31 research outputs found

    Solar differential rotation in the period 1964 - 2016 determined by the Kanzelh\"ohe data set

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    The main aim of this work is to determine the solar differential rotation by tracing sunspot groups during the period 1964-2016, using the Kanzelh\"ohe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (KSO) sunspot drawings and white light images. Two procedures for the determination of the heliographic positions were applied: an interactive procedure on the KSO sunspot drawings (1964 - 2008, solar cycles nos. 20 - 23) and an automatic procedure on the KSO white light images (2009 - 2016, solar cycle no. 24). For the determination of the synodic angular rotation velocities two different methods have been used: a daily shift (DS) method and a robust linear least-squares fit (rLSQ) method. Afterwards, the rotation velocities had to be converted from synodic to sidereal, which were then used in the least-squares fitting for the solar differential rotation law. For the test data from 2014, we found the rLSQ method for calculating rotational velocities to be more reliable than the DS method. The best fit solar differential rotation profile for the whole time period is ω(b)\omega(b) = (14.47 ±\pm 0.01) - (2.66 ±\pm 0.10) sin2b\sin^2b (deg/day) for the DS method and ω(b)\omega(b) = (14.50 ±\pm 0.01) - (2.87 ±\pm 0.12) sin2b\sin^2b (deg/day) for the rLSQ method. A barely noticeable north - south asymmetry is observed for the whole time period 1964 - 2016 in the present paper. Rotation profiles, using different data sets (e.g. Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, Greenwich Photoheliographic Results), presented by other authors for the same time periods and the same tracer types, are in good agreement with our results. Therefore, the KSO data set is suitable for the investigation of the long-term variabilities in the solar rotation profile

    The European Solar Telescope

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    The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a project aimed at studying the magnetic connectivity of the solar atmosphere, from the deep photosphere to the upper chromosphere. Its design combines the knowledge and expertise gathered by the European solar physics community during the construction and operation of state-of-the-art solar telescopes operating in visible and near-infrared wavelengths: the Swedish 1m Solar Telescope, the German Vacuum Tower Telescope and GREGOR, the French Télescope Héliographique pour l’Étude du Magnétisme et des Instabilités Solaires, and the Dutch Open Telescope. With its 4.2 m primary mirror and an open configuration, EST will become the most powerful European ground-based facility to study the Sun in the coming decades in the visible and near-infrared bands. EST uses the most innovative technological advances: the first adaptive secondary mirror ever used in a solar telescope, a complex multi-conjugate adaptive optics with deformable mirrors that form part of the optical design in a natural way, a polarimetrically compensated telescope design that eliminates the complex temporal variation and wavelength dependence of the telescope Mueller matrix, and an instrument suite containing several (etalon-based) tunable imaging spectropolarimeters and several integral field unit spectropolarimeters. This publication summarises some fundamental science questions that can be addressed with the telescope, together with a complete description of its major subsystems

    Horizontal flow below solar filaments

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    Context. Observations of the internal fine structures of solar filaments indicate that the threads of filaments follow magnetic field lines. The magnetic field inside the filament has a strong axial component. Some models of magnetic fields suggest that the field structure in filaments could be caused by the horizontal plasma velocity field near both sides below the filament, where observable shearing effects from the axial component are expected. Aims. The horizontal velocity field in the vicinity of polarity inversion lines is measured in order to determine, if it exhibits a systematic movement that induces shear along the filament axis and convergence perpendicular to the axis. Methods. The horizontal velocity was obtained from the displacement of supergranules, which were derived from Doppler measurements in the solar photosphere. Dopplergrams corrected for rigid rotation and p-mode oscillations were further analyzed by local correlation tracking. Results. Vector fields of the horizontal velocities were measured in 16 areas during 8 time intervals in the years 2000–2002 on both solar hemispheres, each for a few consecutive days. For 64 selected filaments the nearby horizontal velocity vectors were split up into a component along the filament axis and a perpendicular component. Conclusions. Differences between the axial velocities on both sides of the filaments were calculated. In almost all cases the velocity gradient corresponds to the inclination of the threads observed in Hα images. The average transverse velocity does not show any preferred tendency towards a divergence or convergence to the filament axis. Testing the horizontal velocity for the creation of the differential rotation profile in the photosphere reveals a strong dependence of the averaging process on the scale of our velocities

    Image-quality assessment for full-disk solar observations with generative adversarial networks

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    Context. In recent decades, solar physics has entered the era of big data and the amount of data being constantly produced from ground- and space-based observatories can no longer be purely analyzed by human observers. Aims. In order to assure a stable series of recorded images of sufficient quality for further scientific analysis, an objective image-quality measure is required. Especially when dealing with ground-based observations, which are subject to varying seeing conditions and clouds, the quality assessment has to take multiple effects into account and provide information about the affected regions. The automatic and robust identification of quality-degrading effects is critical for maximizing the scientific return from the observations and to allow for event detections in real time. In this study, we develop a deep-learning method that is suited to identify anomalies and provide an image-quality assessment of solar full-disk Hα filtergrams. The approach is based on the structural appearance and the true image distribution of high-quality observations. Methods. We employ a neural network with an encoder–decoder architecture to perform an identity transformation of selected high-quality observations. The encoder network is used to achieve a compressed representation of the input data, which is reconstructed to the original by the decoder. We use adversarial training to recover truncated information based on the high-quality image distribution. When images of reduced quality are transformed, the reconstruction of unknown features (e.g., clouds, contrails, partial occultation) shows deviations from the original. This difference is used to quantify the quality of the observations and to identify the affected regions. In addition, we present an extension of this architecture that also uses low-quality samples in the training step. This approach takes characteristics of both quality domains into account, and improves the sensitivity for minor image-quality degradation. Results. We apply our method to full-disk Hα filtergrams from the Kanzelhöhe Observatory recorded during 2012−2019 and demonstrate its capability to perform a reliable image-quality assessment for various atmospheric conditions and instrumental effects. Our quality metric achieves an accuracy of 98.5% in distinguishing observations with quality-degrading effects from clear observations and provides a continuous quality measure which is in good agreement with the human perception. Conclusions. The developed method is capable of providing a reliable image-quality assessment in real time, without the requirement of reference observations. Our approach has the potential for further application to similar astrophysical observations and requires only coarse manual labeling of a small data set

    Dynamics of solar mesogranulation

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    Using a 45.5-h time series of photospheric flow fields generated from a set of high-resolution continuum images (SOHO/MDI) we analyze the dynamics of solar mesogranule features. The series was prepared applying a local correlation tracking algorithm with a 4.8´´ FWHM window. By computing 1-h running means in time steps of 10 min we generate 267 averaged divergence maps that are segmented to obtain binary maps. A tracking algorithm determines lifetimes and barycenter coordinates of regions of positive divergence defined as mesogranules (MGs). If we analyze features of lifetimes ≥1 h and of areas ≥5  Mm2{^2} we find a mean drift velocity of 304 m s-1 (with ±1σ 1\sigma variation of 180 m s-1), a mean travel distance of 2.5±1.82.5 \pm 1.8 Mm, a mean lifetime of 2.6±1.82.6 \pm 1.8 h, and a 1/e1/e decay time of 1.6 h for a total of 2022 MGs. The advective motion of MGs within supergranules is seen for 50 to 70% of the long-lived (≥4 h) MGs while the short-lived ones move irregularly. If only the long-lived MGs are further analyzed the drift velocities reduce to 207 m s-1 and the travel distances increase to 4.1 Mm on average, which is an appreciable fraction of the supergranular radius. The results are largely independent of the divergence segmentation level.

    Hemispheric sunspot numbers

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    From sunspot drawings provided by the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, Austria, and the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, Slovak Republic, we extracted a data catalogue of hemispheric Sunspot Numbers covering the time span 1945-2004. The validated catalogue includes daily, monthly-mean, and smoothed-monthly relative sunspot numbers for the northern and southern hemispheres separately and is available for scientific use. These data we then investigated with respect to north-south asymmetries for almost 6 entire solar cycles (Nos. 18-23). For all the cycles studied, we found that the asymmetry based on the absolute asymmetry index is enhanced near the cycle maximum, which contradicts to previous results that are based on the normalized asymmetry index. Moreover, the weak magnetic interdependence between the two solar hemispheres is confirmed by their self-contained evolution during a cycle. For the time span 1945-2004, we found that the cycle maxima and also the declining and increasing phases are clearly shifted, whereas the minima seem to be in phase for both hemispheres. The asymmetric behavior reveals no obvious connection to either the sunspot cycle period of ~11- or the magnetic cycle of ~22-years. The most striking excess of activity is observed for the northern hemisphere in cycles 19 and 20