2,988 research outputs found

    Genetic variation for nutrient use efficiency in maize under different tillage and fertilization regimes with special emphasis to plant microbe interaction

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    Conservation tillage (no-till and reduced tillage) brings many benefits with respect to soil fertility and energy use, but it also has drawbacks regarding the need for synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. To promote conversation tillage in organic farming systems, crop rotation, fertilization and weed control have to be optimized. In addition, crop varieties are needed with improved nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and high weed competitiveness or tolerance

    Performance of a family of omni and steered antennas for mobile satellite applications

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    The design and performance of a family of vehicle antennas developed at JPL in support of an emerging US Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) system are described. Test results of the antennas are presented. Trends for future development are addressed. Recommendations on design approaches for vehicle antennas of the first generation MSS are discussed

    Silicate weathering in anoxic marine sediments

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    Two sediment cores retrieved at the northern slope of Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk, were analyzed for biogenic opal, organic carbon, carbonate, sulfur, major element concentrations, mineral contents, and dissolved substances including nutrients, sulfate, methane, major cations, humic substances, and total alkalinity. Down-core trends in mineral abundance suggest that plagioclase feldspars and other reactive silicate phases (olivine, pyroxene, volcanic ash) are transformed into smectite in the methanogenic sediment sections. The element ratios Na/Al, Mg/Al, and Ca/Al in the solid phase decrease with sediment depth indicating a loss of mobile cations with depth and producing a significant down-core increase in the chemical index of alteration. Pore waters separated from the sediment cores are highly enriched in dissolved magnesium, total alkalinity, humic substances, and boron. The high contents of dissolved organic carbon in the deeper methanogenic sediment sections (50–150 mg dm−3) may promote the dissolution of silicate phases through complexation of Al3+ and other structure-building cations. A non-steady state transport-reaction model was developed and applied to evaluate the down-core trends observed in the solid and dissolved phases. Dissolved Mg and total alkalinity were used to track the in-situ rates of marine silicate weathering since thermodynamic equilibrium calculations showed that these tracers are not affected by ion exchange processes with sediment surfaces. The modeling showed that silicate weathering is limited to the deeper methanogenic sediment section whereas reverse weathering was the dominant process in the overlying surface sediments. Depth-integrated rates of marine silicate weathering in methanogenic sediments derived from the model (81.4–99.2 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) are lower than the marine weathering rates calculated from the solid phase data (198–245 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) suggesting a decrease in marine weathering over time. The production of CO2 through reverse weathering in surface sediments (4.22–15.0 mmol CO2 m−2 year−1) is about one order of magnitude smaller than the weathering-induced CO2 consumption in the underlying sediments. The evaluation of pore water data from other continental margin sites shows that silicate weathering is a common process in methanogenic sediments. The global rate of CO2 consumption through marine silicate weathering estimated here as 5–20 Tmol CO2 year−1 is as high as the global rate of continental silicate weathering

    First Operation of a Resistive Shell Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber -- A new Approach to Electric-Field Shaping

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    We present a new technology for the shaping of the electric field in Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) using a carbon-loaded polyimide foil. This technology allows for the minimisation of passive material near the active volume of the TPC and thus is capable to reduce background events originating from radioactive decays or scattering on the material itself. Furthermore, the high and continuous electric resistivity of the foil limits the power dissipation per unit area and minimizes the risks of damages in the case of an electric field breakdown. Replacing the conventional field cage with a resistive plastic film structure called 'shell' decreases the number of components within the TPC and therefore reduces the potential points of failure when operating the detector. A prototype liquid argon (LAr) TPC with such a resistive shell and with a cathode made of the same material was successfully tested for long term operation with electric field values up to about 1.5 kV/cm. The experiment shows that it is feasible to successfully produce and shape the electric field in liquefied noble-gas detectors with this new technology.Comment: 13 page

    Tunable self-assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures with orthogonal directions

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    High-temperature exposure of a Mo(110) surface to borazine (HBNH)3leads to the formation of two distinctly different self-assembling nanostructures. Depending on the substrate temperature during preparation, either well-aligned, ultra-thin boron nanowires or a single-layer stripe structure of hexagonal boron nitride forms. Both structures show one-dimensional (1D) characteristics, but in directions perpendicular to each other. It is also possible to grow the two phases in coexistence. The relative weights are controlled by the sample temperature during preparation

    A cross sectional study of the prevalence and associated risks for bursitis in 6250 weaner, grower and finisher pigs from 103 British pig farms

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    A cross-sectional study of 93 farms in England was carried out to estimate the prevalence and associated risk factors for bursitis. A total of 6250 pigs aged 6–22 weeks were examined for presence and severity of bursitis. Details of pen construction, pen quality and farm management were recorded including floor type, presence of bedding, condition of the floor and floor materials. The prevalence of bursitis was 41.2% and increased with each week of age (OR 1.1). Two-level logistic regression models were developed with the outcome as the proportion of pigs affected with bursitis in a pen. Pigs kept on soil floors with straw bedding were used as the reference level. In comparison with these soil floors, bursitis increased on concrete floors where the bedding was deep throughout (OR 4.6), deep in part (OR 3.7), and sparse throughout (OR 9.0), part slatted floors (OR 8.0), and fully slatted floors (OR 18.8). Slip or skid marks in the dunging area (OR 1.5), pigs observed slipping during the examination of the pen (OR 1.3) and wet floors (OR 3.6) were also associated with an increased risk of bursitis. The results indicate that bursitis is a common condition of growing pigs and that the associated risk factors for bursitis were a lack of bedding in the lying area, presence of voids and pen conditions which increased the likelihood of injury

    Erhöhte Trockenstresstoleranz von Kleegras nach reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung

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    Grass-clover leys are an integral part of organic rotations. We performed an experiment with reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) using mouldboard ploughing in a rotation in Frick (Switzerland) on a heavy soil and 1000 mm mean annual precipitation. The grass-clover mixture was sawn in autumn 2005 after uniform seed bed preparation with a rotary hoe in both tillage systems without ploughing. After emergence most of the clover seedlings collapsed in the CT plots due to draught, while they survived in the RT plots. This led to a much higher share of clover in the mixture under RT. Grass-clover yields were 29 and 23% higher in RT than in CT plots in the first and second year of cultivation in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Grass grown in RT plots was higher in nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) content than in CT plots; clover contained solely more P in RT plots. Over all grass-clover had better growing conditions in RT compared to CT plots in our experiment, reflecting after-effects of the differentiated tillage schemes applied for the preceding arable crops. It is suggested that reduced tillage has a high potential to improve water stress tolerance of cropping systems

    High potential for weathering and climate effects of non-vascular vegetation in the Late Ordovician

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    It has been hypothesized that predecessors of today’s bryophytes significantly increased global chemical weathering in the Late Ordovician, thus reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration and contributing to climate cooling and an interval of glaciations. Studies that try to quantify the enhancement of weathering by non-vascular vegetation, however, are usually limited to small areas and low numbers of species, which hampers extrapolating to the global scale and to past climatic conditions. Here we present a spatially explicit modelling approach to simulate global weathering by non-vascular vegetation in the Late Ordovician. We estimate a potential global weathering flux of 2.8 (km3 rock) yr−1, defined here as volume of primary minerals affected by chemical transformation. This is around three times larger than today’s global chemical weathering flux. Moreover, we find that simulated weathering is highly sensitive to atmospheric CO2 concentration. This implies a strong negative feedback between weathering by non-vascular vegetation and Ordovician climate

    Evolution of leaf-form in land plants linked to atmospheric CO2 decline in the Late Palaeozoic era

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    The widespread appearance of megaphyll leaves, with their branched veins and planate form, did not occur until the close of the Devonian period at about 360 Myr ago. This happened about 40 Myr after simple leafless vascular plants first colonized the land in the Late Silurian/Early Devonian, but the reason for the slow emergence of this common feature of present-day plants is presently unresolved. Here we show, in a series of quantitative analyses using fossil leaf characters and biophysical principles, that the delay was causally linked with a 90% drop in atmospheric pCO2 during the Late Palaeozoic era. In contrast to simulations for a typical Early Devonian land plant, possessing few stomata on leafless stems, those for a planate leaf with the same stomatal characteristics indicate that it would have suffered lethal overheating, because of greater interception of solar energy and low transpiration. When planate leaves first appeared in the Late Devonian and subsequently diversified in the Carboniferous period, they possessed substantially higher stomatal densities. This observation is consistent with the effects of the pCO2 on stomatal development and suggests that the evolution of planate leaves could only have occurred after an increase in stomatal density, allowing higher transpiration rates that were sufficient to maintain cool and viable leaf temperatures