222 research outputs found

    Symmetries of pp-Waves with Distributional Profile

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    We generalize the classification of (non-vacuum) pp-waves \cite{JEK} based on the Killing-algebra of the space-time by admitting distribution-valued profile functions. Our approach is based on the analysis of the (infinite-dimensional) group of ``normal-form-preserving'' diffeomorphisms.Comment: 10 pages, latex2e, no figures, statement about the combination of symmetry classes of impulsive waves correcte

    ADM and Bondi four-momenta for the ultrarelativistic Schwarzschild black hole

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    We argue that it is possible to assign Bondi as well as ADM four-momentum to the ultrarelativistic limit of the Schwarzschild black hole in agreement to what is expected on physical grounds: The Bondi-momentum is lightlike and equal to the ADM-momentum up to the retarded time when particle and radiation escape to infinity and drops to zero thereafter, leaving flat space behind.Comment: Changes in the expression used for the ADM four-momentum without altering the result, correction of some minor typing error

    Canonical Formulation of pp-waves

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    We construct a Hamiltonian formulation for the class of plane-fronted gravitational waves with parallel rays (pp-waves). Because of the existence of a light-like Killing vector, the dynamics is effectively reduced to a 2+1 evolution with "time" chosen to be light-like. In spite of the vanishing action this allows us to geometrically identify a symplectic form as well as dynamical Hamiltonian, thus casting the system into canonical form.Comment: To appear in the "Obregon Festschrift

    Generalized Symmetries of Impulsive Gravitational Waves

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    We generalize previous \cite{AiBa2} work on the classification of (CC^\infty) symmetries of plane-fronted waves with an impulsive profile. Due to the specific form of the profile it is possible to extend the group of normal-form-preserving diffeomorphisms to include non-smooth transformations. This extension entails a richer structure of the symmetry algebra generated by the (non-smooth) Killing vectors.Comment: 18 pages, latex2e, no figure

    Electric Dipole Moment of a BPS Monopole

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    Monopole ``superpartner'' solutions are constructed by acting with finite, broken supersymmetry transformations on a bosonic N=2 BPS monopole. The terms beyond first order in this construction represent the backreaction of the the fermionic zero-mode state on the other fields. Because of the quantum nature of the fermionic zero-modes, the superpartner solution is necessarily operator valued. We extract the electric dipole moment operator and show that it is proportional to the fermion zero-mode angular momentum operator with a gyroelectric ratio g=2. The magnetic quadrupole operator is shown to vanish identically on all states. We comment on the usefulness of the monopole superpartner solution for a study of the long-range spin dependent dynamics of BPS monopoles.Comment: 8 pages, references and note adde

    Fermionic Wigs for AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes

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    We provide the metric, the gravitino fields and the gauge fields to all orders in the fermionic zero modes for D=5 and D=4, N=2 gauged supergravity solutions starting from non-extremal AdS--Schwarzschild black holes. We compute the Brown-York stress--energy tensor on the boundary of AdS_5 / AdS_4 spaces and we discuss some implications of the fermionic corrections to perfect fluid interpretation of the boundary theory. The complete non-linear solution, which we denote as fermionic wig, is achieved by acting with supersymmetry transformations upon the supergravity fields and that expansion naturally truncates at some order in the fermionic zero modes.Comment: 27 pages, Latex2e, no figures, 3 ancillary file

    Head-on collision of ultrarelativistic charges

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    We consider the head-on collision of two opposite-charged point particles moving at the speed of light. Starting from the field of a single charge we derive in a first step the field generated by uniformly accelerated charge in the limit of infinite acceleration. From this we then calculate explicitly the burst of radiation emitted from the head-on collision of two charges and discuss its distributional structure. The motivation for our investigation comes from the corresponding gravitational situation where the head-on collision of two ultrarelativistic particles (black holes) has recently aroused renewed interest.Comment: 4 figures, uses the AMSmat

    A Note on the Symmetries of the Gravitational Field of a Massless Particle

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    It is shown that the metric of a massless particle obtained from boosting the Schwarzschild metric to the velocity of light, has four Killing vectors corresponding to an E(2)\times \RR symmetry-group. This is in agreement with the expectations based on flat-space kinematics but is in contrast to previous statements in the literature \cite{Schueck}. Moreover, it also goes beyond the general Jordan-Ehlers-Kundt-(JEK)-classification of gravitational pp-waves as given in \cite{JEK}.Comment: 10pages, amslatex, TUW-94-12 and UWThPh-1994-2

    Generalized asymptotic structure of the ultrarelativistic Schwarzschild black hole

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    We discuss the asymptotic structure of the ultrarelativistic Schwarzschild black hole. An explicit construction for a conformal boundary both at spatial and null infinity is given together with the corresponding expressions for the ADM and Bondi four-momenta.Comment: uses AMS-macros, two figure