11,333 research outputs found

    Novel Techniques and Their Applications to Health Foods, Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology: Functional Genomics and Basic Epigenetic Controls in Plant and Animal Cells

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    Selected applications of novel techniques for analyzing Health Food formulations, as well as for advanced investigations in Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology aimed at defining the multiple connections between functional genomics and epigenomic, fundamental control mechanisms in both animal and plant cells are being reviewed with the aim of unraveling future developments and policy changes that are likely to open new niches for Biotechnology and prevent the shrinking or closing of existing markets. Amongst the selected novel techniques with applications in both Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology are: immobilized bacterial cells and enzymes, microencapsulation and liposome production, genetic manipulation of microorganisms, development of novel vaccines from plants, epigenomics of mammalian cells and organisms, and biocomputational tools for molecular modeling related to disease and Bioinformatics. Both fundamental and applied aspects of the emerging new techniques are being discussed in relation to their anticipated, marked impact on future markets and present policy changes that are needed for success in either Agricultural or Medical Biotechnology. The novel techniques are illustrated with figures presenting the most important features of representative and powerful tools which are currently being developed for both immediate and long term applications in Agriculture, Health Food formulation and production, pharmaceuticals and Medicine. The research aspects are naturally emphasized in our review as they are key to further developments in Biotechnology; however, the course adopted for the implementation of biotechnological applications, and the policies associated with biotechnological applications are clearly the determining factors for future Biotechnology successes, be they pharmaceutical, medical or agricultural

    Dynamical Systems On Three Manifolds Part II: 3-Manifolds,Heegaard Splittings and Three-Dimensional Systems

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    The global behaviour of nonlinear systems is extremely important in control and systems theory since the usual local theories will only give information about a system in some neighbourhood of an operating point. Away from that point, the system may have totally different behaviour and so the theory developed for the local system will be useless for the global one. In this paper we shall consider the analytical and topological structure of systems on 2- and 3- manifolds and show that it is possible to obtain systems with 'arbitrarily strange' behaviour, i.e., arbitrary numbers of chaotic regimes which are knotted and linked in arbitrary ways. We shall do this by considering Heegaard Splittings of these manifolds and the resulting systems defined on the boundaries.Comment: 15 pages with 9 pictures. Accepted by Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chao

    Análisis de las actuaciones de los alumnos de 3º de BUP en la resolución de problemas que comparan áreas de figuras geométricas

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    This paper is a case study which intends to analyze and compare the performance of two pairs of 3rd BUP students when solving two mathematics problems in which the areas of geometric figures are related. The analysis and comparison of the performance of both pairs has been conducted from a two-fold perspective, the knowledge that students use during the problem-solving process, and the control they show over this process. For this, the protocol analysis technique has been used, by means of video recordings of the problem-solving processes

    Vortex solutions in the noncommutative torus

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    Vortex configurations in the two-dimensional torus are considered in noncommutative space. We analyze the BPS equations of the Abelian Higgs model. Numerical solutions are constructed for the self-dual and anti-self dual cases by extending an algorithm originally developed for ordinary commutative space. We work within the Fock space approach to noncommutative theories and the Moyal-Weyl connection is used in the final stage to express the solutions in configuration space.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Duality of Super D-brane Actions in General Type IIB Supergravity Background

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    We examine duality transformations of supersymmetric and κ\kappa-symmetric Dp-brane actions in a general type II supergravity background where in particular the dilaton and the axion are supposed to not be zero or a constant but a general superfield. Due to non-constant dilaton and axion, we can explicitly show that the dilaton and the axion as well as the two 2-form gauge potentials transform as doublets under the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) transformation from the point of view of the world-volume field theory.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex 2

    Using automatic robot programming for space telerobotics

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    The interpreter of a task level robot programming system called Handey is described. Handey is a system that can recognize, manipulate and assemble polyhedral parts when given only a specification of the goal. To perform an assembly, Handey makes use of a recognition module, a gross motion planner, a grasp planner, a local approach planner and is capable of planning part re-orientation. The possibility of including these modules in a telerobotics work-station is discussed

    La Organización de las Naciones Unidas y la Opinión Pública

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    La diplomacia, como factor de comunicación del sistema inter-estatal

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    Cuentan las crónicas que de la embajada enviada por Carlomagno al califa abasida Harun el Raschid, únicamente regresó en el año 801 un superviviente, el judío Isaac, pues sus compañeros de misión fueron muertos en el viaje. Y eso que se trataba de un contacto entre dos de los monarcas más poderosos de la época. El 2 de diciembre de 1989 en aguas de la isla de Malta y a bordo del buque Máximo Gorki, se reunieron en amigable conferencia Mijail Gorbachov y George Bush. Cientos de periodistas cubrieron la información del suceso y millones de personas pudieron seguir por la televisión, en todo el mundo, el desarrollo de la cumbre soviético-norteamericana. Tan sólo mil ciento ochenta y ocho anos separaban ambos hechos. Comparar los cambios experimentados en este corto período de tiempo por los sistemas de comunicación y por los modos diplomáticos ilustra, como pocos ejemplos pueden hacerlo, la transformación experimentada por las relaciones entre los hombres y entre los pueblos

    Temporal Correlations and Persistence in the Kinetic Ising Model: the Role of Temperature

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    We study the statistical properties of the sum St=∫0tdt′σt′S_t=\int_{0}^{t}dt' \sigma_{t'}, that is the difference of time spent positive or negative by the spin σt\sigma_{t}, located at a given site of a DD-dimensional Ising model evolving under Glauber dynamics from a random initial configuration. We investigate the distribution of StS_{t} and the first-passage statistics (persistence) of this quantity. We discuss successively the three regimes of high temperature (T>TcT>T_{c}), criticality (T=TcT=T_c), and low temperature (T<TcT<T_{c}). We discuss in particular the question of the temperature dependence of the persistence exponent θ\theta, as well as that of the spectrum of exponents θ(x)\theta(x), in the low temperature phase. The probability that the temporal mean St/tS_t/t was always larger than the equilibrium magnetization is found to decay as t−θ−12t^{-\theta-\frac12}. This yields a numerical determination of the persistence exponent θ\theta in the whole low temperature phase, in two dimensions, and above the roughening transition, in the low-temperature phase of the three-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 21 pages, 11 PostScript figures included (1 color figure
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