86 research outputs found

    A universal mechanism for long-range cross-correlations

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    Cross-correlations are thought to emerge through interaction between particles. Here we present a universal dynamical mechanism capable of generating power-law cross-correlations between non-interacting particles exposed to an external potential. This phenomenon can occur as an ensemble property when the external potential induces intermittent dynamics of Pomeau-Manneville type, providing laminar and stochastic phases of motion in a system with a large number of particles. In this case, the ensemble of particle-trajectories forms a random fractal in time. The underlying statistical self-similarity is the origin of the observed power-law cross-correlations. Furthermore, we have strong indications that a sufficient condition for the emergence of these long-range cross-correlations is the divergence of the mean residence time in the laminar phase of the single particle motion (sporadic dynamics). We argue that the proposed mechanism may be relevant for the occurrence of collective behaviour in critical systems

    The architecture of the simian varicella virus transcriptome

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    Primary infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes varicella and the establishment of lifelong latency in sensory ganglion neurons. In one-third of infected individuals VZV reactivates from latency to cause herpes zoster, often complicated by difficult-to-treat chronic pain. Experimental infection of non-human primates with simian varicella virus (SVV) recapitulates most features of human VZV disease, thereby providing the opportunity to study the pathogenesis of varicella and herpes zoster in vivo. However, compared to VZV, the transcriptome and the full coding potential of SVV remains incompletely understood. Here, we performed nanopore direct RNA sequencing to annotate the SVV transcriptome in lytically SVV-infected African green monkey (AGM) and rhesus macaque (RM) kidney epithelial cells. We refined structures of canonical SVV transcripts and uncovered numerous RNA isoforms, splicing events, fusion transcripts and non-coding RNAs, mostly unique to SVV. We verified the expression of canonical and newly identified SVV transcripts in vivo, using lung samples from acutely SVV-infected cynomolgus macaques. Expression of selected transcript isoforms, including those located in the unique left-end of the SVV genome, was confirmed by reverse transcription PCR. Finally, we performed detailed characterization of the SVV homologue of the VZV latency-associated transcript (VLT), located antisense to ORF61. Analogous to VZV VLT, SVV VLT is multiply spliced and numerous isoforms are generated using alternative transcription start sites and extensive splicing. Conversely, low level expression of a single spliced SVV VLT isoform defines in vivo latency. Notably, the genomic location of VLT core exons is highly conserved between SVV and VZV. This work thus highlights the complexity of lytic SVV gene expression and provides new insights into the molecular biology underlying lytic and latent SVV infection. The identification of the SVV VLT homolog further underlines the value of the SVV non-human primate model to develop new strategies for prevention of herpes zoster

    Content validity of the comprehensive ICF core set for children with cerebral palsy aged 0-6 years: Iranian occupational therapists perspective

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    Objectives Comprehensive ICF Core Set of cerebral palsy (CP) includes a set of functions of children with CP has been created recently. This study determined the content validity of this version based on Iranian Occupational Therapists� perspectives to explore whether the ICF Core Sets for CP include the areas of function of CP in Occupational Therapy practice. Materials & Methods This qualitative study conducted from Feb 2015 to Apr 2016 in Tehran, Iran. Experts were the academic staffs selected through convenience sampling. Content validity of comprehensive ICF-Core Set of CP with 135 ICF categories was done by them. Delphi survey was used for generating consensus on the final version. Participants were 50 clinical Occupational Therapists invited via email from across Iran. An agreement of 75 was considered as the cut-off for inclusion of each code-category. Results About 60 of the code�categories of comprehensive version of ICF Core Set of CP were approved by Occupational Therapists. In the final version, 82 code-categories were listed that included 21 code-categories for Body Functions, 40 for Activity/Participation, and 21 for Environmental Factors. Conclusion The validity of the Iranian ICF Core Set for children with CP aged 0�6 yr was supported by Iranian Occupational Therapists. It could be the basis for evaluation of this population in Occupational Therapy. © 2018, Iranian Child Neurology Society. All rights reserved

    The Effect of Scandium Ternary Intergrain Precipitates in Al-Containing High-Entropy Alloys

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    We investigate the effect of alloying with scandium on microstructure, high-temperature phase stability, electron transport, and mechanical properties of the Al2CoCrFeNi, Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi, and AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi high-entropy alloys. Out of the three model alloys, Al2CoCrFeNi adopts a disordered CsCl structure type. Both of the six-component alloys contain a mixture of body-centered cubic (bcc) and face centered cubic (fcc) phases. The comparison between in situ high-temperature powder diffraction data and ex situ data from heat-treated samples highlights the presence of a reversible bcc to fcc transition. The precipitation of a MgZn2-type intermetallic phase along grain boundaries following scandium addition affects all systems differently, but especially enhances the properties of Al2CoCrFeNi. It causes grain refinement; hardness and electrical conductivity increases (up to 20% and 14% respectively) and affects the CsCl-type → fcc equilibrium by moving the transformation to sensibly higher temperatures. The maximum dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) of 0.014 is reached for Al2CoCrFeNi alloyed with 0.3 wt.% Sc at 650 °C

    Strategic crossing of biomass and harvest index—source and sink—achieves genetic gains in wheat

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    To accelerate genetic gains in breeding, physiological trait (PT) characterization of candidate parents can help make more strategic crosses, increasing the probability of accumulating favorable alleles compared to crossing relatively uncharacterized lines. In this study, crosses were designed to complement “source” with “sink” traits, where at least one parent was selected for favorable expression of biomass and/or radiation use efficiency—source—and the other for sink-related traits like harvest-index, kernel weight and grains per spike. Female parents were selected from among genetic resources—including landraces and products of wide-crossing (i.e. synthetic wheat)—that had been evaluated in Mexico at high yield potential or under heat stress, while elite lines were used as males. Progeny of crosses were advanced to the F4 generation within Mexico, and F4-derived F5 and F6 generations were yield tested to populate four international nurseries, targeted to high yield environments (2nd and 3rd WYCYT) for yield potential, and heat stressed environments (2nd and 4th SATYN) for climate resilience, respectively. Each nursery was grown as multi-location yield trials. Genetic gains were achieved in both temperate and hot environments, with most new PT-derived lines expressing superior yield and biomass compared to local checks at almost all international sites. Furthermore, the tendency across all four nurseries indicated either the superiority of the best new PT lines compared with the CIMMYT elite checks, or the superiority of all new PT lines as a group compared with all checks, and in some cases, both. Results support—in a realistic breeding context—the hypothesis that yield and radiation use efficiency can be increased by improving source:sink balance, and validate the feasibility of incorporating exotic germplasm into mainstream breeding efforts to accelerate genetic gains for yield potential and climate resilience

    A pragmatic continuum level model for the prediction of the onset of keyholing in laser powder bed fusion

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    Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is a complex process involving a range of multi-scale and multi-physical phenomena. There has been much research involved in creating numerical models of this process using both high and low fidelity modelling approaches where various approximations are made. Generally, to model single lines within the process to predict melt pool geometry and mode, high fidelity computationally intensive models are used which, for industrial purposes, may not be suitable. The model proposed in this work uses a pragmatic continuum level methodology with an ablation limiting approach at the mesoscale coupled with measured thermophysical properties. This model is compared with single line experiments over a range of input parameters using a modulated yttrium fibre laser with varying power and line speeds for a fixed powder layer thickness. A good trend is found between the predicted and measured width and depth of the tracks for 316L stainless steel where the transition into keyhole mode welds was predicted within 13% of experiments. The work presented highlights that pragmatic reduced physics-based modelling can accurately capture weld geometry which could be applied to more practical based uses in the L-PBF process

    Study of isolated prompt photon production in p

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    Size Effect on the Post-Necking Behaviour of Dual-Phase 800 Steel: Modelling and Experiment

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    This work investigated the feasibility of using a miniaturised non-standard tensile specimen to predict the post-necking behaviour of the materials manufactured via a rapid alloy prototyping (RAP) approach. The experimental work focused on the determination of the Lankford coefficients (r-value) of dual-phase 800 (DP800) steel and the digital image correlation (DIC) for some cases, which were used to help calibrate the damage model parameters of DP800 steel. The three-dimensional numerical simulations focused on the influence of the size effect (aspect ratio, AR) on the post-necking behaviour, such as the strain/stress/triaxiality evolutions, fracture angles, and necking mode transitions. The modelling showed that although a good correlation can be found between the predicted and experimentally observed ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and total elongation. The standard tensile specimen with a gauge length of 80 mm exhibited a fracture angle of ∼55°, whereas the smaller miniaturised non-standard specimens with low ARs exhibited fractures perpendicular to the loading direction. This shows that care must be taken when comparing the post-necking behaviour of small-scale tensile tests, such as those completed as a part of a RAP approach, to the post-necking behaviours of standard full-size test specimens. However, the modelling work showed that this behaviour is well represented, demonstrating a transition between the fracture angles of the samples between 2.5 and 5. This provides more confidence in understanding the post-necking behaviour of small-scale tensile tests