9,604 research outputs found

    GHASP: an H{\alpha} kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies -- IX. The NIR, stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations

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    We studied, for the first time, the near infrared, stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations for a sample of field galaxies taken from an homogeneous Fabry-Perot sample of galaxies (the GHASP survey). The main advantage of GHASP over other samples is that maximum rotational velocities were estimated from 2D velocity fields, avoiding assumptions about the inclination and position angle of the galaxies. By combining these data with 2MASS photometry, optical colors, HI masses and different mass-to-light ratio estimators, we found a slope of 4.48\pm0.38 and 3.64\pm0.28 for the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, respectively. We found that these values do not change significantly when different mass-to-light ratios recipes were used. We also point out, for the first time, that rising rotation curves as well as asymmetric rotation curves show a larger dispersion in the Tully-Fisher relation than flat ones or than symmetric ones. Using the baryonic mass and the optical radius of galaxies, we found that the surface baryonic mass density is almost constant for all the galaxies of this sample. In this study we also emphasize the presence of a break in the NIR Tully-Fisher relation at M(H,K)\sim-20 and we confirm that late-type galaxies present higher total-to-baryonic mass ratios than early-type spirals, suggesting that supernova feedback is actually an important issue in late-type spirals. Due to the well defined sample selection criteria and the homogeneity of the data analysis, the Tully-Fisher relation for GHASP galaxies can be used as a reference for the study of this relation in other environments and at higher redshifts.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Lisbon urban allotments A twentieth century cartographic account

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    Access to food constitutes one of the most basic daily human needs. Throughout history, cities have been shaped in order to accommodate the growth of food, namely in garden allotments. The shape and location of such areas have received differentiated levels of attention by city authorities, guided by specific planning paradigms, while determining different urban form arrangements over time, including those for the production of vegetable farming. This presentation exposes the first attempt of a legend proposal for the existing types of vegetation present in the “Plan of the City” for Lisbon, elaborated between 1948 and 1959. The identification of these vegetation elements is important as it provides an opportunity to better visualize the metabolic condition of the City of Lisbon, at a period of time when deep societal changes affected its urban and territorial arrangements. During the 1950s onwards, Lisbon testified the elaboration of a number of municipal plans, including new neighbourhoods, determining the reorganization of its housing fabric and the consequent vanishing of vegetation areas. The implications of these on the spatiality of the Lisbon food system are yet to be determined and urge for further investigation, namely on historical mapping sources as it is here attempted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laplacian spectra of complex networks and random walks on them: Are scale-free architectures really important?

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    We study the Laplacian operator of an uncorrelated random network and, as an application, consider hopping processes (diffusion, random walks, signal propagation, etc.) on networks. We develop a strict approach to these problems. We derive an exact closed set of integral equations, which provide the averages of the Laplacian operator's resolvent. This enables us to describe the propagation of a signal and random walks on the network. We show that the determining parameter in this problem is the minimum degree qmq_m of vertices in the network and that the high-degree part of the degree distribution is not that essential. The position of the lower edge of the Laplacian spectrum λc\lambda_c appears to be the same as in the regular Bethe lattice with the coordination number qmq_m. Namely, λc>0\lambda_c>0 if qm>2q_m>2, and λc=0\lambda_c=0 if qm2q_m\leq2. In both these cases the density of eigenvalues ρ(λ)0\rho(\lambda)\to0 as λλc+0\lambda\to\lambda_c+0, but the limiting behaviors near λc\lambda_c are very different. In terms of a distance from a starting vertex, the hopping propagator is a steady moving Gaussian, broadening with time. This picture qualitatively coincides with that for a regular Bethe lattice. Our analytical results include the spectral density ρ(λ)\rho(\lambda) near λc\lambda_c and the long-time asymptotics of the autocorrelator and the propagator.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    The Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil Engineering and the assemble of an architectural research agenda for the promotion of 1960’s-70’s Lisbon new residential neighbourhoods

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    World War II imposed massive territorial transformations throughout a number of affected cities, including the provision of housing and new urban infrastructures. To support such societal requests, some governmental research centres, promoted the development of scientific studies to sustain welfare policies. In Portugal, the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, LNEC), which responded directly to the Ministry of Public Works, promoted the development of architecture and urban scientific research for such requests. Thus, during the second half of the 20th century, LNEC played a strategic role in guiding the Portuguese urban transformations, including in its capital city, Lisbon. The investigation conducted by LNEC’s architects-researchers, promoted the development of new theoretical research work and the elaboration of architectural and urban plans for specific residential areas. Research and practice were, therefore, articulated and promoted by LNEC. A number of new neighbourhoods planned for Lisbon between 1960’s and 1980’s, benefited from the contribution of LNEC researchers, including Olivais Sul (1959-1968), Chelas (1961-1966) and Restelo (1970-1984). This paper examines, for the above-identified Lisbon’s neighbourhoods, the research contributions, which have guided their architectural and/or urban proposals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Compostagem laminar em sistema orgânico de banana.

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    A utilização de práticas agrícolas não convencionais capazes de melhorar os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo é fundamental no sistema orgânico. A compostagem laminar, com o aproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos de baixo custo e fácil disponibilidade, é uma alternativa que pode ser viável.PDF. 139_11

    Aplicação de tendências no processo criativo de moda – estudo de caso Tendere e Luciana Haddad

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    Os novos produtos de moda lançados a cada temporada não são desenvolvidos ao acaso. A criatividade do designer, a ser utilizada de maneira eficiente para um mercado competitivo, precisa ser muito bem articulada no sentido de se adequar tanto aos recursos tecnológicos e produtivos que tem disponíveis, quanto ao que o público necessita e deseja consumir. É nesse âmbito que se desenvolvem as Pesquisas de Tendências, que são materializadas nos Relatórios de Tendências de Moda. Os Relatórios de Tendências são materiais elaborados por empresas especializadas, através de amplas pesquisas transdisciplinares. Além disso, estes Relatórios contêm informações valiosas acerca de referências estéticas, apresentando um direcionamento do que o público irá desejar consumir. Desse modo, são utilizados como base de inspiração por profissionais das mais diversas áreas criativo-produtivas, como design, publicidade, marketing e até mesmo gestão de processos produtivos.New fashion products launched every season are not developed by chance. The designer’s creativity, used efficiently in a competitive market, must be well coordinated in order to suit both technological and productive available resources, as well as to what the public needs and wants to consume. In this context, Trends Research is developed and materialized in to a Fashion Trends Report. Trend Reports are materials prepared by specialized companies, through large transdisciplinary research, furthermore, these reports contain valuable information about aesthetic references, pointing out a direction of what the public will desire to consume. Therefore, this information is used as basis of inspiration for professionals from various creative-productive areas such as design, advertising, marketing and even production processes management

    Coolhunting: in loco fashion trends research methodology

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    ISSN:2237-2954Os novos produtos de moda lançados a cada temporada não são desenvolvidos ao acaso. A criatividade do designer, a ser utilizada de maneira eficiente para um mercado competitivo, precisa ser muito bem articulada no sentido de se adequar ao que o público necessita e deseja consumir. É nesse âmbito que se desenvolvem as Pesquisas de Tendências que são materializadas nos Relatórios de Tendências de Moda. Estes Relatórios contêm informações valiosas acerca de referências estéticas, apresentando um direcionamento do que o público irá desejar em um período à frente. Desse modo, são utilizados como base de inspiração por profissionais das mais diversas áreas criativo-produtivas, como design, publicidade, marketing e até mesmo gestão de processos produtivos. No âmbito das informações que compõem estes relatórios de tendências de moda, os dados correspondentes às preferências e às práticas de consumo de grupos de indivíduos são obtidos por pesquisas de Coolhunting. O Coolhunting busca e analisa os indivíduos insólitos em seus habitat natural, e consegue identificar comportamentos emergentes que, quando bem interpretados, tornam-se previsões assertivas do que será consumido num futuro próximo.The new fashion products launched every season are not developed by chance. The designer's creativity, to be used efficiently for a competitive market, must be well articulated in order to adapt to what the public needs and wants to consume. Is in this context that are develop the Trends Research that are materialized in Fashion Trend Reports. These reports contain valuable information about aesthetic references, presenting a direction of what the public will want in a period ahead. Thus, they are used as the basis of inspiration for professionals from various creative-productive areas such as design, advertising, marketing and even management of production processes. Within the scope of information that make up these reports of fashion trends, the corresponding data to the preferences and consumption practices of groups of individuals are obtained by Coolhunting research. The Coolhunting search and analyzes the unusual individuals in their natural habitat, and can identify emergent behaviors that, when properly interpreted, become assertive predictions of what will be consumed in the near future

    Optimization of scale-free network for random failures

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    It has been found that the networks with scale-free distribution are very resilient to random failures. The purpose of this work is to determine the network design guideline which maximize the network robustness to random failures with the average number of links per node of the network is constant. The optimal value of the distribution exponent and the minimum connectivity to different network size are given in this paper. Finally, the optimization strategy how to improve the evolving network robustness is given.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur