53 research outputs found

    The Comparative Economics of ICT, Environmental Degradation and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    This study examines how information and communication technology (ICT) could be employed to dampen the potentially damaging effects of environmental degradation in order to promote inclusive human development in a panel of 44 Sub-Saharan African countries. ICT is captured with internet and mobile phone penetration rates whereas environmental degradation is measured in terms of CO2 emissions per capita and CO2 intensity. The empirical evidence is based on Fixed Effects and Tobit regressions using data from 2000-2012. In order to increase the policy relevance of this study, the dataset is decomposed into fundamental characteristics of inclusive development and environmental degradation based on income levels (Low income versus (vs.) Middle income); legal origins (English Common law vs. French Civil law); religious domination (Christianity vs. Islam); openness to sea (Landlocked vs. Coastal); resource-wealth (Oil-rich vs. Oil-poor) and political stability (Stable vs. Unstable).Baseline findings broadly show that improvement in both of measures of ICT would significantly diminish the possibly harmful effect of CO2 emissions on inclusive human development. When the analysis is extended with the abovementioned fundamental characteristics, we observe that the moderating influence of both our ICT variables on CO2 emissions is higher in the group of English Common law, Middle income and Oil-wealthy countries than in the French Civil law, Low income countries and Oil-poor countries respectively. Theoretical and practical policy implications are discussed

    Mainstreaming gender in European Union development cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa: promising numbers, narrow contents, telling silences

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    This article examines gender mainstreaming in European Union development cooperation with sub-Saharan African countries through quantitative and qualitative analyses of policy programming documents to evaluate whether a shift has been made from a conservative Women in Development paradigm to a transformative Gender and Development paradigm. First, a quantitative analysis assesses language, format and budgets. Next, a qualitative analysis embarks on a deeper reading of how gender (in)equality is framed and who has been given voice. We conclude that gender mainstreaming is only partly applied in a transformative way. The limited space for African civil society voices as well as the European Union's concerns about its global role and its internal legitimacy are suggested as explanations

    Cyclosporine for pure red cell aplasia [letter]

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    Analysing European gender equality policies abroad : a reflection on methodology

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    Can gender equality quality criteria developed for assessing EU internal policies be used unequivocally for evaluating EU external policies? Or might a methodological adaptation be necesary? To engage with this dilemma, the author evaluates the two-dimensional quality model of Krizsan and Lombardo and examines what a reorientation of the model would entail to better allow for the analysis of gender policy implemented outside of Europe. The author argues that to allow for an in-depth analysis of EU gender policy abroad, the model’s procedural criteria ‘empowerment of women’s rights advocates’ and ‘transformation with reference to the prevailing context’ need to be brought centre stage and mainstreamed throughout the research design. The author suggests doing this by explicitly involving the views of gender activists from the national context in the analysis and using their perspectives as a touchstone for the evaluation of quality. To examine the proposed methodological model’s suitability for analysing the quality of gender policies in EU external relations, this operationalization is applied to the case of EU–South African development cooperation. The article concludes that the inclusion of gender advocates’ perspectives is necessary to avoid stereotypical, paternalist and Eurocentric ideas about the meaning of gender equality abroad and allow for a contextually grounded reflexivity on the quality of gender policy. Finally, it is argued that it is the role of feminist research to enhance women’s capacity for self-determination methodologically and to hear the voices of national actors that might otherwise not be heard in EU external relations


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    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a simple methodology for performing a control benefits analysis. This methodology takes a global approach to determining how to improve the process. In the field of wastewater treatment this benchmark study can be a useful tool to investigate whether it is worth upgrading the process. This was proved by applying it to an industrial wastewater treatment plant in Belgium that is currently undergoing a major upgrade in its control system. This was the first application of the method to a full-scale WWTP. The results of the study show the value of performing it at the beginning of an upgrade project. Although the study does not replace the need for a more thorough analysis, it points out the areas that this analysis should focus on. The major conclusion of the paper is that the benefits study not only proves its value at the beginning of a control upgrade, it is also a useful periodical evaluation method that can redirect the project as new data become available

    Masses mammaires bilatérales.

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    A 76 year old woman is hospitalized for bilateral breast masses and neurological impairment. Her medical history is marked by rheumatoid arthritis treated with gold salts and methylprednisolone. Blood tests reveal pancytopenia; the MRI scan of the brain is suggestive of a CNS lymphoma. The pathologic examination of a breast mass specimen confirms the lymphoid nature of the neoplasm. This case report highlights the multifocal or systemic nature of non hodgkin's lymphoma and the diagnostic pitfalls of breast lymphomas. Rheumatoid arthritis and its medical management are reviewed for their possible roles in oncogenesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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