816 research outputs found

    Non-cooperative Support for the Asymmetric Nash Bargaining solution

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    Our work contributes to the game-theoretic analysis of bargaining by providing additional non-cooperative support to the well-known Nash bargaining solution. In particular, in the present paper we study a model of non-cooperative multilateral bargaining with a very general proposer selection protocol and set of feasible payoffs. In each period of the bargaining game, one out of n players is recognized as the proposer according to an irreducible Markov process. The proposer offers a particular element of the convex set of feasible payoffs. If all players accept the offer, it is implemented. If a player rejects the offer, with some probability the negotiations break down and with the remaining probability the next period starts. We show that subgame perfect equilibria in stationary strategies exist and we fuly characterize the set of such equilibria. Our main result is that in the limit, as the exogenous risk of breakdown goes to zero, stationary subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs converge to the weighted Nash bargaining solution with the stationary distribution of the Markov proposer selection process as the weight vector.operations research and management science;

    Taking Defeasible Entailment Beyond Rational Closure

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    We present a systematic approach for extending the KLM framework for defeasible entailment. We first present a class of basic defeasible entailment relations, characterise it in three distinct ways and provide a high-level algorithm for computing it. This framework is then refined, with the refined version being characterised in a similar manner. We show that the two well-known forms of defeasible entailment, rational closure and lexicographic closure, fall within our refined framework, that rational closure is the most conservative of the defeasible entailment relations within the framework (with respect to subset inclusion), but that there are forms of defeasible entailment within our framework that are more “adventurous” than lexicographic closure


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    No Abstract.African Journal of Marine Science Vol.25(1) 2003: pp. 25-3

    Applying knowledge management strategies to economic development in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Sustainability looks to achieve best outcomes for human and natural environments both now and in the indefinite future. It relates to the continuity of economic, social, institutional and environmental aspects of human society, as well as the non-human environment. This paper examines economic development as one aspect of sustainability, with a focus on knowledge management as an economic development strategy. Using Grey’s categories of knowledge management, the authors address sustainable economic development in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. Production capability is no longer completely dependent on capital and equipment; information and knowledge assets are increasingly important. In this information economy, success comes from harnessing the information and knowledge of a community. Such “indigenous knowledge,” local and often tacit, exists in every community, every region and every country. This knowledge is useful in identifying new entrepreneurial opportunities, as well as for sustaining and advancing local businesses. Sub-Saharan Africa provides an excellent case study. No other region of the world is in more dire need of development. The 700 million people in this area face tremendous challenges, including the world’s highest incidence of HIV/AIDS, deep poverty, unemployment, political instability, and a host of related problems. Key factors for using knowledge management as an economic development strategy in the region will include ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) literacy; uncovering and developing local intellectual assets; capturing tacit knowledge; internal and external knowledge sharing; and managing political, social and technological barriers. Other specific recommendations include promoting ICT literacy through training programs; leveraging internet and email technologies for community building; investing financial resources in R & D; and developing metrics for outcome assessment.Keywords: Knowledge management, economic development, sub-Saharan Africa

    A narrative review on spinal deformities in people with cerebral palsy: Measurement, norm values, incidence, risk factors and treatment

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    Spinal deformities are common in people with cerebral palsy (CP), and there is a concern of an increase during the adult ageing period. There is especially a worry about the increase of scoliosis, thoracic hyperkyphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis incidence, though supporting literature is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this narrative review is to provide a scientific overview of how spinal curvatures should be measured, what the norm values are and the incidence in people with CP, as well as a description of the risk factors and the treatment regimens for these spinal abnormalities. This review can be used as a guideline relevant for a range of clinicians, including orthopaedic and neurosurgeons, radiologists, physiotherapists, and biokineticists, as well as academics

    A KLM Perspective on Defeasible Reasoning for Description Logics

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    In this paper we present an approach to defeasible reasoning for the description logic ALC. The results discussed here are based on work done by Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor (KLM) on defeasible conditionals in the propositional case. We consider versions of a preferential semantics for two forms of defeasible subsumption, and link these semantic constructions formally to KLM-style syntactic properties via representation results. In addition to showing that the semantics is appropriate, these results pave the way for more effective decision procedures for defeasible reasoning in description logics. With the semantics of the defeasible version of ALC in place, we turn to the investigation of an appropriate form of defeasible entailment for this enriched version of ALC. This investigation includes an algorithm for the computation of a form of defeasible entailment known as rational closure in the propositional case. Importantly, the algorithm relies completely on classical entailment checks and shows that the computational complexity of reasoning over defeasible ontologies is no worse than that of the underlying classical ALC. Before concluding, we take a brief tour of some existing work on defeasible extensions of ALC that go beyond defeasible subsumption

    On Binary Matroid Minors and Applications to Data Storage over Small Fields

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    Locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems have gained a lot of interest recently, and various constructions can be found in the literature. However, most of the constructions result in either large field sizes and hence too high computational complexity for practical implementation, or in low rates translating into waste of the available storage space. In this paper we address this issue by developing theory towards code existence and design over a given field. This is done via exploiting recently established connections between linear locally repairable codes and matroids, and using matroid-theoretic characterisations of linearity over small fields. In particular, nonexistence can be shown by finding certain forbidden uniform minors within the lattice of cyclic flats. It is shown that the lattice of cyclic flats of binary matroids have additional structure that significantly restricts the possible locality properties of F2\mathbb{F}_{2}-linear storage codes. Moreover, a collection of criteria for detecting uniform minors from the lattice of cyclic flats of a given matroid is given, which is interesting in its own right.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Environmental requirements for the hatchery rearing of African catfish Clarias Gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) larvae and juveniles

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    Inadequate seed production has historically been a factor limiting the commercial culture of Clarias gariepinus. The need to determine the environmental requirements of larvae was identified, in order to facilitate their successful mass rearing in hatcheries. The effects of key environmental factors on the growth, survival and aspects of the behaviour of C. gariepinus larvae and juveniles were investigated under controlled conditions. A strong emphasis was placed on the interpretation of the observed responses in terms of the natural history of the animal. Larvae were obtained by artificially inducing and spawning feral adult broodfish. Larval growth rates were highest in the temperature range 26-33ÂșC, with a peak at 30ÂșC. Survival of larvae was high between 22 and 33ÂșC. The final temperature preferendum of juveniles, determined in a thermal gradient was 30ÂșC, and it was concluded that this temperature is probably optimal for most of the physiological processes of the animal. Larvae and juveniles displayed strong negative phototaxis. When reared under different photoperiod regimes, larval growth increased with longer dark periods, however a similar rate of mortality was recorded in all photoperiod treatments. The provision of cover was found to enhance larval growth under conditions of continual light (24L/OD), however under conditions of continual darkness (OL/24D) similar growth rates were recorded regardless of the presence or absence of cover. All growth rates in continual darkness (OL/24D) were higher than those in continual light (24L/OD), regardless of whether cover was provided or not. It was concluded that a OL/24D photoperiod is optimal for larval rearing. At salinities between 0 and 5% similar growth and mortality rates of larvae were recorded. At 7.5 % larval growth and survival rates were lower, and at 10 % all larvae died within 48 hours. The 96h-LCSO for unionised ammonia was found to be 2.3 mg/l. The cytological effects of unionised ammonia were evident as degenerative changes in the gill and liver tissues. In an investigation of tank hygiene, it was found that larval growth and survival rates were highest in tanks not cleaned at all. As the frequency of tank cleaning increased, the growth and survival rates of larvae decreased. When reared at densities ranging from 45-450/1, larval growth was found to be density dependent. A model of hatchery productivity (number larvae of standard size produced/time/vol.) was developed based on the density dependent nature of larval growth. The model predicts that maximum productivity, will be achieved at a rearing density of 1400/1. The high growth and survival rates obtained over a broad range of each environmental parameter investigated serve to explain how larvae survive and grow in their unstable floodplain habitat in nature. The broad environmental tolerances of C. gariepinus are of benefit with respect to the culture of larvae, as successful larval rearing is possible over a fairly wide range of environmental conditions

    The nutritional requirements of Haliotis midae and development of a practical diet for abalone aquaculture

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    The available literature on abalone nutrition was synthesised and the prospects for developing a complete pelleted dry feed for Haliotis midae evaluated. The similar body compositions, digestive structures, enzyme activity, acceptance of a wide variety of feed ingredients and comparable growth performance on formulated diets of various abalone species suggests that they have similar nutritional requirements. Abalone also appear to be similar to other farmed monogastric animals in that digestion is primarily extracelluar and they possess a large, muscular crop and stomach. Abalone energy metabolism is carbohydrate based. They are capable of digesting high levels of dietary protein but their ability to utilise fat is limited. Abalone have been shown to consume predictable amounts of dry feed which is efficiently converted into body weight. Efficiency indices of utilisation of formulated feeds, such as feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, net protein utilisation and apparent digestibility have been successfully applied to abalone. It was concluded that the prospects for developing complete diets for H. midae using a conventional animal feed science model were good. The ability of H. midae to utilise a range of proteins which had potential for inclusion in practical diets was investigated. Five protein rich ingredients, namely, casein, fishmeal, soya oil cake, Spirulina, and torula yeast, were fed to H. midae in semi-purified diets. Two algal diets, fresh Plocamium corallorhiza and dried Ecklonia maxima were fed as controls. Abalone fed on fishmeal and Spirulina based diets displayed significantly higher growth rates than diets containing soya oil cake, torula yeast, casein and E. maxima. Growth rates of abalone fed with P. corallorhiza were significantly lower than all other diets. All artificial diets yield lower feed conversion ratios (0.7-1.8) and higher protein efficiency ratios (3.3-6.5) ratios than the seaweed control diets (FCR = 2.8-3.4; PER = 2.2-3.0). The results indicated that fishmeal and Spirulina were the most suitable proteins for inclusion in practical diets for H. midae. The effect of protein level on growth rate and nutritional indices was evaluated by feeding starch bound, fishmeal based diets containing 27, 32, 37, 42 and 47% protein to juvenile H. midae. Weight gain was positively related to the level of dietary protein, increasing by 18% between 27% and 47% protein. Protein efficiency ratio declining from 3.2 to 2.3 with an increasing dietary protein content. Feed consumption rate was approximately 1% of body weight per day for all diets. Post-weaning abalone (ca. lOmm shell length, 0.2g) differed from larger juveniles (ca. 35mm, 8g) in their response to varying proportions of dietary protein and energy. The smaller animals appeared to have a lower protein requirement and poorer ability to utilise lipid than the larger juveniles. Proximate analyses revealed that the levels of protein, lipid and carbohydrate in abalone soft tissue increased with increasing dietary levels of these nutrients. Larger juveniles contained significantly higher levels of protein and carbohydrate, but lower levels of lipid, ash and moisture, than the smaller post-weaning abalone. The assimilation efficiency of [U-Âč⁎C]-arginine by H. midae fed diets enriched with [U-Âč⁎C]-arginine was only 0.45%. Furthennore, supplementation of diets with graded levels of crystalline arginine did not have any effect on growth rates. It was concluded that the prospects for defining the quantitative amino acid requirements of H. midae using crystalline amino acids are not promising. Rates of gastric evacuation and enzyme secretion were monitored in juvenile H. midae fed an extruded, fishmeal based dry feed. Gut fullness peaked 6h after feed was offered and the bulk of feed consumed was digested within 24 h. Enzyme secretion appeared to begin with the onset of feeding and continued for at least 6h after peak gut fullness was attained. Protease activity increased significantly following ingestion but amylase activity was maintained at a more or less constant level. A low level of lipase activity was observed suggesting that the ability of H. midae to digest fat is limited. The growth rate of H. midae fed an extruded, fishmeal based feed increased with increasing temperature between 12°C and 20°C. Between 20°C and 24°C a marked decline in growth rate accompanied by a deterioration in feed conversion and increased mortality was observed. Consumption of a dry pelleted feed was shown to be a function of body size and temperature. Based on these data a model which predicts a daily ration for H. midae was developed. The present study showed that H. midae efficiently utilises extruded dry feeds containing conventional feed ingredients. Although technical difficulties were encountered in measuring apparent digestibility, it was concluded that the prospects for developing practical diets according to established nutritional principles are promising

    The flavor symmetry in the standard model and the triality symmetry

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    A Dirac fermion is expressed by a 4 component spinor which is a combination of two quaternions and which can be treated as an octonion. The octonion possesses the triality symmetry, which defines symmetry of fermion spinors and bosonic vector fields. The triality symmetry relates three sets of spinors and two sets of vectors, which are transformed among themselves via transformations G23,G12,G13G_{23}, G_{12}, G_{13}, G123G_{123} and G132G_{132}. If the electromagnetic (EM) interaction is sensitive to the triality symmetry, i.e. EM probe selects one triality sector, EM signals from the 5 transformed world would not be detected, and be treated as the dark matter. According to an astrophysical measurement, the ratio of the dark to ordinary matter in the universe as a whole is almost exactly 5. We expect quarks are insensitive to the triality, and triality will appear as three times larger flavor degrees of freedom in the lattice simulation.Comment: 16 pages 8 figures, To be published in International Journal of Modern Physics
