12,590 research outputs found

    Observation of two-orbital spin-exchange interactions with ultracold SU(N)-symmetric fermions

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    We report on the direct observation of spin-exchanging interactions in a two-orbital SU(N)-symmetric quantum gas of ytterbium in an optical lattice. The two orbital states are represented by two different (meta-)stable electronic configurations of fermionic Yb-173. A strong spin-exchange between particles in the two separate orbitals is mediated by the contact interaction between atoms, which we characterize by clock shift spectroscopy in a 3D optical lattice. We find the system to be SU(N)-symmetric within our measurement precision and characterize all relevant scattering channels for atom pairs in combinations of the ground and the excited state. Elastic scattering between the orbitals is dominated by the antisymmetric channel, which leads to the strong spin-exchange coupling. The exchange process is directly observed, by characterizing the dynamic equilibration of spin imbalances between two large ensembles in the two orbital states, as well as indirectly in atom pairs via interaction shift spectroscopy in a 3D lattice. The realization of a stable SU(N)-symmetric two-orbital Hubbard Hamiltonian opens the route towards experimental quantum simulation of condensed-matter models based on orbital interactions, such as the Kondo lattice model.Comment: Correction: In the original version of this preprint the assignment of states with symmetric electronic wavefunction (|eg+>) and with antisymmetric electronic wavefunction (|eg->) to the observed spectral lines was inverted. This has been corrected in the current version. The results of the paper remain unchanged, with the exchange coupling being inverted to a ferromagnetic exchang

    Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Spacetime

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    It has previously been shown that the Einstein equation can be derived from the requirement that the Clausius relation dS = dQ/T hold for all local acceleration horizons through each spacetime point, where dS is one quarter the horizon area change in Planck units, and dQ and T are the energy flux across the horizon and Unruh temperature seen by an accelerating observer just inside the horizon. Here we show that a curvature correction to the entropy that is polynomial in the Ricci scalar requires a non-equilibrium treatment. The corresponding field equation is derived from the entropy balance relation dS =dQ/T+dS_i, where dS_i is a bulk viscosity entropy production term that we determine by imposing energy-momentum conservation. Entropy production can also be included in pure Einstein theory by allowing for shear viscosity of the horizon.Comment: 4 pages. Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    Speed limits for quantum gates in multi-qubit systems

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    We use analytical and numerical calculations to obtain speed limits for various unitary quantum operations in multiqubit systems under typical experimental conditions. The operations that we consider include single-, two-, and three-qubit gates, as well as quantum-state transfer in a chain of qubits. We find in particular that simple methods for implementing two-qubit gates generally provide the fastest possible implementations of these gates. We also find that the three-qubit Toffoli gate time varies greatly depending on the type of interactions and the system's geometry, taking only slightly longer than a two-qubit controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate for a triangle geometry. The speed limit for quantum-state transfer across a qubit chain is set by the maximum spin-wave speed in the chain.Comment: 7 pages (two-column), 2 figures, 2 table

    Depletion isolation effect in Vertical MOSFETS during transition from partial to fully depleted operation

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    A simulation study is made of floating-body effects (FBEs) in vertical MOSFETs due to depletion isolation as the pillar thickness is reduced from 200 to 10 nm. For pillar thicknesses between 200–60 nm, the output characteristics with and without impact ionization are identical at a low drain bias and then diverge at a high drain bias. The critical drain bias Vdc for which the increased drain–current is observed is found to decrease with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by the onset of FBEs at progressively lower values of the drain bias due to the merging of the drain depletion regions at the bottom of the pillar (depletion isolation). For pillar thicknesses between 60–10 nm, the output characteristics show the opposite behavior, namely, the critical drain bias increases with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by a reduction in the severity of the FBEs due to the drain debiasing effect caused by the elevated body potential. Both depletion isolation and gate–gate coupling contribute to the drain–current for pillar thicknesses between 100–40 nm

    Selective darkening of degenerate transitions for implementing quantum controlled-NOT gates

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the selective darkening method for implementing quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates. This method, which we recently proposed and demonstrated, consists of driving two transversely-coupled quantum bits (qubits) with a driving field that is resonant with one of the two qubits. For specific relative amplitudes and phases of the driving field felt by the two qubits, one of the two transitions in the degenerate pair is darkened, or in other words, becomes forbidden by effective selection rules. At these driving conditions, the evolution of the two-qubit state realizes a CNOT gate. The gate speed is found to be limited only by the coupling energy J, which is the fundamental speed limit for any entangling gate. Numerical simulations show that at gate speeds corresponding to 0.48J and 0.07J, the gate fidelity is 99% and 99.99%, respectively, and increases further for lower gate speeds. In addition, the effect of higher-lying energy levels and weak anharmonicity is studied, as well as the scalability of the method to systems of multiple qubits. We conclude that in all these respects this method is competitive with existing schemes for creating entanglement, with the added advantages of being applicable for qubits operating at fixed frequencies (either by design or for exploitation of coherence sweet-spots) and having the simplicity of microwave-only operation.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Metal-catalyst-free growth of carbon nanotubes and their application in field-effect transistors

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    The metal-catalyst-free growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using chemical vapor deposition and the application in field-effect transistors (FETs) is demonstrated. The CNT growth process used a 3-nm-thick Ge layer on SiO2 that was subsequently annealed to produce Ge nanoparticles. Raman measurements show the presence of radial breathing mode peaks and the absence of the disorder induced D-band, indicating single walled CNTs with a low defect density. The synthesized CNTs are used to fabricate CNTFETs and the best device has a state-of-the-art on/off current ratio of 3×108 and a steep sub-threshold slope of 110 mV/dec

    Partial-measurement back-action and non-classical weak values in a superconducting circuit

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    We realize indirect partial measurement of a transmon qubit in circuit quantum electrodynamics by interaction with an ancilla qubit and projective ancilla measurement with a dedicated readout resonator. Accurate control of the interaction and ancilla measurement basis allows tailoring the measurement strength and operator. The tradeoff between measurement strength and qubit back-action is characterized through the distortion of a qubit Rabi oscillation imposed by ancilla measurement in different bases. Combining partial and projective qubit measurements, we provide the solid-state demonstration of the correspondence between a non-classical weak value and the violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, and Supplementary Information (8 figures

    Dust absorption and scattering in the silicon K-edge

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    The composition and properties of interstellar silicate dust are not well understood. In X-rays, interstellar dust can be studied in detail by making use of the fine structure features in the Si K-edge. The features in the Si K-edge offer a range of possibilities to study silicon-bearing dust, such as investigating the crystallinity, abundance, and the chemical composition along a given line of sight. We present newly acquired laboratory measurements of the silicon K-edge of several silicate-compounds that complement our measurements from our earlier pilot study. The resulting dust extinction profiles serve as templates for the interstellar extinction that we observe. The extinction profiles were used to model the interstellar dust in the dense environments of the Galaxy. The laboratory measurements, taken at the Soleil synchrotron facility in Paris, were adapted for astrophysical data analysis and implemented in the SPEX spectral fitting program. The models were used to fit the spectra of nine low-mass X-ray binaries located in the Galactic center neighborhood in order to determine the dust properties along those lines of sight. Most lines of sight can be fit well by amorphous olivine. We also established upper limits on the amount of crystalline material that the modeling allows. We obtained values of the total silicon abundance, silicon dust abundance, and depletion along each of the sightlines. We find a possible gradient of 0.06±0.020.06\pm0.02 dex/kpc for the total silicon abundance versus the Galactocentric distance. We do not find a relation between the depletion and the extinction along the line of sight.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
