41 research outputs found
Thrombotic events in myeloproliferative neoplasms could "Medical Nutrition Therapy" have an additional but important role?
Polycythemia vera (PV), and essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients are characterized by an increased incidence of arterial and venous thromboses. To prevent vascular events is one of the most important challenges in the disease management, as thrombosis could be responsible for the morbidity and mortality in many cases. Since thrombosis can be an early complication of MPNs, an effective antithrombotic strategy has to be started as soon as the disease is diagnosed. Beside the use of appropriate medical therapies and preventive measures against cardiovascular risk factors, a healthy lifestyle may also have importance in MPNs, as it has already been accepted in the general population. However, it has not been accepted yet in the treatment of neoplasms, according to the general notion, thrombosis is "caused" by the disease rather than by the interplay of various factors. The relation between the disease and the thrombotic events is indisputable, though the role of the neoplasm accompanied by other diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, or unhealthy life style, obesity, and smoking should be mentioned as addictive factors in case of myeloproliferative neoplasms thus increasing the susceptibility to developing a thrombosis. In this short communication, according to relevant medical literature, the author describes her concerns if cardiovascular diseases may be prevented by eliminating modifiable risk factors, and following a healthy diet, healthy life style and controlling body weight, and whether it may have an important benefit in the successful management of MPN patients. Should we apply the “medical nutrition therapy” consciously in the most appropriate and effective antithrombotic strategy
A polycystás ovárium szindrómában a táplálkozás szerepe a cukorbetegség kialakulásának megelőzésében és a terápiás lehetőségek kiegészítésében
A polyeystás ovárium szindróma (PCOS) a nők körében gyakuri, rendkívül komplex endokrin-metabolikus tünetcsoport. A beteg sorsát általában a romló szénhidrát- lipid anyagcsere-zavarok illetve az ezekhez kapcsolódó, ezek miatt kifejlődő cardiovascularis eltérések határozzák meg. Mára már ismert tény, hogy PCOS miatti hosszan fennálló együttes anyagcsere változások az inzulinrezisztencia fokozódásához, diabetes mellitus kialakulásához vezethetnek. Szerencsére az elmúlt években számos nemzetközi publikáció és ajánlás jelent meg, mely szorgalmazza, hogy a betegség sikeres klinikai kezeléséhez, managementjéhez hozzá kell tartoznia a tudatos preventív szemléletű életmódbeli változás szorgalmazásának, melynek az első vonalbeli terápia részét kell képeznie. Ennek egyik alappillére a megfelelő táplálkozás, diéta, az orvosi táplálkozási terápia ('medical nutrition therapy'). Ezen tanulmány célja az volt, hogy mintegy körképet készítve a nemzetközi irodalomban fellelhető vezető klinikák publikációi alapján, bemutassa, ma hol áll az oly sokat hangoztatott táplálkozás szerepe a PCOS betegek metabolikus szövődményeinek megelőzésében, a terápiás lehetőségek kiegészítésében, és azt elhelyezze az egyre gyakrabban hangoztatott költség a társadalomra kontra megelőzés témakörében
Contribution of cardiovascular risk factors in the thrombotic complications of essential thrombocythaemia: a Hungarian single-institute retrospective analysis.
OBJECTIVE: Essential thrombocythaemia (ET) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm in which there is an increased risk of thrombotic complications. The conventional thrombosis risk assessment of these patients is based on an age over 60 and a history of thrombosis. The aim of this report is to analyse the contribution of cardiovascular risk (CV) factors as possible additional thrombotic risk factors in the thrombotic complications seen in ET. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred and one ET patients (72 females and 29 males with a median age of 61 years) were enrolled between 1999 and 2011. Mann-Whitney and multivariate binary logistic regression tests were performed. The Kaplan-Meier method followed by the log-rank test was used to evaluate the probability of thrombosis-free survival. RESULTS: The presence of one or two or more CV risk factors significantly increased the risk of thrombosis. Separately, the contribution of high blood pressure and hyperlipidaemia proved to be influential, whereas tobacco use, diabetes mellitus and obesity were not significant. Significant differences were revealed in the probability of thrombosis-free survival between patients without CV risk factors and those with at least one CV risk factor, and between those with at most one CV risk factor and those with two or more CV risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the results on the current cohort, it is suggested that CV risk factors may influence the thrombotic complications in ET
Distribution and composition of Mg-calcite and dolomite in the water and sediments of Lake Balaton
Lake Balaton is a large and shallow lake that is of great economic and cultural importance in landlocked Hungary. Even though the lake has been studied extensively in the last century from a large number of scientific aspects, the mineralogy of its sediments has not been fully explored. The mud at the bottom of the lake consists mostly of silt-sized grains of carbonate minerals with compositions between those of calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite CaMg (CO3)2. In order to understand the processes of carbonate precipitation and the influence of water budget fluctuations on the mineralogical character of the sediment, we used X-ray powder diffraction to analyze the changes of cell parameters of carbonate minerals in the upper half meter of the sediment. The major carbonate phase is Mg-calcite that shows a distinct reduction in cell parameters from west to east, reflecting an increase of its Mg-content, in parallel with a gradient of dissolved Mg/Ca ratio in the water. Intriguingly, dolomite, the other widespread carbonate phase in the sediment, also shows a change in cell parameters from west to east, with the deviations from values of stoichiometric dolomite being largest in the Eastern Basin of the lake. The similar pattern of cell parameter changes of Mg-calcite and dolomite suggests that ordered dolomite with slightly anomalous, Ca-rich composition also forms in the lake, probably by direct precipitation from the water. In contrast, protodolomite forms within the sediment through diagenetic processes. Based on our X-ray powder diffraction measurements, we propose a model of carbonate mineral formation and transformation in Lake Balaton. Since the Mg/Ca ratio of the water appears to be the major factor in controlling the compositions of carbonate minerals, and this ratio in turn is governed by the amount of water supply, the properties of the precipitating carbonate minerals are affected by the actual level of the lake water
Biotemplated synthesis of magnetic filaments
With the aim of creating one-dimensional magnetic nanostructures, we genetically engineered flagellar filaments produced by Salmonella bacteria to display iron- or magnetite-binding sites, and used the mutant filaments as templates for both nucleation and attachment of the magnetic iron oxide magnetite.</p
Aszimptotikus approximációk a sztochasztikában = Asymptotic approximations in stochastics
Csörgő Sándor kutatásainak középpontjában a szentpétervári játék vizsgálata állt. Eredményeinek jelentős része az osztozkodási stratégiákhoz kapcsolódik. Az elért aszimptotikus eredmények nagymértékben hozzájárulnak a játékkal kapcsolatos számos probléma tisztázásához. Pósfai Anna az úgynevezett kupongyűjtő problémához köthető speciális határeloszlás tételeket finomította. A gyűjtő várakozási idejének nevezett véletlen mennyiség eloszlását négy jólismert eloszláscsalád tagjaival approximálta, és a kapcsolódó eloszlásfüggvényeknek aszimptotikus sorfejtéseit adta. Kevei Péter független, azonos eloszlású véletlen változók összegének illetve lineáris kombinációinak aszimptotikus viselkedését vizsgálta, különös tekintettel a szemistablis eloszlásokra és a szentpétervári játékra. Szabó Tamás és Krauczi Éva a Wasserstein távolságra épülő korrelációs tesztekkel foglalkoztak. Meghatározták a tesztstatisztikák határeloszlásait. Szimulációs vizsgálatokkal ellenőrizték a tesztek hatékonyságát. Szűcs Gábor kutatási területe az empirikus folyamatok approximációinak elmélete. Legfontosabb eredménye a valószínűségi generátorfüggvények segítségével felírt empirikus generátorfolyamatok eloszlásbeli konvergenciájára vonatkozik. Viharos László a TTT folyamat felhasználásával hatékony tesztet konstruált egy összetett illeszkedési hipotézis vizsgálatára. Pareto eloszlások indexének becslésével is foglalkozott. | Sándor Csörgő's main research field was the St. Petersburg game. A substantial part of his results concerns the pooling strategies. The obtained asymptotic results help to clarify several problems connected to the game. Anna Pósfai refined certain special limit theorems related to the so-called coupon collector's problem. She approximated the distribution of the random quantity called the collector's waiting time with the members of four well-known distribution families, and gave asymptotic expansions of the related distribution functions. Péter Kevei investigated the asymptotic behavior of sums and linear combinations of independent, identically distributed random variables, especially considering semistable laws, and the St. Petersburg game. Tamás Szabó and Éva Krauczi investigated correlation tests based on the Wasserstein distance. They derived the limit distributions of the test statistics. They performed simulation studies to check the efficiency of the tests. Gábor Szűcs's research field is the theory of approximation of empirical processes. His main result concerns the convergence in distribution of empirical generator processes defined via probability generating functions. Based on the TTT process, László Viharos constructed an efficient test to check a composite goodness-of-fit hypothesis. Moreover, he studied estimation of the index of Pareto distributions