2,058 research outputs found

    Comparison of shoulder rotation range of motion in professional tennis players with and without history of shoulder pain

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    A glenohumeral internal rotation deficit of the dominant shoulder relative to the non-dominant shoulder (GIRD) is considered a risk factor for shoulder injury in overhead athletes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether professional tennis players with a history of self-reported shoulder pain show differences in rotation range of motion (ROM) of the dominant and non-dominant shoulder compared to asymptomatic controls. Forty-seven professional tennis players belonging to the Association of Tennis Professionals World Tour took part in the study: 19 with shoulder pain history and 28 without. Passive shoulder ROM was measured using a process of photography and software calculation of angles. The dominant shoulder had reduced internal rotation (IR) ROM and total rotation ROM, and increased external rotation (ER) ROM compared to the non-dominant side. These differences did not correlate significantly with years of tennis practice, years of professional play, nor the players' age. However, glenohumeral rotation ROMs correlated negatively with the duration of tennis practice and players' age. Although tennis players with shoulder pain history showed less IR ROM in both shoulders compared with the no-pain group, no significant differences between groups were found for ER ROM, side-to-side ROM asymmetries, years of tennis practice or years of professional play. In professional tennis players, limited IR ROM rather than a GIRD, seems to be associated with shoulder pain history, duration of tennis practice and the players' age, when compared to a similar cohort with no history of shoulder pain

    Approach to integrate product conceptual design information into a computer-aided design system

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    Commercial computer-aided design systems support the geometric definition of product, but they lack utilities to support initial design stages. Typical tasks such as customer need capture, functional requirement formalization, or design parameter definition are conducted in applications that, for instance, support ?quality function deployment? and ?failure modes and effects analysis? techniques. Such applications are noninteroperable with the computer-aided design systems, leading to discontinuous design information flows. This study addresses this issue and proposes a method to enhance the integration of design information generated in the early design stages into a commercial computer-aided design system. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach adopted, a prototype application was developed and two case studies were executed

    Videos con las manos: fáciles de crear, expresivos y útiles para los estudiantes

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    Los videos digitales tienen una presencia importante y creciente en los procesos de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la creación de videos es una actividad compleja que consume mucho tiempo a los profesores. Por tanto, es importante analizar qué coste tiene crear videos en distintos formatos y qué utilidad tiene cada uno de ellos para el estudiante. Con ese objetivo, el trabajo presentado analiza el coste de creación y la utilidad de lo que denominamos “Videos con las manos” y se compara con otros tipos de videos (grabación de escritorio y grabación con un bolígrafo de tipo LiveScribe®). Las pruebas se han realizado con alrededor de 100 videos de distintos tipos en distintas asignaturas durante 2016. La metodología utilizada para analizar la dificultad en la creación de los distintos tipos de videos y su utilidad para los estudiantes es mixta, cualitativa y cuantitativa. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en asignaturas de física de diversas ingenierías tanto en entornos presenciales como virtuales. Los resultados indican que los videos con las manos son fáciles de crear, son útiles para los estudiantes y consiguen transmitir información no verbal.Digital videos have an important and growing presence in the learning processes. However, the creation of videos is a complex activity that consumes a lot of time to teachers. Therefore, it is important to analyze the cost of creating videos in different formats and the usefulness of each video format to the students. The presented work analyzes the cost of creation and the usefulness of what we call “Videos with your hands” and compares them with other types of videos (desktop recording and recording with a LiveScribe® pen). The tests have been made with around 100 videos of different types in different subjects during 2016. Subsequently, qualitative and quantitative techniques have been used to analyze the efforts required in the creation of the different types of videos and the usefulness of each type for students. The analysis has been conducted on Physics subjects from different degrees, both in face-to-face and virtual environments. Results indicate that hand-held videos are easy to create, are useful and provide useful non-verbal information

    Content Delivery and Sharing in Federated Cloud Storage

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    Cloud-based storage is becoming a cost-effective solution for agencies, hospitals, government instances and scientific centers to deliver and share contents to/with a set of end-users. However, reliability, privacy and lack of control are the main problems that arise when contracting content delivery services with a single cloud storage provider. This paper presents the implementation of a storage system for content delivery and sharing in federated cloud storage networks. This system virtualizes the storage resources of a set of organizations as a single federated system, which is in charge of the content storage. The architecture includes a metadata management layer to keep the content delivery control in-house and a storage synchronization worker/monitor to keep the state of storage resources in the federation as well as to send contents near to the end-users. It also includes a redundancy layer based on a multi-threaded engine that enables the system to withstand failures in the federated network. We developed a prototype based on this scheme as a proof of concept. The experimental evaluation shows the benefits of building content delivery systems in federated cloud environments, in terms of performance, reliability and profitability of the storage space.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    Integrating Provenance Capture and UML with UML2PROV: Principles and Experience

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    This document contains supplementary material for the paper entitled ''Integrating Provenance Capture and UML with UML2PROV: Principles and Experience'', submitted for publication in TSE

    Sperm quality parameters of Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica): new conservation tools from a gamete perspective

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    [EN] The sensitive state of conservation of several endemic fish species such as Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica) has led governments to consider the implementation of conservation measures to preserve their populations. However, limited knowledge about the reproductive biology of these species makes it necessary to investigate different aspects of their reproductive cycle. In this sense, the main objectives of this work were i) to advance knowledge of the breeding biology of both species, and ii) to develop protocols for the conservation of gametes for the future management and conservation. During the spring of 2019 a temporal series of samplings were carried out in different places in the Comunitat Valenciana. Sperm samples were collected and sperm motion parameters were assessed for the first time in both species. Kinetic patterns were similar showing high motility and velocity values during the first 30 s, and a rapid decrease from that point. At the same time, an in-depth morphometric analysis was carried out using computer-assisted sperm analysis software. Spermatozoa from A. iberus and V. hispanica showed similar sizes and shapes to other external fertilizers belonging to Cyprinodontiformes, with small spherical heads, uniflagellated and without acrosomes. In addition, a new cryopreservation protocol was designed for cryobanking the sperm of these threatened species. Cryopreserved samples showed lower motility than fresh samples but reaching acceptable percentages of motile cells after thawing of around 20 and 25% (A. iberus and V. hispanica, respectively). This study is the first of its kind to successfully achieve gamete cryopreservation of these two endemic and endangered species from the Iberian Peninsula, providing new and useful tools to complement the management and conservation programs that are being developed for both species.This project has received funding from the Generalitat Valenciana (GV; Valencia, Spain) under the "Subvenciones para la realizacion de proyectos de I+D+I desarrollados por grupos de investigacion emergentes (GV/2019/130)". VG has a postdoc grant from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO; Madrid, Spain) under the project IJCI-2017-34200. We would like to thank all the technicians of the CCEDCV for their work and effort during the samplings, specially to J. Velazquez, J. Hernandez and A. Pradillo.Blanes-García, M.; Risueño, P.; Pérez Igualada, LM.; Asturiano, JF.; Gallego Albiach, V. (2021). Sperm quality parameters of Iberian toothcarp (Aphanius iberus) and Valencia toothcarp (Valencia hispanica): new conservation tools from a gamete perspective. Aquaculture. 530:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735819S1953

    Proposal of a "Checklist" for endodontic treatment

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    Objectives: On the basis of the 'Surgical Checklist' proposed by the WHO, we propose a new Checklist model adapted to the procedures of endodontic treatment. Study Design: The proposed document contains 21 items which are broken down into two groups: those which must be verified before beginning the treatment, and those which must be verified after completing it, but before the patient leaves the dentist's office. Results: The Checklist is an easy-to-use tool that requires little time but provides, order, logic and systematization by taking into account certain basic concepts to increase patient safety. Discussion: We believe that the result is a Checklist that is easy to complete and which ensure the fulfillment of the key points on patient safety in the field of endodontics

    Guidelines for Linked Data generation and publication: an example in building energy consumption

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    Linked Data is the key paradigm of the Semantic Web, a new generation of the World Wide Web that promises to bring meaning (semantics) to data. A large number of both public and private organizations have published their data following the Linked Data principles, or have done so with data from other organizations. To this extent, since the generation and publication of Linked Data are intensive engineering processes that require high attention in order to achieve high quality, and since experience has shown that existing general guidelines are not always sufficient to be applied to every domain, this paper presents a set of guidelines for generating and publishing Linked Data in the context of energy consumption in buildings (one aspect of Building Information Models). These guidelines offer a comprehensive description of the tasks to perform, including a list of steps, tools that help in achieving the task, various alternatives for performing the task, and best practices and recommendations. Furthermore, this paper presents a complete example on the generation and publication of Linked Data about energy consumption in buildings, following the presented guidelines, in which the energy consumption data of council sites (e.g., buildings and lights) belonging to the Leeds City Council jurisdiction have been generated and published as Linked Data

    Metodología participativa mediante foros de discusión: de la prensa al aula

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    El aprendizaje participativo es aquel en el que la persona que aprende juega un papel activo al intervenir propositivamente en la planeación, realización y evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje. En este aprendizaje, el alumno se convierte en un sujeto activo donde escucha activamente, opina, pregunta, sugiere, propone, decide, actúa, busca, expresa sus ideas y sus inquietudes. En este contexto el profesor actúa como dinamizador del proceso. Desde este punto se partida, se presenta esta experiencia donde, partiendo de situaciones y hechos de la vida cotidiana, se implica al alumno a involucrarse personalmente, pensar, sentir y actuar.Este trabajo expone la experiencia de un grupo de alumnos de la asignatura de Biomateriales del Grado Ingeniería de Materiales. El campo de los Biomateriales se encuentra en continua evolución y aparecen notas de prensa diariamente de los nuevos avances y logros obtenidos en ese campo. Aprovechando este contexto, se creó un foro donde los alumnos aportan semanalmente noticias encontradas en prensa relacionadas con el campo y, a su vez, pueden comentar las noticias de los compañeros. El profesor actúa como dinamizador comentando y abriendo debates con los alumnos a través del foro así como potenciando y fomentando su uso en las clases presenciales Finalmente, las noticias seleccionadas por parte de los alumnos se analizaron, se presentaron y debatieron con el resto de la clase.  Todo este proceso permitió desarrollar la competencia general de “razonamiento crítico” ya que, los alumnos mostraron un carácter crítico frente al lenguaje utilizado frente al científico. Por otro lado, gracias a los conocimientos y actitudes adquiridos en la asignatura (competencias específicas) los alumnos usaron un lenguaje más adecuado, valoraron los logros presentados en las noticias, expusieron limitaciones de los mismos así como propusieron posibilidades de mejora.Al final de la experiencia, los alumnos valoraron muy positiva esta actividad mediante una encuesta pasada, sobre todo el hecho de considerarse motivados y protagonistas del proceso de aprendizaje

    Raman microprobe characterization of electrodeposited S-rich CuIn(S,Se)2 for photovoltaic applications: Microstructural analysis

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    This article reports a detailed Raman scattering and microstructural characterization of S-rich CuIn(S,Se)2 absorbers produced by electrodeposition of nanocrystalline CuInSe2 precursors and subsequent reactive annealing under sulfurizing conditions. Surface and in-depth resolved Raman microprobe measurements have been correlated with the analysis of the layers by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and in-depth Auger electron spectroscopy. This has allowed corroboration of the high crystalline quality of the sulfurized layers. The sulfurizing conditions used also lead to the formation of a relatively thick MoS2 intermediate layer between the absorber and the Mo back contact. The analysis of the absorbers has also allowed identification of the presence of In-rich secondary phases, which are likely related to the coexistence in the electrodeposited precursors of ordered vacancy compound domains with the main chalcopyrite phase, in spite of the Cu-rich conditions used in the growth. This points out the higher complexity of the electrodeposition and sulfurization processes in relation to those based in vacuum deposition techniques