36 research outputs found

    Chlamydia pneumoniae okozta infektív endocarditis májtranszplantációt követően

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    Absztrakt Az infektív endocarditis a szervtranszplantált betegek körében aluldiagnosztizált kórkép. A kórokozók spektruma különbözik az átlagpopulációt érintőtől. A szerzők az 58 éves nőbetegben atípusos kórokozó által okozott, atípusos megjelenésű infektív endocarditis eredményes kezeléséről számolnak be. A betegnél alkoholos májcirrhosis talaján kialakult májelégtelenség miatt 2000. februárban májátültetést végeztek. Egy évvel a májátültetést követően krónikus hepatitis B-vírus-fertőzést állapítottak meg, és a beteg antivirális kezelésben részesült. Kalcineurintoxicitás miatt veseelégtelenség alakult ki, ezt követően a beteg 2007 júliusában vesepótló kezelésre szorult. 2013 novemberében rövid ideig tartó afázia jelentkezett. A transoesophagealis echokardiográfia az aortabillentyűn vegetációt talált, a mágneses rezonanciás vizsgálat agyi embolisatiót mutatott ki. A laboratóriumi vizsgálatok enyhén emelkedett C-reaktív protein- és normális prokalcitoninszinteket igazoltak, vérképében leukopenia volt látható. Kezdeti antibiotikus terápiaként naponta 2 g ceftiraxont és 60 mg gentamycint iv. alkalmaztak a dialízisek után. A hemokultúravizsgálatok negatívak voltak, a szerológiai vizsgálat Chlamydia pneumoniae-fertőzést igazolt. Moxifloxacinnal kiegészített kezelést követően a neurológiai tünetei visszatértek, ezért műtétre került sor (koronarográfiát követően valvulotomia és coronariabypass-műtét). A beteg állapota a műtét után javult, a neurológiai tünetek nem ismétlődtek. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(22), 896–900

    Experimental autologous substitute vascular graft for transplantation surgery

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    Vascular complications in liver transplantation are a major cause of graft failure and mortality. The aim of the study was to create autologous vascular graft without risk of rejection. Posterior rectus fascia sheath lined with peritoneum was used for iliac artery replacement in seven mongrel dogs. The patency was followed by palpation and Doppler ultrasound. The grafts were removed after one month. Five grafts remained patent. The Doppler showed good, relatively increased flow (median flow rate: 383 cm/sec) after one month in all of the cases. Slight increase in diameter was present in all cases. By microscopy the five patent grafts showed viable morphology, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells and thin fibrin layer in the wall. The grafts were lined partially with a neoendothelial monolayer and a thin fibrin layer. In conclusion, this graft presents an acceptable patency rate and low thrombogenicity, and could be useful in transplantation. Further investigations are needed to study the effect of immunosuppression and rejection on long-term morphology and patency of the grafts

    The Gifted and Gifted Education in Hungary

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    The real challenge is to see value that is not yet in its true form. Becoming gifted is a process, during which characteristics of giftedness are present throughout, but not necessarily in a form perceptible or acceptable to the environment. Giftedness does not hide itself, only to the extent that the environment believes it hidden. Perception defines the pattern that manifests itself. The beginning of the 20th century is a success story of Hungarian gifted education. Outstanding teachers and their students have reached outstanding achievements through gifted education linked to everyday education. Their methods and ideas are durable, and are therefore worth recalling

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors.

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Hitchhikers’ guide to analysing bird ringing data

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    Abstract Bird ringing datasets constitute possibly the largest source of temporal and spatial information on vertebrate taxa available on the globe. Initially, the method was invented to understand avian migration patterns. However, data deriving from bird ringing has been used in an array of other disciplines including population monitoring, changes in demography, conservation management and to study the effects of climate change to name a few. Despite the widespread usage and importance, there are no guidelines available specifically describing the practice of data management, preparation and analyses of ringing datasets. Here, we present the first of a series of comprehensive tutorials that may help fill this gap. We describe in detail and through a real-life example the intricacies of data cleaning and how to create a data table ready for analyses from raw ringing data in the R software environment. Moreover, we created and present here the R package; ringR, designed to carry out various specific tasks and plots related to bird ringing data. Most methods described here can also be applied to a wide range of capture-recapture type data based on individual marking, regardless to taxa or research question.</jats:p

    Sex and age dependent migration phenology of the Pied Flycatcher in a stopover site in the Carpathian Basin

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    Abstract Very little is known about Pied Flycatchers crossing the Carpathian Basin. We give a comprehensive picture about its migration based on the data collected during the past 26 years (1989–2014) at a stopover site in Hungary: (1) sex and age related phenological changes over the years, (2) sex, age and size dependent migration patterns during and (3) between migration periods, (4) sex and age composition in spring and in autumn and their change over years. The timing of spring migration shifted to earlier dates in the case of males, while that of females did not change implying an increasing rate of protandry. In autumn the timing did not change, but juveniles leave the area earlier than adults. The average wing length increased during the past decades in spring in the case of both sexes. In autumn, wing length did not change significantly during the years, but it increased during the seasons in all age and gender groups. The proportion of males is about 60% in spring and among juveniles in autumn, and it is around 39% in the adult group in autumn. The male ratio diminishes during spring, but it does not change during the autumn season. The average wing of adults is shorter in spring than in autumn. Based on this fact and the different sex ratios in the two seasons we may hypothesize that Pied Flycatchers are loop migrants on this area, and even the sexes of the same population take different routes.</jats:p

    Possibility of modernization of Ganoderma lucidum strains substrate

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    Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi mushroom), the object of our experiments, is also known to contain medicinal compounds. This fungus has been used for many centuries as medicine in China. The fruiting body of the fungus contains carbohydrates, amino acids, little protein, fat, alkaloids, vitamins and minerals. Two groups of its substances are reported to be effective particularly. One of them is constituted by the polysaccharides, whose antitumor and immunostimulating effects are well demonstrated, and the other is constituted by the triterpenes. The latter include ganoderic acids, ganolucidic acids and lucideric acids. These acids have been reported to suppress liver hyperactivity (Lelley 1999). The experiment was carried out with 8 Reishi mushroom strains in 3 repetitions. Experiments were performed on 3 different substrates The spawn run period took approximately 2 weeks, the first fruiting bodies appeared on the 33rd day from inoculation, but the formation of the fruiting bodies took almost 70 days on the different substrates. Spawn run presented a diversified picture as influenced by the specific substrates. No spawn run was seen with any of the strains on the substrate composed of 100% wheat straw. Among the strains the fastest spawn run was produced by GA02 and GA06. The earliest start of spawn run was registered for substrate 1 after 1 week