2,202 research outputs found

    Inter-spikes-intervals exponential and gamma distributions study of neuron firing rate for SVITE motor control model on FPGA

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    This paper presents a statistical study on a neuro-inspired spike-based implementation of the Vector-Integration-To-End-Point motor controller (SVITE) and compares its deterministic neuron-model stream of spikes with a proposed modification that converts the model, and thus the controller, in a Poisson like spike stream distribution. A set of hardware pseudo-random numbers generators, based on a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), have been introduced in the neuron-model so that they reach a closer biological neuron behavior. To validate the new neuron-model behavior a comparison between the Inter-Spikes-Interval empirical data and the Exponential and Gamma distributions has been carried out using the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff test. An in-hardware validation of the controller has been performed in a Spartan6 FPGA to drive directly with spikes DC motors from robotics to study the behavior and viability of the modified controller with random components. The results show that the original deterministic spikes distribution of the controller blocks can be swapped with Poisson distributions using 30-bit LFSRs. The comparative between the usable controlling signals such as the trajectory and the speed profile using a deterministic and the new controller show a standard deviation of 11.53 spikes/s and 3.86 spikes/s respectively. These rates do not affect our system because, within Pulse Frequency Modulation, in order to drive the motors, time length can be fixed to spread the spikes. Tuning this value, the slow rates could be filtered by the motor. Therefore, this SVITE neuro-inspired controller can be integrated within complex neuromorphic architectures with Poisson-like neurons

    Performance Study of Software AER-Based Convolutions on a Parallel Supercomputer

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    This paper is based on the simulation of a convolution model for bioinspired neuromorphic systems using the Address-Event-Representation (AER) philosophy and implemented in the supercomputer CRS of the University of Cadiz (UCA). In this work we improve the runtime of the simulation, by dividing an image into smaller parts before AER convolution and running each operation in a node of the cluster. This research involves a test cases design in which the optimal parameters are set to run the AER convolution in parallel processors. These cases consist on running the convolution taking an image divided in different number of parts, applying to each part a Sobel filter for edge detection, and based on the AER-TOOL simulator. Execution times are compared for all cases and the optimal configuration of the system is discussed. In general, CRS obtain better performances when the image is divided than for the whole image.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Wetland restoration and nitrate reduction: the example of the periurban wetland of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country, North Spain)

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    Changes in land use and agricultural intensification caused wetlands on the quaternary aquifer of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country) to disappear some years ago and nitrate concentration in groundwaters increased very quickly. The Basque Government recently declared the East Sector of this aquifer a Vulnerable Zone according to the 91/676/CEE European Directive. Recently, the wetlands have been restored through the closure of the main drainage ditches, the consequent elevation of the water table and the abondonment of agricultural practices near the wetlands. This is the case of the Zurbano wetland. Restoration has allowed the recovery of its biogeochemical function, which has reduced nitrate concentrations in waters. Nitrate concentrations which exceed 50 mg l–1 in groundwaters entering into the wetland are less than 10 mg l–1 at the outlet. Conditions in the wetland are conducive to the loss of nitrates: organic matter rich wetted soils, clay presence allowing a local semiconfined flow and very low hydraulic gradient. Water quality monitoring at several points around the wetland showed the processes involved in nitrate loss, although some aspects still remain unresolved. However, during storm events, the wetland effectively reduces the nitrate concentration entering the Alegria River, the most important river on the quaternary aquifer

    Análise de proveniência das contas verdes dos Perdigões

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    A variscite é um mineral raro que oferece uma excelente opotunidade de estudo dos padrões de comércio e troca na Europa durante a Pré- História através da determinação da sua fonte de proveniência. No presente texto será discutida a proveniência das contas de colar verdes com base em análises de XRF e XRD, através das quais se criou uma identidade geoquímica passível de ser comparada com as das fontes de variscite conhecidasVariscite is a rare mineral that offers an excellent opportunity to study trade and exchange patterns in prehistoric Europe through proveniencing of source material. In this paper we discuss the provenance of Perdigões’ green beads by means of XRF and XRD analyses, thus creating a geochemical baseline that is compared with that of the known variscite source

    GAMES: A new Scenario for Software and Knowledge Reuse

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    Games are a well-known test bed for testing search algorithms and learning methods, and many authors have presented numerous reasons for the research in this area. Nevertheless, they have not received the attention they deserve as software projects. In this paper, we analyze the applicability of software and knowledge reuse in the games domain. In spite of the need to find a good evaluation function, search algorithms and interface design can be said to be the primary concerns. In addition, we will discuss the current state of the main statistical learning methods and how they can be addressed from a software engineering point of view. So, this paper proposes a reliable environment and adequate tools, necessary in order to achieve high levels of reuse in the games domain

    The influence of nitrate leaching through unsaturated soil on groundwater pollution in an agricultural area of the Basque country: a case study

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    The average nitrate concentration in the groundwater of the Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country) quaternary aquifer rose from 50 mg NO3−/l during 1986 to over 200 mg/l in 1995, which represents an increase of some 20 mg NO3−/l per year. From 1995 to 2002, the nitrate concentration of the groundwater slightly decreased. Nitrategroundwaterpollution during the period 1986–1993 was the result of the abusive use of fertilizers and of the modification in the recharge patterns of the aquifer from surface water sources. From 1993 onwards, apart from a possible rationalization in fertilizer use, the change in the origin of water for irrigation and wetland restoration (water is taken now from artificial pools outside the quaternary aquifer) must be explained in order to account for the observed decrease in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The water of the aquifer and of the unsaturated zone were studied in two experimental plots (one of them cultivated and the other uncultivated) for 18 months (January 1993–June 1994), during the period of maximum contamination, to evaluate the effect of fertilizers on soil water and on the water in the saturated zone. The soil water was sampled using soil lysimeters at various depths. The volumetric water content of the soil was measured at the same depths using time domain reflectrometry (TDR) probes. Samples of groundwater were taken from a network of wells on the aquifer scale, two located close to the two experimental plots. The temporal evolution of nitrate concentrations in soil solutions depends on the addition of fertilizers and on soilnitrateleaching by rain. During episodes of intense rain (>50 mm in a day), the groundwater deposits are recharged with water coming from the leaching of interstitial soil solutions, causing an increase in the groundwaternitrate concentrations. The mass of nitrate leached from the cultivated zone is five times higher than that of the nitrate leached from the uncultivated zone (1147 kg NO3−/ha in the cultivated sector as against 211 kg NO3−/ha in the uncultivated sector), although part of the nitrate leached into the soil had been previously deposited by the rise of the water table. If we consider that the level of groundwater input is similar in both plots, we may conclude that 964 kg NO3−/ha circulated towards the groundwater in the cultivated zone during the period under study, representing 87% of the nitrate applied to the soil in the form of fertilizer during that period

    NeuroPod: a real-time neuromorphic spiking CPG applied to robotics

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    Initially, robots were developed with the aim of making our life easier, carrying out repetitive or dangerous tasks for humans. Although they were able to perform these tasks, the latest generation of robots are being designed to take a step further, by performing more complex tasks that have been carried out by smart animals or humans up to date. To this end, inspiration needs to be taken from biological examples. For instance, insects are able to optimally solve complex environment navigation problems, and many researchers have started to mimic how these insects behave. Recent interest in neuromorphic engineering has motivated us to present a real-time, neuromorphic, spike-based Central Pattern Generator of application in neurorobotics, using an arthropod-like robot. A Spiking Neural Network was designed and implemented on SpiNNaker. The network models a complex, online-change capable Central Pattern Generator which generates three gaits for a hexapod robot locomotion. Recon gurable hardware was used to manage both the motors of the robot and the real-time communication interface with the Spiking Neural Networks. Real-time measurements con rm the simulation results, and locomotion tests show that NeuroPod can perform the gaits without any balance loss or added delay.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    El papel de la mujer periodista en el ámbito deportivo

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    La sociedad es consciente de la influencia que los medios de comunicación ejercen en el proceso de socialización de las personas, ya que ayudan a modelar el pensamiento de las personas, a encontrar modelos de significación. Siendo los medios de comunicación tan influentes en la sociedad, sería lógico que fueran ejemplares en que el trato entre mujeres y hombres no fuera de ningún modo discriminatorio. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación muy a menudo obvian a las mujeres y sus actividades, proyectando imágenes estereotipadas o que las victimizan. En general, no reflejan el amplio y diverso papel que desempeñan actualmente en nuestra sociedad. En la prensa, podemos apreciar como el número de periodistas mujeres es mucho menor al número de hombres que ejercen esta profesión, siendo esta diferencia patente en cualquiera de los eslabones de la cadena que componen este oficio. El número de mujeres dueñas de medios es mucho menor al de hombres, el número de redactoras mujeres es mucho menor al de hombres, el número de presentadoras de programas deportivos en televisión es mucho menor al de hombres; y el número de mujeres locutoras de radio en el ámbito deportivo, no solo es mucho menor al de hombres, sino que es prácticamente inexistente. Muchas son las diferencias cuantitativas entre ambos sexos, y muchas son también las diferencias cualitativas: las informaciones que mueven un mayor índice de audiencia serán redactadas en su mayoría por hombres, quedando las de menor “importancia” para la sociedad relegadas al ámbito de la mujer periodista. Por todo ello, son cada vez más los sectores significativos de la sociedad que demandan otro tipo de representaciones de las mujeres. Se trata de un camino que no comienza ahora, sino que ya tiene años de trayectoria, desde los primeros estudios de género llevados a cabo. La mujer debe hacer frente a multitud de barreras que impiden su desarrollo laboral igualitario al hombre, desde el sexismo en el lenguaje utilizado para hacer referencia a las informaciones para mujeres, como el llamado “techo de cristal” o el estereotipo común de la mujer como ama de casa que se debe a su familia y marido, sin poder compaginar esto con su actividad laboral

    BHFFA*: Un nuevo algoritmo admisible de búsqueda bidireccional

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    A pesar de que inicialmente hubo un gran interés en los algoritmos de búsqueda bidireccionales, muy pronto se pensó que garantizar la optimalidad de las soluciones encontradas de este modo era muy complicado, y por ello se desestimó esta línea de investigación. En este artículo se muestra, sin embargo, que es posible superar los principales inconvenientes de la búsqueda bidireccional y desarrollar un nuevo algoritmo admisible, con una heurística consistente, y en términos muy sencillos. Además, a diferencia de otras implementaciones bidireccionales, la que se muestra aquí puede resultar en reducciones del tiempo necesario y de la memoria consumida de hasta el 99%, y siempre superior a su implementación unidireccional. Para constatarlo, se han estudiado dos dominios radicalmente diferentes: el grafo del Metro de Madrid y el juego del N-‘Puzle’

    Two Compensation Strategies for Optimal Estimation in Sensor Networks with Random Matrices, Time-Correlated Noises, Deception Attacks and Packet Losses

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    Due to its great importance in several applied and theoretical fields, the signal estimation problem in multisensor systems has grown into a significant research area. Networked systems are known to suffer random flaws, which, if not appropriately addressed, can deteriorate the performance of the estimators substantially. Thus, the development of estimation algorithms accounting for these random phenomena has received a lot of research attention. In this paper, the centralized fusion linear estimation problem is discussed under the assumption that the sensor measurements are affected by random parameter matrices, perturbed by time-correlated additive noises, exposed to random deception attacks and subject to random packet dropouts during transmission. A covariance-based methodology and two compensation strategies based on measurement prediction are used to design recursive filtering and fixed-point smoothing algorithms. The measurement differencing method— typically used to deal with the measurement noise time-correlation—is unsuccessful for these kinds of systems with packet losses because some sensor measurements are randomly lost and, consequently, cannot be processed. Therefore, we adopt an alternative approach based on the direct estimation of the measurement noises and the innovation technique. The two proposed compensation scenarios are contrasted through a simulation example, in which the effect of the different uncertainties on the estimation accuracy is also evaluated.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Agencia Estatal de InvestigacionEuropean Commission PID2021-124486NB-I0