568 research outputs found

    Structure and dynamics of Oxide Melts and Glasses : a view from multinuclear and high temperature NMR

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    Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments allow characterizing the local structure and dynamics of oxide glasses and melts. Thanks to the development of new experiments, it now becomes possible to evidence not only the details of the coordination state of the network formers of glasses but also to characterize the nature of polyatomic molecular motifs extending over several chemical bonds. We present results involving 31P homonuclear experiments that allow description of groups of up to three phosphate units and 27Al/17O heteronuclear that allows evidencing μ3 oxygen bridges in aluminate glasses and rediscussion of the structure of high temperature melts.Comment: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2007) in press; Also available online at: http://crmht.cnrs-orleans.fr/Intranet/Publications/?id=207

    Tectonic Controls on Taupo Volcanic Zone Geothermal Expression: Insights From Te Mihi, Wairakei Geothermal Field

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    Information on structure, stress, and their interrelationship is essential for understanding structurally controlled geothermal permeability. Active fault mapping, borehole image analysis, and well testing in the Te Mihi geothermal area, New Zealand, allows us to refine structural and fluid flow architecture of this resource. The Te Mihi area is structurally complex, comprising a set of NW dipping master faults containing pervasive SE dipping antithetic and splay structures in their hanging walls. These faults are also intersected by E-W striking faults. A localized, N-S striking structural trend is also observed at Te Mihi. In consideration with Global Navigation Satellite System velocity vectors, both active NE-SW and E-W striking faults create biaxial extension at Te Mihi, though the observed NE-SW SHmax direction suggests that contemporary extension is NW-SE dominated. Stress field perturbations coincide with structural complexities like fault splays and intersections and/or proximity to recently active E-W and NE-SW striking structures. Borehole fluid flow at Te Mihi is concentrated at NW dipping master fault intersections, travel time fractures on acoustic image logs, halo fractures on resistivity image logs, NE-SW and E-W striking fractures, intervals of high fracture density, and spatial concentrations of wide aperture fractures and recently active NE-SW and E-W striking fractures. This study suggests Te Mihi geothermal expression results from biaxial extension evident from active structural trend intersections and the predominance of NE-SW and E-W striking structures within permeable well zones. Biaxial extension is therefore an important control on crustal fluid flow within the Taupo Volcanic Zone and thus geothermal resource delineation

    A multinuclear solid state NMR, density functional theory and X-Ray diffraction study of hydrogen bonding in Group I hydrogen dibenzoates

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    An NMR crystallographic approach incorporating multinuclear solid state NMR (SSNMR), X-ray structure determinations and density functional theory (DFT) are used to characterise the H bonding arrangements in benzoic acid (BZA) and the corresponding Group I alkali metal hydrogen dibenzoates (HD) systems. Since the XRD data often cannot precisely confirm the proton position within the hydrogen bond, the relationship between the experimental SSNMR parameters and the ability of gauge included plane augmented wave (GIPAW) DFT to predict them becomes a powerful constraint that can assist with further structure refinement. Both the 1H and 13C MAS NMR methods provide primary descriptions of the H bonding via accurate measurements of the 1H and 13C isotropic chemical shifts, and the individual 13C chemical shift tensor elements; these are unequivocally corroborated by DFT calculations, which together accurately describe the trend of the H bonding strength as the size of the monovalent cation changes. In addition, 17O MAS and DOR NMR form a powerful combination to characterise the O environments, with the DOR technique providing highly resolved 17O NMR data which helps verify unequivocally the number of inequivalent O positions for the conventional 17O MAS NMR to process. Further multinuclear MAS and static NMR studies involving the quadrupolar 7Li, 39K, 87Rb and 133Cs nuclei, and the associated DFT calculations, provide trends and a corroboration of the H bond geometry which assist in the understanding of these arrangements. Even though the crystallographic H positions in each H bonding arrangement reported from the single crystal X-ray studies are prone to uncertainty, the good corroboration between the measured and DFT calculated chemical shift and quadrupole tensor parameters for the Group I alkali species suggest that these reported H positions are reliable

    Structure and Ionic Conductivity in the Mixed-Network Former Chalcogenide Glass System [Na2S]2/3[(B2S3)x(P2S5)1–x]1/3

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    Glasses in the system [Na2S]2/3[(B2S3)x(P2S5)1–x]1/3 (0.0 ≀ x ≀ 1.0) were prepared by the melt quenching technique, and their properties were characterized by thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy. Their atomic-level structures were comprehensively characterized by Raman spectroscopy and 11B, 31P, and 23Na high resolution solid state magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR techniques. 31P MAS NMR peak assignments were made by the presence or absence of homonuclear indirect 31P–31P spin–spin interactions as detected using homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The extent of B–S–P connectivity in the glassy network was quantified by 31P{11B} and 11B{31P} rotational echo double resonance spectroscopy. The results clearly illustrate that the network modifier alkali sulfide, Na2S, is not proportionally shared between the two network former components, B and P. Rather, the thiophosphate (P) component tends to attract a larger concentration of network modifier species than predicted by the bulk composition, and this results in the conversion of P2S74–, pyrothiophosphate, Na/P = 2:1, units into PS43–, orthothiophosphate, Na/P = 3:1, groups. Charge balance is maintained by increasing the net degree of polymerization of the thioborate (B) units through the formation of covalent bridging sulfur (BS) units, B–S–B. Detailed inspection of the 11B MAS NMR spectra reveals that multiple thioborate units are formed, ranging from neutral BS3/2 groups all the way to the fully depolymerized orthothioborate (BS33–) species. On the basis of these results, a comprehensive and quantitative structural model is developed for these glasses, on the basis of which the compositional trends in the glass transition temperatures (Tg) and ionic conductivities can be rationalized. Up to x = 0.4, the dominant process can be described in a simplified way by the net reaction equation P1 + B1 P0 + B4, where the superscripts denote the number of BS atoms for the respective network former species. Above x = 0.4, all of the thiophosphate units are of the P0 type and both pyro- (B1) and orthothioborate (B0) species make increasing contributions to the network structure with increasing x. In sharp contrast to the situation in sodium borophosphate glasses, four-coordinated thioborate species are generally less abundant and heteroatomic B–S–P linkages appear to not exist. On the basis of this structural information, compositional trends in the ionic conductivities are discussed in relation to the nature of the charge-compensating anionic species and the spatial distribution of the charge carriers

    Structural and spatially-resolved studies on the hardening of a commercial resin-modified glass-ionomer cement

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    A commercial photopolymerizable resinmodified glass-ionomer (Fuji II LC) was studied using a variety of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. H and F stray-field imaging (STRAFI) enabled to follow the acid–base reaction kinetics in self-cured (SC) samples. Gelation and maturation processes with 25 min and 40 h average time constants, respectively, were distinguished. In self- & photo-cured (SPC) samples, two processes were also observed, which occurred with 2 s and 47 s average time constants. H, Al and Si magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR, C cross-polarization (CP)/MAS NMR and 27Al multiple quanta (MQ)MAS NMR spectroscopy were used to obtain structural information on the glass and cements that were either SC or SPC. The presence of methacrylate groups was identified in the solid component. Unreacted hydroxyl ethylmethacrylate (HEMA) was detected in self-cured cement. Al data showed that approximately 28% and 20% of Al is leached out from glass particles in SC and SPC samples, respectively. The upfield shift detected in 25Si MAS NMR spectra of the cements is consistent with a decrease in the number of Al species in the second coordination sphere of the silicon structures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed existence of 3D shrinkage of the cement matrix in photo-cured cements.(undefined

    Palladium-Catalyzed Carboetherification and Carboamination Reactions of Γ-Hydroxy- and Γ-Aminoalkenes for the Synthesis of Tetrahydrofurans and Pyrrolidines

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    Substituted tetrahydrofuran and pyrrolidine moieties are displayed in a wide range of interesting biologically active molecules. The Pd-catalyzed carboetherification or carboamination of Γ-hydroxy and Γ-aminoalkenes is a powerful tool for the construction of these heterocycles, as it is convergent and can allow access to a variety of analogs from a single Γ-hydroxy- or Γ-aminoalkene starting material. This microreview describes the current state of this field. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2007)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55970/1/571_ftp.pd

    In Situ NMR Spectroscopy of Supercapacitors: Insight into the Charge Storage Mechanism

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    Electrochemical capacitors, commonly known as supercapacitors, are important energy storage devices with high power capabilities and long cycle lives. Here we report the development and application of in situ nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) methodologies to study changes at the electrode−electrolyte interface in working devices as they charge and discharge. For a supercapacitor comprising activated carbon electrodes and an organic electrolyte, NMR experiments carried out at different charge states allow quantification of the number of charge storing species and show that there are at least two distinct charge storage regimes. At cell voltages below 0.75 V, electrolyte anions are increasingly desorbed from the carbon micropores at the negative electrode, while at the positive electrode there is little change in the number of anions that are adsorbed as the voltage is increased. However, above a cell voltage of 0.75 V, dramatic increases in the amount of adsorbed anions in the positive electrode are observed while anions continue to be desorbed at the negative electrode. NMR experiments with simultaneous cyclic voltammetry show that supercapacitor charging causes marked changes to the local environments of charge storing species, with periodic changes of their chemical shift observed. NMR calculations on a model carbon fragment show that the addition and removal of electrons from a delocalized system should lead to considerable increases in the nucleus-independent chemical shift of nearby species, in agreement with our experimental observations
