529 research outputs found

    Analisa Energy Balance Pada Mesin Diesel Empat Tak Man 6L 23/30

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    Energy efficiency of thermal engines is a relationship between the total energy contained in the fuel and the amount of energy that converted to perform a useful work. It is concerned with the transformation of energy from fuels into conveniently used forms such as rotational energy, electrical energy, heating, and cooling. To gain a high efficiency there must be a higher energy converted into a useful work and the energy lost must be decreased. Therefore, the energy balance was made to analyze the distribution of energy inside the engine The distribution of energy from fuel mainly flows to the exhaust gas, cooling system, lubricating oil system, and the most important to the engine crankshaft. Other than that, there are parts energy from fuel that can’t be converted into useful work due to the formation of several substances by chemical reaction and incomplete combustion, which is called chemical losses. Incomplete combustion occurs when there is insufficient oxygen to allow a hydrocarbon fuel source to react completely with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. And it would produce the unburned fuel material and CO gases. Incomplete combustion would decrease the thermal efficiency of the diesel engine. And chemical losses could be an indicator whether one engine is under good performance or not. Other than losses already mentioned above, there is also energy lost due to the formation of NOx. It means there is part of the energy from fuel xii that converted into heat and produces NOx. Thus, it is important to make an energy balance and analyze how big the energy which can be converted into useful work. The project’s approach involved laboratory diesel engine testing and analysis of combustion products inside exhaust gas. The distribution of energy from fuel was measured and calculated to determine the energy balance of diesel engine. And the primary output from this bachelor thesis was detailed energy audit across a variation of engine speed-load conditions. ============================================================================================================ Energi effisiensi dari suatu mesin termal merupakan hubungan antara energi total yang terakndung di dalam bahan bakar berbanding dengan energi yang dikonversi menjadi useful work. Untuk menghasilkan efisiensi yang tinggi dibutuhkan lebih besar energi yang terkonversi menjadi useful work. Maka, energy balance dibutuhkan untuk menganalisa distribusi energi pada suatu mesin. Distribusi energi dari bahan bakar, secara umum, terkonversi ke sistem gas buang, sistem pendingin, sistem pelumasan, dan yang paling utama adalah useful work. Selain itu, terdapat energi yang tidak dapat dikonversikan menjadi usefulwork yang disebabkan karena pembakaran yang tidak sempurna dan juga pembentukan beberapa partikel oleh reaksi kimia. Hal ini disebut chemical losses. Pembakaran yang tidak sempurna umumnya terjadi saat tidak terdapat oxygen yang cukup untuk melaksanakan proses oksidasi dari partikel karbon. Dan proses ini akan menghasilkan unburned material dan juga gas CO. Pembakaran yang tidak sempurna akan mengurangi efisiensi thermal dari suatu mesin. Dan chemical losses dan menjadi suatu indikator apakah suatu mesin berada dalam kondisi prima atau tidak. Laporan ini melibatkan engine test di dalam laboratorium dan analisa produk pembakaran di dalam gas buang. Distribusi xiv energi dari bahan bakar akan diukur dan dianalisa pada beberapa daya mesin untuk menentukan energy balance yang paling optimal. Dan output utama dari laporan ini adalah detil audit energi pada beberapa daya dan putaran mesin

    Investigation into limiting dilution and tick transmissibility phenotypes associated with attenuation of the S24 vaccine strain

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    Abstract Background Babesia bovis is the causal agent of Asiatic redwater, transmitted by the pandemic tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Disease control may target the tick vector using acaricides or anti-tick vaccines, or the parasite using chemoprophylaxis or anti-parasite vaccines. Current anti-parasite vaccines comprise live blood vaccines using attenuated B. bovis strains. Attenuation is attained by rapid passage that may result in different phenotypes such as reduced virulence, non-transmissibility by the tick vector, inability to sequester in the host (lack of limiting dilution) and limited genetic diversity. Attenuation and phenotypes may be linked to selection of subpopulations during rapid passage. The South African B. bovis S24 vaccine strain comprise a subpopulation that present low virulence, non-transmissibility, lack of limiting dilution phenotype and the presence of a single A558 Bv80 allele. The S24 strain could be co-transmitted with a field strain (05-100) suggesting sexual recombination. The present study investigated the change in phenotype for the S24 vaccine strain during rapid passage and co-transmission. Methods Vaccine phenotype change during passage as well as co-transmissibility was monitored using Bv80 allele specific PCR, limiting dilution and Illumina-based genome sequencing. Results The S24 population could not be rescued from the S16 passage as previously attained suggesting that selection of the S24 vaccine strain was a serendipitous and stochastic event. Passage from S16 to S24 also resulted in loss of the limiting dilution phenotype. Genome sequencing indicated sexual recombination during co-transmission with the 05-100 field strain. Analysis of the recombinant strain indicate that VESA1, smORF and SBP2 family members are present and may be responsible for the limiting dilution phenotypes, while various regions may also be responsible for the tick transmission phenotype. Conclusions The molecular basis for tick transmission and limiting dilution phenotypes may be defined in future using selection based on these traits in combination with sexual recombination


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    This study aims to determine the level of tree species diversity in the forest vegetation of Mountain Semarong customary forest, one of the lowland secondary forest that have potential to be developed as research and education forest. Data and information about the vegetation include tree species composition and structure in the forest is needed.This study is done in four weeks, using transect method with random 10 lines 500 m length eachand each line consist of  25 plots 1 ha each.The tree vegetation in Mount Semarong customary forest consist of  42 spesies of  23 families. The highest important value index as for durian(Durio zibethinus) famili Malvaceae, mentawa (Artocarpus anisophyllus) famili Moraceae, ubah arang (Syzygium acumminatissium) famili Myrtaceae, dan kemayan (Sytrax sp) famili Sytraxcaceae and the lowest one as for angkaras(Aquilaria malaccensis) famili Thymeleaceae. It is also known that there is a kind of economic value such as durian (Durio zibethinus), kepuak (Artocarpus elasticus), meranti (Shorea sp), tengkawang tungkul (Shorea macrophylla), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), awat'n (Cratoxylum sp), and angkaras (Aquilaria malaccensis). According to the endegered IUCN Red List report on the species found in the category of endangered, critically, and vulnerable, namely Alstonia scholaris, Shorea sp, Cratoxylum sp, and Aquilaria malaccensis. The composition of trees in a Mount Semarong forest have a low dominance index (0.0537), Species Diversity Index has a value of 0.9643 index which shows high species diversity in the region. From another standpoint, Mount Semarong customary forest very likely to be developed for the source of life, education, and culture. Keywords : Diversity, tree vegetation, and IUC

    Defects in Sensory and Autonomic Ganglia and Absence of Locus Coeruleus in Mice Deficient for the Homeobox Gene Phox2a

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    AbstractPhox2a is a vertebrate homeodomain protein expressed in subsets of differentiating neurons. Here, we show that it is essential for proper development of the locus coeruleus, a subset of sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia and the VIIth, IXth, and Xth cranial sensory ganglia. In the sensory ganglia, we have identified two differentiation blocks in Phox2a−/− mice. First, the transient expression of dopamine- β-hydroxylase in neuroblasts is abolished, providing evidence that Phox2a controls noradrenergic traits in vivo. Second, the expression of the GDNF receptor subunit Ret is dramatically reduced, and there is a massive increase in apoptosis of ganglion cells, which are known to depend on GDNF in vivo. Therefore, Phox2a appears to regulate conventional differentiation traits and the ability of neurons to respond to essential survival factors

    Fault Location in Power Transmission Lines using Autocorrelation Function

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    An electrical power system is subject to constant adversities due to its complexity, sensitivity and physical dimensions. Special emphasis is given to transmission lines (TL) that are the most vulnerable elements of an electrical system. Although most of the occurrences of distortions in the voltage signals from atmospheric discharges and overload are not detrimental to the energy supply, it is important to have control of these currents, since this allows the classification of the fault type and its geometric location on the transmission line. This study aims to compare different fault situations in a transmission line and to verify changes in time series models (TS). This study was carried out through computational tests performed with MatLAB®and RStudio® software. A total of 272faults were simulated in different situations. The obtained results were compared with the Traveling Wave Theory (TWT), another quite widespread fault localization technique. The above study revealed the applicability of time series in oscillographic data of fault situations in transmission lines with errors lower than 1.25%

    Stabilized micelles as delivery vehicles for paclitaxel

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    Paclitaxel is an antineoplastic drug used against a variety of tumors, but its low aqueous solubility and active removal caused by P-glycoprotein in the intestinal cells hinder its oral administration. In our study, new type of stabilized Pluronic micelles were developed and evaluated as carriers for paclitaxel delivery via oral or intravenous route. The pre-stabilized micelles were loaded with paclitaxel by simple solvent/evaporation technique achieving high encapsulation efficiency of approximately 70%. Gastrointestinal transit of the developed micelles was evaluated by oral administration of rhodamine-labeled micelles in rats. Our results showed prolonged gastrointestinal residence of the marker encapsulated into micelles, compared to a solution containing free marker. Further, the oral administration of micelles in mice showed high area under curve of micellar paclitaxel (similar to the area of i.v. Taxol®), longer mean residence time (9-times longer than i.v. Taxol®) and high distribution volume (2-fold higher than i.v. Taxol®) indicating an efficient oral absorption of paclitaxel delivered by micelles. Intravenous administration of micelles also showed a significant improvement of pharmacokinetic parameters of micellar paclitaxel vs. Taxol®, in particular higher area under curve (1.2-fold), 5-times longer mean residence time and lower clearance, indicating longer systemic circulation of the micelles

    Ethnicity and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in east London

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    This work has been supported by a non-promotional educational grant from Novartis to Queen Mary University of London (through KS). KS has been supported by a Higher Education Funding Council for England Clinical Senior Lectureship
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