554 research outputs found

    Mindfulness-based emotional regulation for patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A randomized pilot study of efficacy, applicability, and safety

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    The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions to reduce anxiety or improve quality of life (QoL) in patients with cardiac pathologies is well established. However, there is scarce information on the efficacy, applicability, and safety of these interventions in adult patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). In this study, we examined their efficacy on QoL, psychological and biomedical variables, as well as the applicability and safety of a mindfulness-based intervention in patients with an ICD. Methods: Ninety-six patients with an ICD were randomized into two intervention groups and a control group. The interventions involved training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation, either face-to- -face or using the “REM Volver a casa” mobile phone application (app). Results: The sample presented medium-high QoL baseline scores (mean: 68), low anxiety (6.84) and depression (3.89), average mindfulness disposition (128), and cardiological parameters similar to other ICD populations. After the intervention, no significant differences were found in the variables studied between the intervention and control groups. Retention was average (59%), and there were no adverse effects due to the intervention. Conclusions: After training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation (face-to-face or via app), no significant differences were found in the QoL or psychological or biomedical variables in patients with an ICD. The intervention proved to be safe, with 59% retentio

    Proceso analítico jerárquico y TOPSIS aplicados a la selección de una cámara digital

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    A lo largo de su vida, cualquier individuo se verá obligado a tomar decisiones, una y otra vez, decisiones que podrán ser de mayor o menor importancia, pero siempre supondrán renunciar a una de las dos partes en favor de la otra. Racionalmente, intentaremos tomar la decisión que para nuestro juicio sea la correcta, pero a día de hoy eso parece una tarea cada vez más complicada, debido a la gran multitud de factores y alternativas que entran en juego. Los métodos de decisión multicriterio constituyen una aplicación matemática de gran utilidad a la hora de seleccionar una alternativa. A menudo tan solo necesitan una serie de criterios para elegir una opción óptima, o darnos una clasificación por orden de preferencia de todas las alternativas posibles. Este proyecto consistirá en la aplicación del método AHP y TOPSIS para la selección de una cámara digital. Debido a los grandes avances tecnológicos desde el inicio de este mercado, la elección de una cámara que se ajuste a las necesidades del usuario deja abierto un inmenso abanico de posibilidades. Para llevar a cabo los métodos contaremos con la opinión de 5 personas familiarizadas con el ámbito de la fotografía, teniendo cada una de ellas una idea clara de las características que buscan en una cámara.Throughout his life, any individual will be forced to make decisions, again and again, decisions that may be more or less important, but will always mean giving up one of the two parties in favor of the other. Rationally, we try to make the decision that is correct for our judgment, but today it seems an increasingly complicated task, due to the great multitude of factors and alternatives that come into play. The multicriteria decision methods constitute a very useful mathematical application when selecting an alternative. Frequently, they just need a series of criteria to choose an optimal option, or give us a ranking in order of preference of all possible alternatives. This project will consist of the application of the AHP and TOPSIS method for the selection of a digital camera. Due to the great technological advances since the beginning of this market, the choice of a camera that fits the user's needs leaves an immense range of possibilities open. To carry out the methods we will have the opinion of 5 people familiar with the field of photography, each of them having a clear idea of the characteristics they are looking for in a camera.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Visibilising women in technology: Strategies for working in Telecommunication Engineering.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/post-publication-policies/#acceptedOur society displays low representation of women in engineering and, in particular, in telecommunication engineering. This paper presents the different strategies that a group of professors at ETSI Telecommunication, Universidad de Málaga (UMA), have been carrying out since 2018 to make women visible in the technology framework: design of videos and posters about relevant women on the subjects, technological challenges to provide solutions to real problems regarding equality between men and women, women in engineering conferences, study of gender in students' work, etc

    Women in Telecommunication Engineering: Case Studies.

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    The enrolment of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) degrees and, in particular, in Telecommunication Engineering shows a decreasing trend. Among the general competences common to all the degrees taught at the School of Telecommunication Engineering (ETSIT) of University of Malaga, there is the G-01, which is the ability to assume and attitude of respecting the fundamental rights and equality between men and women. In this context, a group of professors from ETSIT has been developing, since 2018. different practical case studies to make the role of women in the technological environment more visible, both for university students and for pre-university students. This article presents both the strategies proposed and the conclusions and results obtained from them.This work was supported in part by the Permanent Educational Innovation Group, funded by the University of Málaga, under Project GPIE22-036; and in part by ‘Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/10.13039/501100011033/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Unión Europea’, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033/FEDER, UE, under Project PID2021-123207NB-I00. This work was done at the University of Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Automatic identification of physical activity intensity and modality from the fusion of accelerometry and heart rate data

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) is essential to prevent and to treat a variety of chronic diseases. The automated detection and quantification of PA over time empowers lifestyle interventions, facilitating reliable exercise tracking and data-driven counseling. Methods: We propose and compare various combinations of machine learning (ML) schemes for the automatic classification of PA from multi-modal data, simultaneously captured by a biaxial accelerometer and a heart rate (HR) monitor. Intensity levels (low/moderate/vigorous) were recognized, as well as for vigorous exercise, its modality (sustained aerobic/resistance/mixed). In total, 178.63 h of data about PA intensity (65.55% low/18.96% moderate/15.49% vigorous) and 17.00 h about modality were collected in two experiments: one in free-living conditions, another in a fitness center under controlled protocols. The structure used for automatic classification comprised: a) definition of 42 time-domain signal features, b) dimensionality reduction, c) data clustering, and d) temporal filtering to exploit time redundancy by means of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Four dimensionality reduction techniques and four clustering algorithms were studied. In order to cope with class imbalance in the dataset, a custom performance metric was defined to aggregate recognition accuracy, precision and recall. Results: The best scheme, which comprised a projection through Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and k-means clustering, was evaluated in leave-one-subject-out cross-validation; notably outperforming the standard industry procedures for PA intensity classification: score 84.65%, versus up to 63.60%. Errors tended to be brief and to appear around transients. Conclusions: The application of ML techniques for pattern identification and temporal filtering allowed to merge accelerometry and HR data in a solid manner, and achieved markedly better recognition performances than the standard methods for PA intensity estimation

    Invarianza factorial de una escala de autoeficacia en deportistas y no deportistas

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    El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue examinar la invarianza factorial de la escala de autoeficacia en el cuidado de la alimentación y salud física (ECASF) en universitarios mexicanos deportistas y no deportistas. La muestra total fue de 1.305 universitarios mexicanos (707 mujeres, 598 hombres), con una edad media de 20.46 años (DT = 1.87). Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que una estructura de cinco factores es viable y adecuada para ambas poblaciones. Atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos la estructura de cinco factores (ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas, evitación del consumo de tabaco y evitación del consumo de alcohol), ha mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes en las dos poblaciones estudiadas; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre las poblaciones para las medias de los factores ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas y evitación del consumo de tabaco. Por último, el presente estudio también confirma la validez del modelo pentadimensional propuesto en estudios anteriores. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en poblaciones con diferentes factores culturales y personales.The aim of this study was to examine factorial invariance of the Self-efficacy in Diet and Physical Wellness Scale (ECASF) in Mexican university sportsmen and non-sportsmen. The final sample comprised 1.305 Mexican university students (707 women, 598 men), whose average age was 20.46 years (SD=1.87). Confirmatory factorial analyses showed that a five-factor scale is feasible and adequate for both populations. In accordance with statistical and substantial criteria, the five factor structure (physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, avoiding tobacco, and avoiding alcohol) displayed good indexes of fit both in terms of reliability and validity. Moreover, factorial structure and loads, as well as intercepts, were found to be invariant in both populations; however, differences were found with regard to average values of physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, and avoiding tobacco. Finally, the present study confirms the validity of a Penta dimensional model proposed in previous studies. Future research should replicate these procedures in populations with different cultural and personal characteristics.O principal objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a invariância fatorial da escala de auto-eficácia no atendimento de alimentação e saúde física (ECASF) em atletas universitários mexicanos e não-atletas. A amostra total foi de 1.305 estudantes mexicanos universitários (707 mulheres, 598 homens), com idade média de 20,46 anos (DP = 1,87). A análise factorial confirmatória mostrou que uma estrutura de cinco fator é viável e adequado para ambas as populações. Em resposta a critérios estatísticos e estrutura substantiva de cinco factores (exercício físico, cuidados de nutrição, lidar problemas, evitando o consumo de tabaco e álcool), mostrou indicadores de ajuste adequados de fiabilidade e validade. Além disso, a estrutura fatorial, cargas fatoriais e Intercepções são considerados invariante nas duas populações estudadas; no entanto, existem diferenças entre as populações para as médias de factores de exercícios físicos, cuidado da alimentação, lidar com problemas e evitando o consumo de tabaco. Finalmente, este estudo também confirma a validade do modelo de cinco dimensões propostas em estudos anteriores. Pesquisas futuras devem replicar estes hallazgos em populações com diferentes fatores culturais e pessoais

    The vertical sites of EFE Agency: a different multimedia and business information perspective

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    La revolución digital en la que siguen inmersos los medios de comunicación y el impacto que la crisis económica ha generado en sus modelos de negocio les han empujado a buscar nuevos productos y dinámicas informativas para adaptarse a un entorno cada vez más condicionado por lo multimedia. Las agencias de noticias no han sido ajenas a este proceso y, en particular, la Agencia EFE, en su empeño de mantener su peso a escala mundial. En los últimos años, una de las apuestas de EFE en su transformación digital y en la búsqueda de nuevos ingresos ha sido la creación de webs temáticas como EFEverde, EFEsalud, EFEagro o EFEtur.The digital revolution in which the media finds itself immersed, along with the impact of the economic crisis on the media’s business model, has led media companies to search for new products and dynamic news bulletins in order to adapt themselves to an environment increasingly conditioned by the multimedia. News agencies have not been excluded from this process, particularly Agencia EFE, in its endeavor to maintain its position on a global scale. In the course of its digital transformation and the search of new income in the last few years, EFE has opted for the creation of thematic websites, also known as vertical sites. EFEverde (Environment), EFEsalud (Health), EFEagro (Agri-Food), EFEtur (Tourism) or EFEfuturo (Science and Technology).Depto. de Periodismo y Comunicación GlobalFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu