984 research outputs found

    Investigations of vegetation and soils information contained in LANDSAT Thematic Mapper and Multispectral Scanner data

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    An extension of the TM tasseled cap transformation to reflectance factor data is presented, and the basic concepts underlying the tasseled cap transformations are described. The ratio of TM bands 5 and 7, and TM tasseled cap wetness, are both shown to offer promise of direct detection of available soil moisture. Some effects of organic matter and other soil characteristics or constituents on TM tasseled cap spectral response are also considered

    Early mapping of industrial tomato in Central and Southern Italy with Sentinel 2, aerial and RapidEye additional data

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    Timely crop information, i.e. well before harvesting time and at first stages of crop development, can benefit farmers and producer organizations. The current case study documents the procedure to deliver early data on planted tomato to users, showing the potential of Sentinel 2 to map tomato at the very beginning of the crop season, which is a challenging task. Using satellite data, integrated with ground and aerial data, an initial estimate of area planted with tomato and early tomato maps were generated in seven main production areas in Italy. Estimates of the amount of area planted with tomato provided similar results either when derived from field surveys or from remote sensing-based classification. Tomato early maps showed a producer accuracy > 80% in seven cases out of nine, and a user accuracy > 80% in five cases out of nine, with differences attributed to the varying agricultural characteristics and environmental heterogeneity of the study areas. The additional use of aerial data improved producer accuracy moderately. The ability to identify abrupt growth changes, such as those caused by natural hazards, was also analysed: Sentinel 2 detected significant changes in tomato growth between a hailstorm-affected area and a control area. The study suggests that Sentinel 2, with enhanced spectral capabilities and open data policy, represents very valuable data, allowing crop monitoring at an early development stage

    Improvements in Cold-Plate Fabrication

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    Five improvements are reported in cold-plate fabrication. This cold plate is part of a thermal control system designed to serve on space missions. The first improvement is the merging of the end sheets of the cold plate with the face sheets of the structural honeycomb panel. The cold plate, which can be a brazed assembly, uses the honeycomb face sheet as its end sheet. Thus, when the honeycomb panel is fabricated, the face sheet that is used is already part of the cold plate. In addition to reducing weight, costs, and steps, the main benefit of this invention is that it creates a more structurally sound assembly. The second improvement involves incorporation of the header into the closure bar to pass the fluid to a lower layer. Conventional designs have used a separate header, which increases the geometry of the system. The improvement reduces the geometry, thus allowing the cold plate to fit into smaller area. The third improvement eliminates the need of hose, tube, or manifold to supply the cooling fluid externally. The external arrangement can be easily damaged and is vulnerable to leakage. The new arrangement incorporates an internal fluid transfer tube. This allows the fluid to pass from one cold plate to the other without any exposed external features. The fourth improvement eliminates separate fabrication of cold plate(s) and structural members followed by a process of attaching them to each other. Here, the structural member is made of material that can be brazed just as that of the cold plate. Now the structural member and the cold plate can be brazed at the same time, creating a monolithic unit, and thus a more structurally sound assembly. Finally, the fifth improvement is the elimination of an additional welding step that can damage the braze joints. A tube section, which is usually welded on after the braze process, is replaced with a more structurally sound configuration that can be brazed at the same time as the rest of the cold plate

    Genetic association study of UCMA/GRP and OPTN genes (PDB6 locus) with Paget's disease of bone

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    We performed a genetic association study of rare variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of UCMA/GRP and OPTN genes, in French-Canadian patients with Paget's disease of bone (PDB) and in healthy controls from the same population. We reproduced the variant found in the UCMA/GRP basal promoter and tested its functionality using in vitro transient transfection assays. Interestingly, this SNP rs17152980 appears to affect the transcription level of UCMA/GRP. In addition, we have identified five rare genetic variants in UCMA/GRP gene, four of them being population-specific, although none were found to be associated with PDB. Six Tag SNPs of UCMA/GRP gene were associated with PDB, particularly the SNP rs17152980 (uncorrected P = 3.8 x 10(-3)), although not significant after Bonferroni's correction. More importantly, we replicated the strong and statistically significant genetic association of two SNPs of the OPTN gene, the rs1561570 (uncorrected P = 5.7 x 10(-7)) and the rs2095388 (uncorrected P = 4.9 x 10(-3)), With PDB. In addition, we identified a very rare variant found to be located close to the basal promoter of the OPTN gene, at -232 bp from its distal transcription start site. Furthermore, depending on the type of allele present (G or A), the binding of several important nuclear factors such as the vitamin D or the retinoic acid receptors is predicted to be altered at this position, suggesting a significant effect in the regulation of transcription of the OPTN gene. In conclusion, we identified a functional SNP located in the basal promoter of the UCMA/GRP gene which provided a weak genetic association with PDB. In addition, we replicated the strong genetic association of two already known SNPs of the OPTN gene, with PDB in a founder effect population. We also identified a very rare variant in the promoter of OPTN, and through bioinformatic analysis, identified putative transcription factor binding sites likely to affect OPTN gene transcription. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Fonds de la Recherche du Quebec - Sante (FRQS), Canada; Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal [SFRH/BPD/48206/2008]; Catalyst Grant (Bone Health) from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Canada); CHUQ Foundation (Canada); Groupe de Recherche en Maladies Osseuses (Canada); Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Canada); FRSQ (Canada); Laval University (Canada); CHUQ (CHUL) Research Centre (Canada); Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) (Portugal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determination of the Properties of Composite Materials Thanks to Digital Image Correlation Measurements

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    AbstractDesigning composite structures for civil aircrafts necessitates a better understanding of the damage and failure mechanisms occurring in these components through experimental test campaigns and associated numerical simulations. These experimental tests have been performed at Onera using different classical measurement techniques (LVDT sensor, strain gauges…) and digital image correlation (DIC). The additional information provided by DIC allows (i) to validate the boundary conditions of the tests, (ii) to cross-check the measurements with other techniques, (iii) to improve the understanding of the physical mechanisms and (iv) to validate the predictions of the finite element simulations

    Functional flexibility: The potential of morphing composites

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    From plants tracking the sun to the aerodynamics of bird wings, shape change is key to the performance of natural structures. After years of reliance on mechanical joints, human engineering now focuses on improving aerodynamic efficiency through smooth, full form changes in material geometry, achieved using technologies such as morphing composites. Promising improved power generation and efficiency in wind turbines and safer more sustainable aircraft and cars, these materials can achieve both large geometric changes with low energy requirements by cycling between several stable physical states and more gradual changes in geometry by exploiting coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch and structural anisotropy, shape memory polymers and 4D printing. The merits and limitations of these various shape change systems are the subject of extensive and ongoing academic research and both commercial and defence industry trials to improve the viability of these technologies for widespread adoption. Shape change capabilities are often associated with problems in material cost, mass, mechanical properties, manufacturability, and energy requirements. Nonetheless, the considerable and rapid advances in this technology, already resulting in successful trials in advanced civilian and military aircraft and high-performance cars, indicate that future research and development of this materials platform could revolutionise many of our most critical power generation, defence and transport systems

    Vegetation structure derived from airborne laser scanning to assess species distribution and habitat suitability: The way forward

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    Ecosystem structure, especially vertical vegetation structure, is one of the six essential biodiversity variable classes and is an important aspect of habitat heterogeneity, affecting species distributions and diversity by providing shelter, foraging, and nesting sites. Point clouds from airborne laser scanning (ALS) can be used to derive such detailed information on vegetation structure. However, public agencies usually only provide digital elevation models, which do not provide information on vertical vegetation structure. Calculating vertical structure variables from ALS point clouds requires extensive data processing and remote sensing skills that most ecologists do not have. However, such information on vegetation structure is extremely valuable for many analyses of habitat use and species distribution. We here propose 10 variables that should be easily accessible to researchers and stakeholders through national data portals. In addition, we argue for a consistent selection of variables and their systematic testing, which would allow for continuous improvement of such a list to keep it up-to-date with the latest evidence. This initiative is particularly needed not only to advance ecological and biodiversity research by providing valuable open datasets but also to guide potential users in the face of increasing availability of global vegetation structure products

    Bioactivation of isoxazole-containing bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) inhibitors

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    The 3,5-dimethylisoxazole motif has become a useful and popular acetyl-lysine mimic employed in isoxazole-containing bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitors but may introduce the potential for bioactivations into toxic reactive metabolites. As a test, we coupled deep neural models for quinone formation, metabolite structures, and biomolecule reactivity to predict bioactivation pathways for 32 BET inhibitors and validate the bioactivation of select inhibitors experimentally. Based on model predictions, inhibitors were more likely to undergo bioactivation than reported non-bioactivated molecules containing isoxazoles. The model outputs varied with substituents indicating the ability to scale their impact on bioactivation. We selected OXFBD02, OXFBD04, and I-BET151 for more in-depth analysis. OXFBD\u27s bioactivations were evenly split between traditional quinones and novel extended quinone-methides involving the isoxazole yet strongly favored the latter quinones. Subsequent experimental studies confirmed the formation of both types of quinones for OXFBD molecules, yet traditional quinones were the dominant reactive metabolites. Modeled I-BET151 bioactivations led to extended quinone-methides, which were not verified experimentally. The differences in observed and predicted bioactivations reflected the need to improve overall bioactivation scaling. Nevertheless, our coupled modeling approach predicted BET inhibitor bioactivations including novel extended quinone methides, and we experimentally verified those pathways highlighting potential concerns for toxicity in the development of these new drug leads

    Prospective association between pro-inflammatory state on admission and posttraumatic stress following acute coronary syndrome

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    Objective: The traumatic experience of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) may induce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We examined whether the ACS-triggered acute inflammatory response predicts the development of PTSD symptoms. Method: Study participants were 70 patients (all Caucasian, 80% male, mean age 59 years) with myocardial infarction (MI) during the acute treatment phase. Interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-4, IL- 10, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-1β were determined in plasma collected within 48 h of hospital admission. Participants self-assessed the severity of ACS-induced PTSD symptoms with the 17-item Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale at 12 months. Results: There was a significant positive association of the pro-inflammatory index (added standardized z-scores of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α) with total PTSD symptom severity (ΔR2 = 0.050, p = .029) and re-experiencing symptoms (ΔR2 = 0.088, p = .008), but not avoidance/numbing and hyperarousal symp-toms. Analyses were adjusted for the anti-inflammatory index (added standardized z-scores of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-β1), trauma-focused counseling, sex, age, time since pain onset, troponin, body mass index, and distress during MI. Results were robust when the anti-inflammatory index was removed from the model. Additional analyses showed significant associations of both the net-inflammatory index (i.e., pro-inflammatory index minus anti-inflammatory index) and IL-1β with total PTSD symptom severity, re-experiencing, and hyperarousal symptoms (ΔR2 between 0.042 and 0.090) and of IL-1β with avoidance/numbing symptoms (ΔR2 = 0.050). Conclusions: The findings suggest an association between the pro-inflammatory state launched during ACS and the development of PTSD symptoms. Increased IL-1β may play a particular role in the pathophysiology of ACS- induced PTSD symptoms