23 research outputs found

    The virtual photon approximation for three-body interatomic Coulombic decay

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    Interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) is a mechanism which allows microscopic objects to rapidly exchange energy. When the two objects are distant, the energy transfer between the donor and acceptor species takes place via the exchange of a virtual photon. On the contrary, recent ab initio calculations have revealed that the presence of a third passive species can significantly enhance the ICD rate at short distances due to the effects of electronic wave function overlap and charge transfer states [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 083403 (2017)]. Here, we develop a virtual photon description of three-body ICD, showing that a mediator atom can have a significant influence at much larger distances. In this regime, this impact is due to the scattering of virtual photons off the mediator, allowing for simple analytical results and being manifest in a distinct geometry-dependence which includes interference effects. As a striking example, we show that in the retarded regime ICD can be substantially enhanced or suppressed depending on the position of the ICD-inactive object, even if the latter is far from both donor and acceptor species

    On the computations of interatomic Coulombic decay widths with R-matrix method

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    Interatomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) is a general mechanism in which an excited atom can transfer its excess energy to a neighbor which is thus ionized. ICD belongs to the family of Feshbach resonance processes, and, as such, states undergoing ICD are characterized by their energy width. In this work, we investigate the computations of ICD widths using the R-matrix method as implemented in the UKRmol package. Helium dimer is used here as a benchmark system. The results are compared with those obtained with the well established Fano-Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction method. It is shown that the R-matrix method in its present implementation provides accurate total and partial widths if the kinetic energy of the ICD electron is lower than 10 eV. Advantages and limitations of the R-matrix method on the computations of ICD widths are discussed

    Collective Interatomic Decay of Multiple Vacancies in Clusters

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    Interatomic Coulombic decay widths of helium trimer: A diatomics-in-molecules approach

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    International audienceWe report a new method to compute the Interatomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) widths for large clusters which relies on the combination of the projection-operator formalism of scattering theory and the diatomics-in-molecules approach. The total and partial ICD widths of a cluster are computed from the energies and coupling matrix elements of the atomic and diatomic fragments of the system. The method is applied to the helium trimer and the results are compared to fully ab initio widths. A good agreement between the two sets of data is shown. Limitations of the present method are also discussed

    Observation of fast and slow interatomic Coulombic decay in argon dimers induced by electron-impact ionization

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    International audienceWe investigate the interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in argon dimers induced by electron-impact ionization (E 0 = 90 eV) using a multi-particle coincidence experiment in which the momentum vectors and, consequently, the kinetic energies for electrons and fragment ions are determined. The signature of the ICD process is obtained from a correlation map between ejected electron energy and kinetic energy release (KER) for Ar + +Ar + fragment ions where low-energy ICD electrons can be identified. Furthermore, two types of ICD processes, termed fast and slow interatomic decay, are separated by the ICD initial state energies and projectile energy losses. The dependence of the energies of emitted low-energy ICD electrons on the initial state energy is studied. ICD electron energy spectra and KER spectra are obtained separately for fast and slow decay processes where the KER spectra for the slow decay channel are strongly influenced by nuclear motion. The KER and ICD electron energy spectra are well reproduced by ab initio calculations

    Mechanism of superexchange Interatomic Coulombic decay in rare gas clusters

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    International audienceInteratomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) is an ultrafast energy transfer process. Via ICD, an excited atom can transfer its excess energy to a neighboring atom which is thus ionized. On the example of NeHeNe cluster, we recently reported [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 083403 (2017)] that the total ICD widths are substantially enhanced in the presence of an ICD inactive atom. The enhancement occurs due to the coupling of the resonance state to intermediate virtual states of the bridge atom-a mechanism named superexchange ICD. In this follow-up work, we analyze the partial ICD widths in NeHeNe cluster and show that only some channels are affected by the superexchange ICD process. Furthermore, we consider superexchange ICD in NeHeAr. We show that in this system the enhancement is still present but the energy transfer mediated by the superexchange mechanism is less efficient than in NeHeNe owing to the different ionization potentials of Ar and Ne. The behavior of the computed ICD widths is explained with a simple model based on first-order perturbation theory and a Hartree-Fock-like description of the states