75 research outputs found

    Complex systems and applied linguistics

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    This book introduces and develops the potential of complex systems as a metaphor or supra-theory for systems in applied linguistics. Change and heterogeneity are central to complex systems theory and to the resonances that we find between complex systems and applied linguistics systems. The book explores these resonances and what happens when complex systems theory is used to make sense of central areas of applied linguistic concerns: language, language learning, discourse and the language classroom. Principles of complex systems theory are explained, drawing on work that has been most developed in the biological sciences and that is being extended into the social sciences, developmental psychology and other applied disciplines. These principles importantly include descriptions of change over time (system dynamics) that work for all levels and scales: movement from temporary and relative stability through adaptive behaviours and self-organisation to the emergence of new patterns that are not amenable to reductive explanations. Seeing applied systems as complex, adaptive and dynamic opens up new conceptualisations of properties and activities, enables new questions about how people use, learn and teach languages, and demands new ways of investigating behaviour and development

    A Dominant Language Constellations case-study on language use and the affective domain

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    Globalisation, international mobility, and new technologies make current multilingualism qualitatively different to not only mono- and bi-lingualism but also to any of its historical incarnations. As a new linguistic dispensation (Aronin & Singleton, 2008, 2012; Aronin, 2015), current multilingualism is understood to be complex, suffusive, liminal, and super-diverse; four essential properties which necessitate alternative foci in multilingual research. From this view, multilinguals are the ‘glue’ that binds cultures and societies, it is therefore essential to focus on their socioculturally-situated multilingual practices if we are to better understand the protagonists of this considerable social responsibility. In this regard, two concepts of profound interest are multilinguality (Aronin & Ó Laoire, 2004) and, its expression/realisation in concrete time-frames and socio-cultural contexts, dominant language constellations (DLC - Aronin, 2006; 2016). With this in mind, the current study examines the individual DLC of a Moroccan immigrant living in the Valencian Community in Spain. In line with earlier research calling for more varied self-report data (Todeva & Cenoz, 2009; Canagarajah & Wurr, 2011; Gorter & Cenoz, 2011), the study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate relationships between the DLC and the affective domain; specifically, attitudes, emotion, and identity. The resulting qualitative data explores the following questions: How does a multilingual speaker use their DLC to navigate specific sociolinguistic contexts? What influence does the DLC have on the expression of identity and emotions in concrete daily situations? What role does the DLC play in the formation of language attitudes? Moreover, these issues are framed within an acculturation context to articulate what Canagarajah and Wurr (2011) call ‘voices from the periphery’. While accepting that a case-study limits any attempt at generalisation, it is hoped that this research focus may contribute by providing another small piece to the overall puzzle of multilingual practices realised in concrete social and cultural contexts

    Migration and linguistic diversity in higher education: Implications for language teaching practice and policy

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    An increase in migration has led in recent years to growing diversity in society, particularly linguistic diversity, which in turn is influencing higher education. A significant percentage of students now present with a mother tongue different to the medium of instruction. Many also possess additional competencies in a range of other languages. This chapter considers the challenges and opportunities which this situation poses for language teaching practice and policy in a university context. It also discusses possible implications for the design and delivery of foreign language degree programmes, if they are to better reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity in an increasingly multilingual student body, and to enhance the experience of all students studying foreign languages at university

    Pengaruh Pemupukan Kalsium dan Varietas terhadap Pertumbuhan, Hasil, dan Ketahanan Hama Kacang Tanah

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    Budidaya tanaman sehat merupakan salah satu upaya pengelolaan hama secara terpadu diantaranya melalui pemupukan. Penekanan kehilangan hasil kacang tanah oleh serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips dilakukan melalui pemupukan kalsium dan varietas unggul. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balitkabi pada Januari-April 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah dosis kalsium yang terdiri dari empat taraf, yaitu 0 kg/ha, 500 kg/ha, 1.000 kg/ha dan 1.500 kg/ha Ca(OH)2. Faktor kedua adalah varietas kacang tanah yang terdiri dari 4 varietas, yaitu Kelinci, Kancil, Talam dan Takar. Infestasi kutu kebul dan thrips menggunakan metode infestasi alami. Pengamatan meliputi pH tanah, intensitas serangan kutu kebul dan thrips, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, hasil kacang tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara kalsium dan varietas kacang tanah hanya berpengaruh terhadap parameter intensitas serangan kutu kebul. Pemupukan kalsium tidak berpengaruh terhadap semua parameter, sedangkan varietas berpengaruh terhadap intensitas serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips, tinggi tanaman, indeks klorofil daun, bobot polong dan biji. Varietas Kelinci memiliki serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips yang paling tinggi dan hasil paling rendah, sedangkan varietas Kancil, Talam, dan Takar memiliki serangan hama kutu kebul dan thrips yang rendah dan hasil yang tidak berbeda. Intensitas serangan hama thrips berkorelasi negatif dengan pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang tanah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor varietas kacang tanah lebih dominan dibandingkan faktor pemupukan dalam pengendalian hama kutu kebul dan thrips