143 research outputs found

    Multi-resolution texture classification based on local image orientation

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate quantitatively the discriminative power of the image orientation in the texture classification process. In this regard, we have evaluated the performance of two texture classification schemes where the image orientation is extracted using the partial derivatives of the Gaussian function. Since the texture descriptors are dependent on the observation scale, in this study the main emphasis is placed on the implementation of multi-resolution texture analysis schemes. The experimental results were obtained when the analysed texture descriptors were applied to standard texture databases

    Enhancing Volumetric Bouligand-Minkowski Fractal Descriptors by using Functional Data Analysis

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    This work proposes and study the concept of Functional Data Analysis transform, applying it to the performance improving of volumetric Bouligand-Minkowski fractal descriptors. The proposed transform consists essentially in changing the descriptors originally defined in the space of the calculus of fractal dimension into the space of coefficients used in the functional data representation of these descriptors. The transformed decriptors are used here in texture classification problems. The enhancement provided by the FDA transform is measured by comparing the transformed to the original descriptors in terms of the correctness rate in the classification of well known datasets

    Predicting complexity perception of real world images

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    The aim of this work is to predict the complexity perception of real world images.We propose a new complexity measure where different image features, based on spatial, frequency and color properties are linearly combined. In order to find the optimal set of weighting coefficients we have applied a Particle Swarm Optimization. The optimal linear combination is the one that best fits the subjective data obtained in an experiment where observers evaluate the complexity of real world scenes on a web-based interface. To test the proposed complexity measure we have performed a second experiment on a different database of real world scenes, where the linear combination previously obtained is correlated with the new subjective data. Our complexity measure outperforms not only each single visual feature but also two visual clutter measures frequently used in the literature to predict image complexity. To analyze the usefulness of our proposal, we have also considered two different sets of stimuli composed of real texture images. Tuning the parameters of our measure for this kind of stimuli, we have obtained a linear combination that still outperforms the single measures. In conclusion our measure, properly tuned, can predict complexity perception of different kind of images

    Uma avaliação de descritores de textura baseados em códigos binários locais para classificação de imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    O presente trabalho avalia descritores texturais multiescalares invariantes à rotação baseados em Padrões Binários Locais e em Quantização de Fase Local (LPQ) para a classificação de uso e cobertura do solo em uma imagem IKONOS-2 e uma imagem Quickbird-2. Os experimentos mostraram que ambas as representações de textura propiciaram elevada acurácia quando combinadas com a informação de variância. Além disso, propõe-se no trabalho um novo descritor formado pela concatenação do histograma de variância e o histograma dos códigos gerados a partir dos Padrões Binários Locais ou da Quantização de Fase Local. Com o novo descritor, não obstante serem comparativamente mais compacto, registraram-se os mesmos índices de desempenho obtidos a partir de histogramas bidimensionais que representam a distribuição conjunta de ambas as variáveis. O último experimento realizado indicou para os descritores baseados nos Padrões Binários Locais ou na Quantização de Fase Local um índice Kappa superior em 0,1 ao que alcançou quando se utilizaram atributos de textura derivados da matriz de co-ocorrência