements with the best features into 2x2 arrays. Computer simulations of the arrays are verified by measurements. Finally, we formulate recommendations for large array (8x8 or 16x16 elements) synthesis to achieve the required properties

    The roAp star α

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    We report on an analysis of high-precision, multi-colour photometric observations of the rapidly-oscillating Ap (roAp) star α\alpha Cir. These observations were obtained with the BRITE-Constellation, which is a coordinated mission of five nanosatellites that collects continuous millimagnitude-precision photometry of dozens of bright stars for up to 180 days at a time in two colours (Johnson B and R). BRITE stands for BRight Target Explorer. The object α\alpha Cir is the brightest roAp star and an ideal target for such investigations, facilitating the determination of oscillation frequencies with high resolution. This star is bright enough for complementary interferometry and time-resolved spectroscopy. Four BRITE satellites observed α\alpha Cir for 146 d or 33 rotational cycles. Phasing the photometry according to the 4.4790 d rotational period reveals qualitatively different light variations in the two photometric bands. The phased red-band photometry is in good agreement with previously-published WIRE data, showing a light curve symmetric about phase 0.5 with a strong contribution from the first harmonic. The phased blue-band data, in contrast, show an essentially sinusoidal variation. We model both light curves with Bayesian Photometric Imaging, which suggests the presence of two large-scale, photometrically bright (relative to the surrounding photosphere) spots. We also examine the high-frequency pulsation spectrum as encoded in the BRITE photometry. Our analysis establishes the stability of the main pulsation frequency over the last 20 years, confirms the presence of frequency f7, which was not detected (or the mode not excited) prior to 2006, and excludes quadrupolar modes for the main pulsation frequency.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic