4 research outputs found

    Frailty syndrome in daily practice of interventional cardiology ward-rationale and design of the FRAPICA trial : a STROBE-compliant prospective observational study.

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    The effect of frailty on short and long term results of interventional treatment of coronary heart disease is not well defined. The evaluation of frailty may be helpful in appointment of most suitable treatment option and timing of patient follow-up. The frailty syndrome in daily practice of interventional cardiology ward (FRAPICA) study objective is to evaluate prognostic capability of the Fried frailty scale and instrumental activities of daily living scale (IADL) in elderly patients with symptomatic coronary heart disease. This is a single center, prospective, observational study. Patients aged ≥65 years are eligible. The objectives are to report Fried frailty scale and IADL scale dispersion before hospital discharge and to assess predictive impact of both scores. The endpoints are: success of interventional treatment, its complications (procedure related myocardial infarction, dye-induced renal function deterioration, loss of blood), 3-year mortality, either all-cause and cardiovascular, re-infarction, re-intervention, stroke, new-onset heart failure, any hospital readmission, and a combination of all above mentioned. Secondary analyses will focus on distinct clinical patient presentations, sub-classifications of frailty for modeling of long-term risk. FRAPICA trial will improve understanding of the associations between frailty syndrome, cardiovascular system diseases, their invasive treatment, and short and long-term outcomes. It will allow for more individualized assessment of risk and will identify new goals for interventions. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT03209414

    Word structure and semantic motivation of selected Japanese medical terms

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza wybranych przez autorkę pojęć japońskiej terminologii medycznej. Analiza została poprzedzona przedstawieniem historii tworzenia współczesnej terminologii medycznej w Japonii. Przeanalizowanych zostało 30 terminów należących do warstwy sinojapońskiej japońszczyzny, z których 15 stanowi nazwy jednostek chorobowych, a kolejne 15 określa struktury anatomiczne. Przeprowadzona została analiza budowy słowotwórczej wybranych terminów, a następnie analiza ich motywacji semantycznej. Autorka podjęła próbę wykazania podobieństw i różnic między motywacją semantyczną terminów japońskich i terminów w językach europejskich, reprezentowanych przez terminy polskie, łacińskie i angielskie.The purpose of this study was to analyse the Japanese medical terms selected by the author. The analysis was preceded by the introduction of the history of medical terminology formation in Japanese language. 30 terms from Sino-Japanese lexical stratum has been selected for the analysis: 15 of which are the names of medical conditions, while further 15 represent names of anatomical structures. Firstly the analysis was done according to word formation methodology. This was followed by the analysis of semantic motivation within these terms. The analysis has shown both similarities and differences in semantic motivation existing between Japanese medical terms and medical terms used in European languages represented by Polish, Latin and English

    Screening for Rare Mitochondrial Genome Variants Reveals a Potentially Novel Association between <i>MT-CO1</i> and <i>MT-TL2</i> Genes and Diabetes Phenotype

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    Variations in several nuclear genes predisposing humans to the development of MODY diabetes have been very well characterized by modern genetic diagnostics. However, recent reports indicate that variants in the mtDNA genome may also be associated with the diabetic phenotype. As relatively little research has addressed the entire mitochondrial genome in this regard, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the genetic variations present in mtDNA among individuals susceptible to MODY diabetes. In total, 193 patients with a MODY phenotype were tested with a custom panel with mtDNA enrichment. Heteroplasmic variants were selected for further analysis via further sequencing based on long-range PCR to evaluate the potential contribution of frequent NUMTs (acronym for nuclear mitochondrial DNA) insertions. Twelve extremely rare variants with a potential damaging character were selected, three of which were likely to be the result of NUMTs from the nuclear genome. The variant m.3243A>G in MT-TL1 was responsible for 3.5% of MODY cases in our study group. In addition, a novel, rare, and possibly pathogenic leucine variant m.12278T>C was found in MT-TL2. Our findings also found the MT-CO1 gene to be over-represented in the study group, with a clear phenotype–genotype correlation observed in one family. Our data suggest that heteroplasmic variants in MT-COI and MT-TL2 genes may play a role in the pathophysiology of glucose metabolism in humans