2,556 research outputs found

    Evolutionary neurocontrol: A novel method for low-thrust gravity-assist trajectory optimization

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    This article discusses evolutionary neurocontrol, a novel method for low-thrust gravity-assist trajectory optimization

    YODA++: A proposal for a semi-automatic space mission control

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    YODA++ is a proposal for a semi-automated data handling and analysis system for the PAMELA space experiment. The core of the routines have been developed to process a stream of raw data downlinked from the Resurs DK1 satellite (housing PAMELA) to the ground station in Moscow. Raw data consist of scientific data and are complemented by housekeeping information. Housekeeping information will be analyzed within a short time from download (1 h) in order to monitor the status of the experiment and to foreseen the mission acquisition planning. A prototype for the data visualization will run on an APACHE TOMCAT web application server, providing an off-line analysis tool using a browser and part of code for the system maintenance. Data retrieving development is in production phase, while a GUI interface for human friendly monitoring is on preliminary phase as well as a JavaServerPages/JavaServerFaces (JSP/JSF) web application facility. On a longer timescale (1–3 h from download) scientific data are analyzed. The data storage core will be a mix of CERNs ROOT files structure and MySQL as a relational database. YODA++ is currently being used in the integration and testing on ground of PAMELA data. 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR

    Insights for the future of health system partnerships in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Despite growing support for the private sector involvement in the provision of public health services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), a lack of clear information on the future of the provision of such services restricts the ability of managers and policy-makers to assess how feasible integration between public and private actors may be in these countries. This paper presents a systematic literature review which traces the dynamics and boundaries of public-private partnerships for the healthcare sector in LMICs. METHODS: A total of 723 articles indexed in Scopus were initially submitted to bibliometric analysis. Finally, 148 articles published in several academic journals were selected for independent full-text review by two researchers. Content analysis was made in order to minimise mistakes in interpreting the findings of studies in the sample. RESULTS: Public-private partnerships identified through the content analysis were categorised into four research areas: 1) Transfer of resources; 2) Co-production of health goods and services; 3) Governance networks; 4) Criteria for successful partnership development. CONCLUSIONS: The four main research areas supply suggestions for a future research agenda, and managerial and policy implications for partnerships in LMICs

    The metallic transport of (TMTSF)_2X organic conductors close to the superconducting phase

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    Comparing resistivity data of quasi-one dimensional superconductors (TMTSF)_2PF_6 and (TMTSF)_2ClO_4 along the least conducting c*-axis and along the high conductivity a -axis as a function of temperature and pressure, a low temperature regime is observed in which a unique scattering time governs transport along both directions of these anisotropic conductors. However, the pressure dependence of the anisotropy implies a large pressure dependence of the interlayer coupling. This is in agreement with the results of first-principles DFT calculations implying methyl group hyperconjugation in the TMTSF molecule. In this low temperature regime, both materials exhibit for rc a temperature dependence aT + bT^2. Taking into account the strong pressure dependence of the anisotropy, the T-linear rc is found to correlate with the suppression of the superconducting Tc, in close analogy with ra data. This work is revealing the domain of existence of the 3D coherent regime in the generic (TMTSF)_2X phase diagram and provides further support for the correlation between T-linear resistivity and superconductivity in non-conventional superconductors

    Biochemical, Physiological and Anatomical Mechanisms of Adaptation of Callistemon citrinus and Viburnum lucidum to NaCl and CaCl2 Salinization

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    Callistemon citrinus and Viburnum lucidum are very appreciated and widespread ornamental shrubs for their abundant flowering and/or brilliant foliage. The intrinsic tolerance to drought/salinity supports their use in urban areas and in xeriscaping. Despite adaptive responses of these ornamental species to sodium chloride (NaCl) have been extensively explored, little is known on the effects of other salt solution, yet iso-osmotic, on their growth, mineral composition and metabolism. The present research aimed to assess responses at the biochemical, physiological and anatomical levels to iso-osmotic salt solutions of NaCl and CaCl2 to discriminate the effects of osmotic stress and ion toxicity. The two ornamental species developed different salt-tolerance mechanisms depending on the salinity sources. The growth parameters and biomass production decreased under salinization in both ornamental species, independently of the type of salt, with a detrimental effect of CaCl2 on C. citrinus. The adaptive mechanisms adopted by the two ornamental species to counteract the NaCl salinity were similar, and the decline in growth was mostly related to stomatal limitations of net CO2 assimilation rate, together with the reduction in leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD index). The stronger reduction of C. citrinus growth compared to V. lucidum, was due to an exacerbated reduction in net photosynthetic rate, driven by both stomatal and non stomatal limitations. In similar conditions, V. lucidum exhibited other additional adaptive response, such as modification in leaf functional anatomical traits, mostly related to the reduction in the stomata size allowing plants a better control of stomata opening than in C. citrinus. However, C. citrinus plants displayed an increased ability to retain higher Cl- levels in leaves than in roots under CaCl2 salinity compared to V. lucidum, thus, indicating a further attempt to counteract chloride toxicity through an increased vacuolar compartmentalization and to take advantages of them as chip osmotica

    Mars Regolith Simulant Ameliorated by Compost as In Situ Cultivation Substrate Improves Lettuce Growth and Nutritional Aspects

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    Heavy payloads in future shuttle journeys to Mars present limiting factors, making self-sustenance essential for future colonies. Therefore, in situ resources utilization (ISRU) is the path to successful and feasible space voyages. This research frames the concept of planting leafy vegetables on Mars regolith simulant, ameliorating this substrate’s fertility by the addition of organic residues produced in situ. For this purpose, two butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) cultivars (green and red Salanova®) were chosen to be cultivated in four dierent mixtures of MMS-1 Mojave Mars simulant:compost (0:100, 30:70, 70:30 and 100:0; v:v) in a phytotron open gas exchange growth chamber. The impact of compost rate on both crop performance and the nutritive value of green- and red-pigmented cultivars was assessed. The 30:70 mixture proved to be optimal in terms of crop performance, photosynthetic activity, intrinsic water use eciency and quality traits of lettuce. In particular, red Salanova® showed the best performance in terms of these quality traits, registering 32% more phenolic content in comparison to 100% simulant. Nonetheless, the 70:30 mixture represents a more realistic scenario when taking into consideration the sustainable use of compost as a limited resource in space farming, while still accepting a slight significant decline in yield and quality in comparison to the 30:70 mixture

    A hybrid multiagent approach for global trajectory optimization

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    In this paper we consider a global optimization method for space trajectory design problems. The method, which actually aims at finding not only the global minimizer but a whole set of low-lying local minimizers(corresponding to a set of different design options), is based on a domain decomposition technique where each subdomain is evaluated through a procedure based on the evolution of a population of agents. The method is applied to two space trajectory design problems and compared with existing deterministic and stochastic global optimization methods

    Polarization Asymmetry In The Photodisintegration Of The Deuteron

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    The reaction ²(γ,p)n has been studied using a monochromatic and polarized gamma ray beam at energies E(γ)=19.8, 29.0, 38.6, and 60.8 MeV. The beam of an intensity ∼4×10⁵ γ/sec was obtained by Compton back scattering of mode-locked laser light off electron bunches in the Adone storage ring. Photoneutron yields were measured at nine neutron angles thetan≃15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, and 165 deg in the center of mass (c.m.) for E(γ)=19.8, 29.0, and 38.6 MeV, and at thetan≃30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 deg c.m. for E(γ)=60.8 MeV. The polarization independent component Iₒ(theta) of the differential cross section and the polarization dependent component PI₁(theta) were deduced and the angular distribution of the azimuthal asymmetry factor Σ(theta)=I₁(theta)/Iₒ(theta) was obtained. An extensive comparison with theory has been carried out and the inclusion of corrections due to meson exchange currents and to Δ-isobar configurations have been shown to be mandatory at energies E(γ)≳40 MeV. Theoretical and experimental implications of intermediate energy deuteron photo- disintegration studies are discussed in some detail

    Environmental Assessment of Renewable Fuel Energy Systems with Cross-Media Effects Approach☆

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    Abstract In the last years, the number of installed biofuels power plants is increased in northern Italy, due to favorable legislation on renewable energy sources, posing the issue to assess the resulting environmental effects. The European legislation on emissions for renewable fuels power plants provides guidelines to be integrated in the local regulations; moreover, local authorities have to identify the critical power plants in terms of pollution and the key parameters to grant licenses for the future plants. The aim of this paper is to describe a methodology and the calculation routine developed to assess the environmental effects of biomass plants in terms of simple indexes. The used approach is based on the Cross-Media Effects described by a European Commission Reference Document. In particular, several indexes are introduced to cover the most relevant environmental effects, as: air toxicity, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and photochemical ozone creation. For every considered pollutant (such as NOx, CO, etc.) directly emitted by the power plant, specific factors have been identified, in order to calculate the contribution to the different environmental indexes. Finally, a numerical evaluation of different biomass power plants, installed in Emilia Romagna region, is provided, in order to assess their environmental cross-media potential and to compare such kind of power plants with large scale, fossil-fuelled power plants

    Depth profile investigations of surface modifications of limestone artifacts by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.

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