638 research outputs found

    Changes in the Striatal Network Connectivity in Parkinsonian and Dyskinetic Rodent Models

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    In Parkinson’s disease, there is a loss of dopaminergic innervation in the basal ganglia. The lack of dopamine produces substantial changes in neural plasticity and generates pathological activity patterns between basal ganglia nuclei. The treatment to relieve Parkinsonism is the administration of levodopa. However, the treatment produces dyskinesia. The question to answer is how the interactions between neurons change in the brain microcircuits under these pathological conditions. Calcium imaging is a way to record the activity of dozens of neurons simultaneously with single-cell resolution in brain slices from rodents. We studied these interactions in the striatum, since it is the nucleus of the basal ganglia that receives the major dopaminergic innervation. We used network analysis, where each active neuron is taken as a node and its coactivity with other neurons is taken as its functional connections. The network obtained represents the functional connectome of the striatal microcircuit, which can be characterized with a small set of parameters taken from graph theory. We then quantify the pathological changes at the functional histological scale and the differences between normal and pathological conditions

    António Luís y sus traducciones de textos no médicos

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    The physician António Luís (floruit 1540), apart from translating some Galenic texts, translated into Latin three works by the byzantine scholar Michael Psellos and some passages from the hellenistic authors Teles and Sotades. In this paper, we analyze how those translations were made.El médico António Luís (floruit 1540) además de traducir obras galénicas traduce al latín obras del erudito bizantio Miguel Pselo y algunos fragmentos de autores helenísticos como Teles y Sotades. En este trabajo analizamos los modos en que se llevan a cabo tales traducciones

    Influence of Variety and Storage Time of Fresh Garlic on the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Black Garlic

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    Black garlic is made from the fresh kind, submitting it to a controlled temperature (~65 C) and humidity (>85 C) for a prolonged period of time. The aim of this study was to assess the di erences in the process and in the final product as a result of employing three garlic varieties (Spanish Roja, Chinese Spring and California White), and to check the influence of the storage time on fresh garlic in the quality of the final product by using garlic obtained in two di erent agricultural seasons, that of the current year (2014) and of the previous one (2013). The results revealed some di erences in the parameters analysed during the manufacturing of the black garlic from the three varieties used, and even according to the harvest in question. However, when comparing initial and final values of the samples, a very similar evolution in their acidity, reducing sugars, Brix, pH, polyphenol content, and antioxidant capacity was note

    Trispyrazolylborate Ligands Supported on Vinyl Addition Polynorbornenes and Their Copper Derivatives as Recyclable Catalysts

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    Polynorbornenes prepared by vinyl addition poly- merization and bearing pendant alkenyl groups serve as skeletons to support trispyrazolylborate ligands (Tpx) built at those alkenyl sites. Reaction with CuI in acetonitrile led to VA-PNB–TpxCu(NCMe) (VA-PBN = vinyl addition polynorbor- nene) with a 0.8–1.4 mmol incorporation of Cu per gram of polymer. The presence of tetracoordinated copper(I) ions was been assessed by FTIR studies on the corresponding VA-PNB-TpxCu(CO) adducts, in agreement with those on discrete TpxCu(CO). The new materials were employed as heteroge- neous catalysts in several carbene- and nitrene-transfer reac- tions, showing a behavior similar to that of the homogene- ous counterparts but also being recycled several times main- taining a high degree of activity and selectivity. This is the first example of supported Tpx ligands onto polymeric sup- ports with catalytic applications.MINECO (CTQ2017-82893-C2-1-R, CTQ2016-80913-P and Red Intecat CTQ2016-81923-REDC)Junta de Castilla y León (VA051P17, VA062G18)European Union (CHAOS COST ACTION CA-15106)

    Substrate specificity of the pyrophosphohydrolase LpxH determines the asymmetry of Bordetella pertussis lipid A

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    Lipopolysaccharides are anchored to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria by a hydrophobic moiety known as lipid A, which potently activates the host innate immune response. Lipid A of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough, displays unusual structural asymmetry with respect to the length of the acyl chains at the 3 and 3′ positions, which are 3OH-C10 and 3OH-C14 chains, respectively. Both chains are attached by the acyltransferase LpxA, the first enzyme in the lipid A biosynthesis pathway, which, in B. pertussis, has limited chain length specificity. However, this only partially explains the strict asymmetry of lipid A. In attempts to modulate the endotoxicity of B. pertussis lipid A, here we expressed the gene encoding LpxA from Neisseria meningitidis, which specifically attaches 3OH-C12 chains, in B. pertussis. This expression was lethal, suggesting that one of the downstream enzymes in the lipid A biosynthesis pathway in B. pertussis cannot handle precursors with a 3OH-C12 chain. We considered that the UDP-diacylglucosamine pyrophosphohydrolase LpxH could be responsible for this defect as well as for the asymmetry of B. pertussis lipid A. Expression of meningococcal LpxH in B. pertussis indeed resulted in new symmetric lipid A species with 3OH-C10 or 3OH-C14 chains at both the 3 and 3′ positions, as revealed by MS analysis. Furthermore, co-expression of meningococcal lpxH and lpxA resulted in viable cells that incorporated 3OH-C12 chains in B. pertussis lipid A. We conclude that the asymmetry of B. pertussis lipid A is determined by the acyl chain length specificity of LpxH

    Midiendo la variabilidad en caracteres cualitativos

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    The study of variability in categorical characteristics is rarely discussed. From a less used viewpoint of variability in quantitative variables, as it is the one of dissimilarity, which is different from the dispersion that, for example, the variance provides, we propose the construction of two coefficients that measure the variability in qualitative or categorical variables, which we call coefficients of dissimilarity. Simple examples are provided to introduce the measures, so that the teacher can also evaluate the idea students have about variability, dispersion and dissimilarityEl estudio de la variabilidad en caracteres categóricos rara vez es abordado. A partir de un enfoque menos usado de la variabilidad en variables cuantitativas, el de la disparidad, distinto al de la dispersión que, por ejemplo, proporciona la varianza, se propone la construcción de dos coeficientes de medida de la variabilidad en variables cualitativas o categóricas a los que llamamos coeficientes de disparidad. La sencillez y proximidad de los mismos permiten que sean abordados en un curso introductorio de estadística descriptiva. Ejemplos sencillos son ofrecidos para introducir las medidas y para, también, que el profesor constate la idea que el alumno tiene sobre variabilidad, dispersión y disparidad

    Método de instalación del film plástico de cubierta para invernaderos

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    Número de publicación: ES2362831 A1 (13.07.2011) También publicado como: ES2362831 B2 (30.05.2012 Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200803151(10.10.2008)Método de instalación del film plástico de cubierta para invernaderos. La presente invención pretende aumentar la seguridad laboral en las labores de renovación del film plástico con su mecanización. El método contempla el empleo simultáneo de una plataforma y un equipo cambiador de plástico. La plataforma portará un rodillo devanador (1) donde se dispondrá la bobina de film plástico (2) y otro superior (3) que facilitará el devanado y desplegado del film. Como base de trabajo se empleará el equipo cambiador, que se adaptará perfectamente a la fisonomía de cubierta, de tal forma que se podrá emplear como base de apoyo para efectuar el conjunto de las labores que implica la renovación del film plástico, previas, de extendido y, posteriores, de tensado y fijación a la estructura metálica.Universidad de Almerí