230 research outputs found

    Entanglement, Haag-duality and type properties of infinite quantum spin chains

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    We consider an infinite spin chain as a bipartite system consisting of the left and right half-chain and analyze entanglement properties of pure states with respect to this splitting. In this context we show that the amount of entanglement contained in a given state is deeply related to the von Neumann type of the observable algebras associated to the half-chains. Only the type I case belongs to the usual entanglement theory which deals with density operators on tensor product Hilbert spaces, and only in this situation separable normal states exist. In all other cases the corresponding state is infinitely entangled in the sense that one copy of the system in such a state is sufficient to distill an infinite amount of maximally entangled qubit pairs. We apply this results to the critical XY model and show that its unique ground state provides a particular example for this type of entanglement.Comment: LaTeX2e, 34 pages, 1 figure (pstricks

    Optimal probabilistic cloning and purification of quantum states

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    We investigate the probabilistic cloning and purification of quantum states. The performance of these probabilistic operations is quantified by the average fidelity between the ideal and actual output states. We provide a simple formula for the maximal achievable average fidelity and we explictly show how to construct a probabilistic operation that achieves this fidelity. We illustrate our method on several examples such as the phase covariant cloning of qubits, cloning of coherent states, and purification of qubits transmitted via depolarizing channel and amplitude damping channel. Our examples reveal that the probabilistic cloner may yield higher fidelity than the best deterministic cloner even when the states that should be cloned are linearly dependent and are drawn from a continuous set.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    A generalization of Schur-Weyl duality with applications in quantum estimation

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    Schur-Weyl duality is a powerful tool in representation theory which has many applications to quantum information theory. We provide a generalization of this duality and demonstrate some of its applications. In particular, we use it to develop a general framework for the study of a family of quantum estimation problems wherein one is given n copies of an unknown quantum state according to some prior and the goal is to estimate certain parameters of the given state. In particular, we are interested to know whether collective measurements are useful and if so to find an upper bound on the amount of entanglement which is required to achieve the optimal estimation. In the case of pure states, we show that commutativity of the set of observables that define the estimation problem implies the sufficiency of unentangled measurements.Comment: The published version, Typos corrected, 40 pages, 2 figure

    Numerical simulations of mixed states quantum computation

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    We describe quantum-octave package of functions useful for simulations of quantum algorithms and protocols. Presented package allows to perform simulations with mixed states. We present numerical implementation of important quantum mechanical operations - partial trace and partial transpose. Those operations are used as building blocks of algorithms for analysis of entanglement and quantum error correction codes. Simulation of Shor's algorithm is presented as an example of package capabilities.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, presented at Foundations of Quantum Information, 16th-19th April 2004, Camerino, Ital

    Local distinguishability of quantum states in infinite dimensional systems

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    We investigate local distinguishability of quantum states by use of the convex analysis about joint numerical range of operators on a Hilbert space. We show that any two orthogonal pure states are distinguishable by local operations and classical communications, even for infinite dimensional systems. An estimate of the local discrimination probability is also given for some family of more than two pure states

    Universal and phase covariant superbroadcasting for mixed qubit states

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    We describe a general framework to study covariant symmetric broadcasting maps for mixed qubit states. We explicitly derive the optimal N to M superbroadcasting maps, achieving optimal purification of the single-site output copy, in both the universal and the phase covariant cases. We also study the bipartite entanglement properties of the superbroadcast states.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, strictly related to quant-ph/0506251 and quant-ph/051015

    Single-copy entanglement in critical spin chains

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    We introduce the single-copy entanglement as a quantity to assess quantum correlations in the ground state in quantum many-body systems. We show for a large class of models that already on the level of single specimens of spin chains, criticality is accompanied with the possibility of distilling a maximally entangled state of arbitrary dimension from a sufficiently large block deterministically, with local operations and classical communication. These analytical results -- which refine previous results on the divergence of block entropy as the rate at which EPR pairs can be distilled from many identically prepared chains, and which apply to single systems as encountered in actual experimental situations -- are made quantitative for general isotropic translationally invariant spin chains that can be mapped onto a quasi-free fermionic system, and for the anisotropic XY model. For the XX model, we provide the asymptotic scaling of ~(1/6) log_2(L), and contrast it with the block entropy. The role of superselection rules on single-copy entanglement in systems consisting of indistinguishable particles is emphasized.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, final versio

    Quantum state estimation and large deviations

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    In this paper we propose a method to estimate the density matrix \rho of a d-level quantum system by measurements on the N-fold system. The scheme is based on covariant observables and representation theory of unitary groups and it extends previous results concerning the estimation of the spectrum of \rho. We show that it is consistent (i.e. the original input state \rho is recovered with certainty if N \to \infty), analyze its large deviation behavior, and calculate explicitly the corresponding rate function which describes the exponential decrease of error probabilities in the limit N \to \infty. Finally we discuss the question whether the proposed scheme provides the fastest possible decay of error probabilities.Comment: LaTex2e, 40 pages, 2 figures. Substantial changes in Section 4: one new subsection (4.1) and another (4.2 was 4.1 in the previous version) completely rewritten. Minor changes in Sect. 2 and 3. Typos corrected. References added. Accepted for publication in Rev. Math. Phy

    Quantum Cloning of Mixed States in Symmetric Subspace

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    Quantum cloning machine for arbitrary mixed states in symmetric subspace is proposed. This quantum cloning machine can be used to copy part of the output state of another quantum cloning machine and is useful in quantum computation and quantum information. The shrinking factor of this quantum cloning achieves the well-known upper bound. When the input is identical pure states, two different fidelities of this cloning machine are optimal.Comment: Revtex, 4 page

    The optimal cloning of quantum coherent states is non-Gaussian

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    We consider the optimal cloning of quantum coherent states with single-clone and joint fidelity as figures of merit. Both optimal fidelities are attained for phase space translation covariant cloners. Remarkably, the joint fidelity is maximized by a Gaussian cloner, whereas the single-clone fidelity can be enhanced by non-Gaussian operations: a symmetric non-Gaussian 1-to-2 cloner can achieve a single-clone fidelity of approximately 0.6826, perceivably higher than the optimal fidelity of 2/3 in a Gaussian setting. This optimal cloner can be realized by means of an optical parametric amplifier supplemented with a particular source of non-Gaussian bimodal states. Finally, we show that the single-clone fidelity of the optimal 1-to-infinity cloner, corresponding to a measure-and-prepare scheme, cannot exceed 1/2. This value is achieved by a Gaussian scheme and cannot be surpassed even with supplemental bound entangled states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex; changed title, extended list of authors, included optical implementation of optimal clone
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