171 research outputs found

    Methodological factors involved in the study of temporal binding using the open source software Labclock Web

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    Temporal binding occurs when an action and an outcome that follows it after a short period of time are judged as occurring closer to each other in time than they actually are. This effect has often been studied using Libet’s clock methodology. Garaizar et al. (2016) presented Labclock Web, a free HTML5 open source software that allows researchers to conduct temporal binding and other experiments using Libet’s clock through the Internet. The purpose of the three experiments presented here was to test how certain methodological modifications in the Labclock Web task could impact the temporal binding effect. In comparison with the original study, we aimed to: (a) reduce the interval between action and outcome in the delayed condition to 100 ms, instead of 500, (b) present the two types of trials, immediate and delayed, in two separate consecutive blocks, instead of intermixed, (c) use a visual, rather than auditory, outcome following the action, and (d) reduce the number of trials. In addition to its potential theoretical implications, the results confirm that Labclock Web is a useful and reliable tool for conducting temporal binding experiments and that it is well suited to measure temporal binding effects in a broad range of situations

    Photochemistry in a soft-glass single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fibre

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    A hollow-core photonic crystal fibre (HC-PCF), guided by photonic bandgap effects or anti-resonant reflection, offers strong light confinement and long photochemical interaction lengths in a microscale channel filled with a solvent of refractive index lower than that of glass (usually fused silica). These unique advantages have motivated its recent use as a highly efficient and versatile microreactor for liquid-phase photochemistry and catalysis. In this work, we use a single-ring HC-PCF made from a high-index soft glass, thus enabling photochemical experiments in higher index solvents. The optimized light–matter interaction in the fibre is used to strongly enhance the reaction rate in a proof-of-principle photolysis reaction in toluene

    Stable Immobilization of Size-Controlled Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Photonic Crystal Fiber Microreactor

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    © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. The possibility of immobilizing ex situ-synthesized colloidal bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) of well-defined characteristics inside hollow core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF) microreactors is demonstrated. With the developed method, PtNi clusters remain strongly attached to the fiber core and can be used as active catalysts for the hydrogenation of an azobenzene dye. The study revealed that optical transmission exhibits a size-dependent behavior, i.e., smaller NPs bring in less optical signal loss. Sufficient light transmission was achieved for all particle sizes. Furthermore, with these catalytic PCF microreactors, kinetic data can be obtained with a much lower amount of precious metals compared to a conventional batch reactor, opening a new pathway for in situ catalyst screening

    Afrontamiento psicológico en pacientes mujeres con cáncer de mama de un hospital de Lima Metropolitana

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    Objetivos. Comprender el afrontamiento psicológico en pacientes mujeres con cáncer de mama de un hospital de Lima Metropolitana. Materiales y métodos. La investigación siguió un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño de análisis temático reflexivo. Se entrevistó a 16 mujeres con cáncer de mama entre los 35 y 65 años. El análisis de datos se realizó con apoyo del software ATLAS.ti 22. Resultados. Se presentaron tres estrategias de afrontamiento psicológico: afrontamiento emocional, el cual se encontró con mayor intensidad, y comprende el apoyo de personas significativas, el afrontamiento religioso y la concentración en las consecuencias positivas,  generando una reinterpretación positiva y la aceptación progresiva de la enfermedad; el afrontamiento resolutivo, caracterizado por la acción diligente, con seguimiento a las indicaciones, y la búsqueda de apoyo profesional. Finalmente, el afrontamiento evasivo, se centró en los elementos negativos, el aplazamiento del afrontamiento y la distracción cognitiva y conductual, siendo este último de suma relevancia para equilibrar las actividades en la vida cotidiana de las pacientes. Conclusiones. Las mujeres emplearon con mayor frecuencia estrategias del estilo emocional, ya que intentan incrementar las emociones positivas, acompañado del apoyo religioso y del entorno; además, utilizaron estrategias relacionadas al estilo resolutivo, puesto que centraron sus acciones para recibir la atención y tratamiento médico, dejando de lado otras actividades; pese a ello, emplearon estrategias para desenfocarse del padecimiento y así desligarse de sus preocupaciones

    Predicting crystal growth via a unified kinetic three-dimensional partition model

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    Understanding and predicting crystal growth is fundamental to the control of functionality in modern materials. Despite investigations for more than one hundred years1, 2, 3, 4, 5, it is only recently that the molecular intricacies of these processes have been revealed by scanning probe microscopy6, 7, 8. To organize and understand this large amount of new information, new rules for crystal growth need to be developed and tested. However, because of the complexity and variety of different crystal systems, attempts to understand crystal growth in detail have so far relied on developing models that are usually applicable to only one system9, 10, 11. Such models cannot be used to achieve the wide scope of understanding that is required to create a unified model across crystal types and crystal structures. Here we describe a general approach to understanding and, in theory, predicting the growth of a wide range of crystal types, including the incorporation of defect structures, by simultaneous molecular-scale simulation of crystal habit and surface topology using a unified kinetic three-dimensional partition model. This entails dividing the structure into ‘natural tiles’ or Voronoi polyhedra that are metastable and, consequently, temporally persistent. As such, these units are then suitable for re-construction of the crystal via a Monte Carlo algorithm. We demonstrate our approach by predicting the crystal growth of a diverse set of crystal types, including zeolites, metal–organic frameworks, calcite, urea and L-cystine

    <i>CrystalGrower</i>: a generic computer program for Monte Carlo modelling of crystal growth.

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    From Europe PMC via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: ppub 2020-11-01, epub 2020-11-18Publication status: PublishedA Monte Carlo crystal growth simulation tool, CrystalGrower, is described which is able to simultaneously model both the crystal habit and nanoscopic surface topography of any crystal structure under conditions of variable supersaturation or at equilibrium. This tool has been developed in order to permit the rapid simulation of crystal surface maps generated by scanning probe microscopies in combination with overall crystal habit. As the simulation is based upon a coarse graining at the nanoscopic level features such as crystal rounding at low supersaturation or undersaturation conditions are also faithfully reproduced. CrystalGrower permits the incorporation of screw dislocations with arbitrary Burgers vectors and also the investigation of internal point defects in crystals. The effect of growth modifiers can be addressed by selective poisoning of specific growth sites. The tool is designed for those interested in understanding and controlling the outcome of crystal growth through a deeper comprehension of the key controlling experimental parameters

    Numerical investigation of nanostructured silica PCFs for sensing applications.

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    Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) developed using nanostructured composite materials provide special optical properties. PCF light propagation and modal characteristics can be tailored by modifying their structural and material parameters. Structuring and infusion of liquid crystal materials enhances the capabilities of all silica PCFs, facilitating their operation in different spectral regimes. The wavelength tunability feature of nanostructured PCFs can be utilized for many advanced sensing applications. This paper discusses a new approach to modify the optical properties of PCFs by periodic nanostructuring and composite material (liquid crystal-silica) infiltration. PCF characteristics like confinement wavelength, confinement loss, mode field diameter (MFD) and bandwidth are investigated by varying the structural parameters and material infiltrations. Theoretical study revealed that composite material infusion resulted in a spectral band shift accompanied by an improvement in PCF bandwidth. Moreover, nanostructured PCFs also achieved reduced confinement losses and improved MFD which is very important in long-distance remote sensing applications

    Exploring Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks: a photographic approach to risk analysis

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    The objective of this study was to explore Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks in contaminated urban areas, and to test the environmental photography technique as a research tool for engaging adolescents in community-based health research. The study was conducted with 74 adolescents from two communities in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Participants were provided with disposable cameras and asked to take photographs of elements and situations which they believed affected their personal health both at home and outside their homes. They were also asked to describe each photograph in writing. Photographs and written explanations were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Risk perception plays a crucial role in the development of Risk Communication Programs (RCPs) aimed at the improvement of community health. The photography technique opens up a promising field for environmental health research since it affords a realistic and concise impression of the perceived risks. Adolescents in both communities perceived different environmental health risks as detrimental to their well-being, e.g. waste, air pollution, and lack of hygiene. Yet, some knowledge gaps remain which need to be addressed