3,960 research outputs found

    Investigating Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients with LOFT

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    Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXT) are a class of High-Mass X-ray Binaries whose optical counterparts are O or B supergiant stars, and whose X-ray outbursts are ~ 4 orders of magnitude brighter than the quiescent state. LOFT, the Large Observatory For X-ray Timing, with its coded mask Wide Field Monitor (WFM) and its 10 m^2 class collimated X-ray Large Area Detector (LAD), will be able to dramatically deepen the knowledge of this class of sources. It will provide simultaneous high S/N broad-band and time-resolved spectroscopy in several intensity states, and long term monitoring that will yield new determinations of orbital periods, as well as spin periods. We show the results of an extensive set of simulations performed using previous observational results of these sources obtained with Swift and XMM-Newton. The WFM will detect all SFXT flares within its field of view down to a 15-20 mCrab in 5ks. Our simulations describe the outbursts at several intensities (F_(2-10keV)=5.9x10^-9 to 5.5x10^-10 erg cm^-2 s^-1), the intermediate and most common state (10^-11 erg cm^-2 s^-1), and the low state (1.2x10^-12 to 5x10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1). We also considered large variations of N_H and the presence of emission lines, as observed by Swift and XMM-Newton.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2012), Heidelberg. 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    A new model for the X-ray continuum of the magnetized accreting pulsars

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    Accreting highly magnetized pulsars in binary systems are among the brightest X-ray emitters in our Galaxy. Although a number of high statistical quality broad-band (0.1-100 keV) X-ray observations are available, the spectral energy distribution of these sources is usually investigated by adopting pure phenomenological models, rather than models linked to the physics of accretion. In this paper, a detailed spectral study of the X-ray emission recorded from the high-mass X-ray binary pulsars Cen X-3, 4U 0115+63, and Her X-1 is carried out by using BeppoSAX and joined Suzaku+NuStar data, together with an advanced version of the compmag model. The latter provides a physical description of the high energy emission from accreting pulsars, including the thermal and bulk Comptonization of cyclotron and bremsstrahlung seed photons along the neutron star accretion column. The compmag model is based on an iterative method for solving second-order partial differential equations, whose convergence algorithm has been improved and consolidated during the preparation of this paper. Our analysis shows that the broad-band X-ray continuum of all considered sources can be self-consistently described by the compmag model. The cyclotron absorption features, not included in the model, can be accounted for by using Gaussian components. From the fits of the compmag model to the data we inferred the physical properties of the accretion columns in all sources, finding values reasonably close to those theoretically expected according to our current understanding of accretion in highly magnetized neutron stars. The updated version of the compmag model has been tailored to the physical processes that are known to occur in the columns of highly magnetized accreting neutron stars and it can thus provide a better understanding of the high energy radiation from these sources.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Soft X-ray characterisation of the long term properties of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients

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    We perform the first high-sensitivity soft X-ray long-term monitoring with Swift/XRT of three relatively unexplored Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs), IGR J08408-4503, IGR J16328-4726, and IGR J16465-4507, whose hard X-ray duty cycles are the lowest measured among the SFXT sample, and compare their properties with those of the prototypical SFXTs. The behaviour of J08408 and J16328 resembles that of other SFXTs, and it is characterized by a relatively high inactivity duty cycle (IDC) and pronounced dynamic range (DR) in the X-ray luminosity. Like the SFXT prototypes, J08408 shows two distinct populations of flares, the first one associated with the brightest outbursts (LX103536L_{\rm X}\gtrsim 10^{35-36} erg s1^{-1}), the second one comprising less bright events with LXL_{\rm X}\lesssim1035^{35} erg s1^{-1}. This double-peaked distribution seems to be a ubiquitous feature of the extreme SFXTs. The lower DR of J16328 suggests it is an intermediate SFXT. We find J16465 is characterized by IDC\sim5% and DR\sim40, reminiscent of classical supergiant HMXBs. The duty cycles measured with XRT are found to be comparable with those reported previously by BAT and INTEGRAL, when the higher limiting sensitivities of these instruments are taken into account and sufficiently long observational campaigns are available. We prove that no clear correlation exists between the duty cycles of the SFXTs and their orbital periods, which makes it difficult to interpret the SFXT peculiar variability by only using arguments related to the properties of supergiant star winds. Our findings favour the idea that a correct interpretation of the SFXT phenomenology requires a mechanism to strongly reduce the mass accretion rate onto the compact object during most of its orbit around the companion, as proposed in a number of theoretical works. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 18 pages, 8 figures, 8 table

    Is 4U 0114+65 an eclipsing HMXB?

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    We present the pulsation and spectral characteristics of the HMXB 4U 0114+65 during a \emph{Suzaku} observation covering the part of the orbit that included the previously known low intensity emission of the source (dip) and the egress from this state. This dip has been interpreted in previous works as an X-ray eclipse. Notably, in this Suzaku observation, the count rate during and outside the dip vary by a factor of only 2-4 at odds with the eclipses of other HMXBs, where the intensity drops upto two orders of magnitude. The orbital intensity profile of 4U 0114+65 is characterized by a narrow dip in the RXTE-ASM (2-12 \rm{keV}) light curve and a shallower one in the Swift-BAT (15-50 \rm{keV}), which is different from eclipse ingress/egress behaviour of other HMXBs. The time-resolved spectral analysis reveal moderate absorption column density (NH_{H} - 2-20 ×\times 102210^{22} atoms cm2cm^{-2}) and a relatively low equivalent width (\sim 30 \rm{eV} \& 12 \rm{eV} of the iron Kα_\alpha and Kβ_\beta lines respectively) as opposed to the typical X-ray spectra of HMXBs during eclipse where the equivalent width is \sim 1 \rm{keV}. Both XIS and PIN data show clear pulsations during the dip, which we have further confirmed using the entire archival data of the IBIS/ISGRI and JEM-X instruments onboard \emph{INTEGRAL}. The results we presented question the previous interpretation of the dip in the light curve of 4U 0114+65 as an X-ray eclipse. We thus discuss alternative interpretations of the periodic dip in the light curve of 4U 0114+65.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, Accepted in MNRA

    RX J0440.9+4431: a persistent Be/X-ray binary in outburst

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    The persistent Be/X-ray binary RX J0440.9+4431 flared in 2010 and 2011 and has been followed by various X-ray facilities Swift, RXTE, XMM-Newton, and INTEGRAL. We studied the source timing and spectral properties as a function of its X-ray luminosity to investigate the transition from normal to flaring activity and the dynamical properties of the system. We have determined the orbital period from the long-term Swift/BAT light curve, but our determinations of the spin period are not precise enough to constrain any orbital solution. The source spectrum can always be described by a bulk-motion Comptonization model of black body seed photons attenuated by a moderate photoelectric absorption. At the highest luminosity, we measured a curvature of the spectrum, which we attribute to a significant contribution of the radiation pressure in the accretion process. This allows us to estimate that the transition from a bulk-motion-dominated flow to a radiatively dominated one happens at a luminosity of ~2e36 erg/s. The luminosity dependency of the size of the black body emission region is found to be rBBLX0.39±0.02r_{BB} \propto L_X^{0.39\pm0.02}. This suggests that either matter accreting onto the neutron star hosted in RX J0440.9+4431 penetrates through closed magnetic field lines at the border of the compact object magnetosphere or that the structure of the neutron star magnetic field is more complicated than a simple dipole close to the surfaceComment: Accepted for publication by A&

    The accretion environment of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients probed with XMM-Newton

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    Supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are characterized by a remarkable variability in the X-ray domain, widely ascribed to the accretion from a clumpy stellar wind. In this paper we performed a systematic and homogeneous analysis of sufficiently bright X-ray flares from the SFXTs observed with XMM-Newton to probe spectral variations on timescales as short as a few hundred of seconds. Our ultimate goal is to investigate if SFXT flares and outbursts are triggered by the presence of clumps and eventually reveal whether strongly or mildly dense clumps are required. For all sources, we employ a technique developed by our group, making use of an adaptive rebinned hardness ratio to optimally select the time intervals for the spectral extraction. A total of twelve observations performed in the direction of five SFXTs are reported. We show that both strongly and mildly dense clumps can trigger these events. In the former case, the local absorption column density may increase by a factor of >>3, while in the latter case, the increase is only by a factor of 2-3 (or lower). Overall, there seems to be no obvious correlation between the dynamic ranges in the X-ray fluxes and absorption column densities in SFXTs, with an indication that lower densities are recorded at the highest fluxes. This can be explained by the presence of accretion inhibition mechanism(s). We propose a classification of the flares/outbursts from these sources to drive future observational investigations. We suggest that the difference between the classes of flares/outbursts is related to the fact that the mechanism(s) inhibiting accretion can be overcome more easily in some sources compared to others. We also investigate the possibility that different stellar wind structures, rather than clumps, could provide the means to temporarily overcome the inhibition of accretion in SFXTs.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Swift J1734.5-3027: a new long type-I X-ray bursting source

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    Swift J1734.5-3027 is a hard X-ray transient discovered by Swift while undergoing an outburst in September 2013. Archival observations showed that this source underwent a previous episode of enhanced X-ray activity in May-June 2013. In this paper we report on the analysis of all X-ray data collected during the outburst in September 2013, the first that could be intensively followed-up by several X-ray facilities. Our data-set includes INTEGRAL, Swift, and XMM-Newton observations. From the timing and spectral analysis of these observations, we show that a long type-I X-ray burst took place during the source outburst, making Swift J1734.5-3027 a new member of the class of bursting neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries. The burst lasted for about 1.9 ks and reached a peak flux of (6.0±\pm1.8)×\times108^{-8} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} in the 0.5-100 keV energy range. The estimated burst fluence in the same energy range is (1.10±\pm0.10)×\times105^{-5} erg cm2^{-2}. By assuming that a photospheric radius expansion took place during the first \sim200 s of the burst and that the accreted material was predominantly composed by He, we derived a distance to the source of 7.2±\pm1.5 kpc.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&